The Nima battle was so big, they thought it was the end of the world!

and many more!

Fang Da was blasted by fans, resulting in no news of the new work?

Damn, this is scarier than the end of the world~

Which bastard is so mad, he dares to blast Fang Da

Don't you know that our tens of millions of fans are waiting for Fang Da's new works

As spiritual food?

It's the end of the world, it's a big deal for everyone to die together, and when you close your eyes, you don't know anything

Got it

But these days without watching anime will be much more serious, getting off work or school, anxious roar

Roar ran home, just to see if there was a new anime release.

There is no news when I open company A, I don't want to eat tea

man lying in bed comforting himself

There will definitely be an official update tomorrow.

This kind of self-comforting mood can drive people crazy

The world is not scary, but they are afraid that there will be no anime to watch in the future!

More and more fans are leaving messages under Fangzheng's Weibo, and things are getting worse and worse

In the end, it was said that "Fang Da's rescue in a certain hospital was invalid".

The incident on Weibo naturally aroused the official idea of ​​A agency, and the official blogger also quickly posted

The news clarified the rumors and appeased some fans who were furious.

But the effect was very unsatisfactory, rumors flooded like a flood, and many people believed that

Bo Niang, the official of A agency, is hiding the real news

Helpless, Guan Bo Niang had no choice but to tell Fangzheng the matter and let Fangzheng come forward to solve it

In the face of Fang Zheng's speechless expression, Guan Bo Niang is also aggrieved.

Fans don't believe their words, what can she do, they are also desperate

At this moment, Guan Bo Niang gave in completely.

Fangzheng's オ is an official blog, and they are a marketing account, right?

After sending away the aggrieved Guan Bo Niang, Fang Zheng was speechless.

Aren't these fans too good at making up their minds? The other people of Shen Te Meow are in the ICU, and the rescue is ineffective

, How does he feel that these fans are more skinny than him?

With an unhappy mood, Fang Zheng logged into his Weibo and looked at the various

Fang Zheng's face was as black as ink.

The last time to warn you guys, be careful with your words, I don't

It doesn't matter who you are, what background you are, or how good you are, these things have nothing to do with me.

Guan, I don't care either, but you remember it for me, and read it carefully:

The weather is getting colder every day, everyone pay more attention to keep warm and don't catch a cold.


677 The latest news from Founder, those who are worried about their idols

Fans laughed out loud.

What does it mean to say the most cowardly words in the toughest tone?

This is

If it wasn't for the timely collection of the [-]-meter sword in their hands, I'm afraid today's fun would be lost.


Pfft, as soon as he opened his mouth, he knew that it was Fang Da, and no one else could say such a rude thing!"

That bastard said that Fang Da died, and I came out to give you a buff!

Fang Da, new work! New work!

When will a new work come out, our 24K titanium alloy eyes are already hungry!

In the office, Fang Zheng looked at the fans' messages and rolled his eyes speechlessly.

The front foot said I was dead, and the back foot asked me for news of a new work, why don't you go to heaven?

But who made me a fan idol, I'm so kind

Fangzheng breathed a sigh of relief, edited a Weibo again and sent it out.

Girl: what are you looking at?

Me: A girl with a soft voice.

Girl: Dead house, disgusting!

Girl: what are you looking at?

Me: K-ON!

[Girl: It's amazing!

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!




Chapter 39 "don'tsay "lazy"" (seeking support

"The girl with a soft voice? "KO-N"? Is there any big guy who came out to analyze it?"

Light tones, a form of popular music between classical music and popular music,

The source can be original, or it can be based on classical music, pop music or folk music.

Line adapted.

Upstairs, light music is generally played by a small band, with a simple structure and

The play is lively and the melody is beautiful. It reached its peak in the middle and late 20th century, and it did not gradually fade in the [-]th century.

It was replaced by New Era music, but it still has a certain influence today

So, Fang Da's new work is an anime about music?

Seeing Fangzheng's Weibo update, many fans were talking about it.

Guessing the type of Fang Zheng's latest works has almost become a compulsory course for them.

Because Fang Da in their mouths seems to take pleasure in 'deceiving' them and never tell them

What type of new work they own.

Always want to give them a big surprise, just like the previous super-burning battle "Cut"

Crimson" and the macho show "When Prison Meals Come to Me"

This anime is just a slap in the face

Think about it now, what they say

Fang Dada almost pressed their IQ to the ground

Or the kind of sparks

There is a saying that people fight for a breath, the tree grows a layer of skin, my generation fans have been on the Internet for more than ten years

Never been so humiliated

Climb out from wherever you fall. In order to regain the situation, every time Founder's new work

Before the product is released, netizens will actively analyze and guess a wave.

Many people are powerful, everyone brainstorms ideas, and can be bullied by Fangzheng alone.

The same is true for the release of "Light Tone Girl" this time. It's an old rule, and it depends on the name.

However, this "guessing game" seems to be a little less difficult, and the names of the new works include

Given the word 'light tone', many erudite tycoons still analyzed the light tone at the first time.


Naturally, fans also understood the type of Founder's new works.

Of course, there are quite a few of them who are incarnated as Brain Buffing Emperors, who think that Fangzheng can't do this.

What a kind heart.

After all, Fangzheng has a criminal record for coaxing them~

Let’s not mention the type of animation for the time being. Fans have never been interested in Fangzheng’s animation works.

is looking forward to

Whether it is the type they are familiar with or the type they are unfamiliar with, their

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