Fang Da has never let them down.

The same is true this time, many fans are looking forward to Fangzheng's new works, they want to see

Watching the combination of music and animation, what kind of sparks can be created.

In the next few days, in order to prove that he is the official Weibo of the official blog of A Society,

Several updates have been made one after another.

In addition, the latest "Light Voice Girl" PV was uploaded on the A company.

It is said to be PV, but it is actually the ending song at the beginning of the anime. The song is also moving.

The ending song of the first season of the manga "Dontsay"laz.々y""

After all, Fangzheng's own liver is about to explode, so there is still time to do special


Of course, the audience doesn't care, they only care about whether there are new works or not.

work is identity style

Now that the publicity PV has come out, the audience who have been holding back for a long time have chosen to see it.


tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick

The cheerful and rhythmic tune came, and the moment many fans heard the music

The legs began to shake involuntarily.

Please don't say "Youarelazy"

Because it's really crazy

swans are there

[Tilting calves and slapping water by the river without light

Passionate and cheerful music reverberates in my ears, and the crisp singing is matched with the exquisite style of painting.

captured the hearts of all viewers

Holy crap, I love this song! I'm in love with this anime!

Fang Da is awesome!"

"Ten minutes, I want the download address of this song!!

Download your sister~ I just checked, this song is original by Fang Da, music platform


Many viewers left messages in the comment area, some of them were upright, and some were looking for "Dontsay" laz

y"" the source of this song

In short, with the conclusion of "Girls and Panzers", the A editorial that has been calm for a while

The altar exploded again.

The posts are floating like snowflakes, and many users have not had time to read them.

Thousands of floors have been built.

Don't you think that Fang Da is too much? Before tempting us to be a change

Later tricked us into driving tanks, and now he is actually encouraging us to play music again??

233~ I'm inappropriate, the tank can't start, but this music can still be played

You don't even know the staff, you tell me you want to play music, you can tell the difference

What is guitar and bass?

Although I am deaf and lacking in academic skills, I have a heart dedicated to music

, get out of the way, grandpa is going to debut today!

"What did you sing when you debuted? A big bowl of wide noodles?

In the forum, many viewers who watched the promotional PV of "Light Sound Girl" were full of emotion.

There really isn't much good music these days.

Looking at the new songs on major music platforms today, what sing and dance RAP, what big bowl of wide noodles

, it's just hot

These can't even be called songs, it's more appropriate to call them noise.

I really don't understand why so many brainless fans like this kind of stuff, but let the good ones

Music is buried.

In this era when traffic is king, A company's song "Dontsay "lazy""

It's so refreshing, I can't wait for the single to loop all day long to relieve my suffering

Noise tormented nerves

However, when the audience rushed to the major music platforms to search for "Dontsay"

"1azy"", but suddenly found that I couldn't find it at all.

There is no such song】

The answers given by the search engines of major music platforms (Wang's) are all the same, which makes it difficult to

Few fans are yelling.

It's hard to come across a song that I like to listen to, but the Nima music platform has not yet

will get

At your level, open Nima's music platform, close down as soon as possible, go home and grow vegetables


A dignified music platform, but it doesn't have the convenience of an animation platform from Company A,

Just made me laugh out loud.

Garbage Cool Cat, I wasted a member of Lao Tzu!"

Those noises you're on the list, "Dontsay'lazy"

You don't even have a song source?"

Let’s close down sooner, and the membership fee will be used to buy you a coffin board!

Hurry up to find the source of songs! If you can't find Laozi, uninstall it!

PS: Thanks to "Xiaojun" and "Congan" for their monthly ticket support, thank you big guy!!!

Kneeling and begging the big guys for more support, please, 嘤夘~~




Chapter [-]: The Battle of the Music Platform (For Support)

Magic Capital, Cool Cat Music Company, Director's Office.

"Good song, really good song!"

The computer in front of Kang Jiaming is playing the promotional PV of Company A's "Light Sound Girl".

After listening to the music, I was also full of intoxication

As a music director, his level of music appreciation is absolutely top-notch, otherwise

I won't sit still in this position

For the comments of netizens in the cool cat forum, he immediately paid attention

He is also very helpless about this. Who would have thought that an animation company could create such a high level of content?

The level of the song is simply mind-boggling

Netizens sprayed him, saying that he made those noise songs on the list, and Kang Jiaming was also full of complaints

In today's era, traffic is king. Under the huge influence of the fan circle, those who

Noise songs are all about making real money for the company.

The company is used to make profits, those company bosses will not pay attention to this song is

Not a good song, is it pleasant to sound, they only care about their wallets

Faced with this situation, what can he do as a music director?

The identity of the music director sounds very high, but to put it bluntly, he is still a working man

Son, if you can't make a profit for the company, it will be a matter of minutes to replace him.

Thinking of this, Kang Jiaming sighed helplessly, watching the 717 playing on the computer in a loop.

The "Light Sound Girl" promotional PV, looking at the dense barrage above.

Kang Jiaming's eyes narrowed slightly.

Maybe it's time for this era of noise to end~"

For a long time, Kang Jiaming gritted his teeth and found the contact information of the other party under the official company A.

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