It has never exceeded 30%.

Now looking at the data of his own platform, the data has almost doubled, and Kang Jiaming is happy.


Jingle Bell

Just when Kang Jiaming was happy for his wise decision, the phone on the table


"Hey Mr. Wang. Mmmm. Okay.

Jia Mingfang (Qian Nuohao) got off the phone and lay down on the chair, his mouth even more unconscious.

Xiao Quer

The board of directors of the company just called him, changed its previous attitude,

Praise for the cooperation with ACG Culture Company, and even plan to let him move up.


Kang Jiaming is full of joy, he has been sitting in this position for seven or eight years

There is a chance for promotion, and now it's finally clearing the clouds and seeing the sun, and the future is bright.

Thinking about it, Kang Jiaming picked up the phone and dialed Fangzheng's side.

Thanks to Fangzheng, if it weren't for Fangzheng's songs, he wouldn't be high.

I came here to report the results to Fangzheng. After all, the cooperation between the two parties is a matter of profit.

He should have informed Fangzheng about it.

PS: Thanks to "ndry" for the monthly pass, thank you big guy

I beg the big guys for more support, please




Chapter [-] I'm just an anime guy (please support)

Shortly after "Light Tone Girls" aired, "Cagayake! Girls" and "Donts"

The popularity of the two songs "y"lazy" continued to ferment, and even attracted many professional singers and composers.

Composer's attention.

Famous composer Lei Guanyun: "Cagayake! Girls" song, lyrics

Youthful, compact and melodious, it is very in line with the current trend of light music.

What a great song!

The champion of the 'Golden Microphone' contest, famous Chinese singer Tan Xiaodong: I like Fang very much

Mr. Cagayake! Girls and Dontsay "lazy", Hope Mr. Fang

You can license the cover rights to me!!

[Kang Jiaming, director of Kumao Music Network platform: Fang Dong is really a genius, not only created

This new cultural form of animation, even the composition is so outstanding, it makes people sigh


【It is reported that the singer of "Cagayake! Girls" and "Dontsay"1azy""

Qin Miaomiao, once a rising star of Jiaxing Records, has superb singing skills and a clear voice.

Later, for some reason, he was kicked out of the company and joined the A company.

On the Internet, "Cagayake! Girls" and "Donts323ay "lazy'""

Both songs are praised, and even with the reputation of Founder, they have completely broken through the second dimension.

Cultural circle, like a dark horse, broke into the music world and won the attention of many people.

And as the songs "Cagayake! Girls" and "Dontsay "lazy"

The lead singer of the song, Qin Miaomiao, also entered the public's field of vision within a few days.

Even some of Qin Miaomiao's previous things were pulled out by the media.

It is rumored that the Jiaxing record company drove Qin Miaomiao away for some reason, as long as it was an adult

Know what's going on.

In this regard, the Internet has criticized Jiaxing Records, and some other entertainment

The company is stealthily digging up the corner of the founder

If it was someone else, Fang Zheng might be really worried, but Qin Miaomiao.

Forget it, worrying is completely useless

In company A, she can watch unreleased anime in advance, and get out-of-print anime

Hand-made colleagues.

For a senior otaku, which company is more attractive than company A?

Headquarters, meeting room

Zhang Siyu stood in the middle of the conference table, holding a document in his hand, facing the

said the crowd.

Fang Dong, so far, thirteen companies have called, hoping to contact Qin.

Miaomiao signed a contract and was willing to double the penalty.

In addition, many singers hope that Fang Dong can give them the authorization to sing, and the price is reasonable.

It is about [-] per song.

Also, Dong Fang...your "Cagayake! Girls" and "Dontsay"lazy

" was nominated for the Golden Bell Award for Instrumental Music Award nomination, the official hope that you will be on January [-]

You can go to Hangcheng for the awards ceremony.

Zhang Siyu summed up what happened in the last few days and reported them to Fang Zheng one by one.

Let Fangzheng have an understanding of the current situation.

After listening to Zhang Siyu's words, Fang Zheng rolled his eyes speechlessly.

he did anime alone, you told me the song i wrote for anime won the golden bell award


Isn't this a mess?

As the most influential music award in Xia Guo, the Golden Bell Award has always been the top

And the Instrumental Works Award, to put it bluntly, is an award specially set up for small musical instrument groups.

Similar to light music

This is why the opening OP and ending ED of "Light Tone Girl" can be nominated

the reason.

But knowing that he knew, Fang Zheng thought that he actually won the prize because of the songs he wrote in the anime.

Nominated for the Golden Bell Award, I have an inexplicable sense of humor in my heart

After thinking for a moment, Fang Zheng looked at Zhang Siyu and said, "Siyu, on the [-]st of January.

Go to the awards ceremony for me, I can't get out of here.

Since the Golden Bell Awards have been officially nominated, if he doesn't go, he will probably fall into disrespect.

Arrogant, arrogant or something.

In order to avoid these messy things, it is better to go to participate, even if not

If you can win an award, it's okay to go through the motions

(chag) And on the other hand, the Golden Bell Award nominations once again elevate the popularity of anime

The popularity is also equivalent to the promotion of "Light Voice Girl" by Chang Xiang, and there are still some opportunities to participate.


"Good Fang Dong!

Zhang Siyu nodded when he heard Fang Zheng's words, he knew that Fang Zheng had been busy recently.

It's dark and night, I don't have time to attend any awards ceremony

"That Fang Dong, authorized those singers


When Fang Zheng heard Zhang Siyu's words, he directly said his thoughts.

The cost of a cover song is not too much, and Fang Zheng does not expect to cover a song with a profit of [-] yuan.

Run to make a fortune.

Instead of charging the [-] cover fee, it is better to be generous and let them directly

Go cover for free.

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