This allows for the addition of Cagayake! Girls and Dontsay"lazy

"The popularity of these two songs is to promote "Light Tone Girl" in disguise;

Get the favor of those singers.

He is doing anime, and anime needs theme songs, opening and ending songs, etc.

Maybe he will need a singer to help him sing songs that day.

So leave a good impression on the other party in advance, which will be beneficial and harmless in the future.

The left and right are just the copyright of the cover of a few songs, and the loss will not go anywhere.

After dealing with these matters, Fang Zheng looked at Liu Ying and Qin Miaomiao on the side.

Seeing Fangzheng looking here, Liu Ying was a little nervous, but Qin Miaomiao was still the same

He was heartless, and even during the meeting, his big black eyes were dripping.

Aim everywhere.

There is no self-consciousness of being a new singer at all.

It is no exaggeration to say that Qin Miaomiao's worth is now flying with the spread of popularity on the Internet.

The speed went up, but looking at Qin Miaomiao's appearance at this time, Fang Zheng really couldn't bring her up with him.

A 'genius singer' widely rumored on the Internet is equated.

Fang. Fang Dong, don't worry, Miaomiao and I will never leave the company!

Unlike Qin Miaomiao, Liu Ying knew why Fang Zheng called him for this meeting.

In the past few days, many record companies have called her, hoping that she can bring

Qin Miaomiao defected to their company, but she rejected them all.

During their most difficult time, Fangzheng took them in, and now Qin Miaomiao is also in Fangzheng.

There has just been improvement under the positive push.

If they leave company A at this time, they are really eating inside and out.

I know thanks

Leaving Club A? Sister Liu, what are you talking about?" Hearing Liu Ying's words, Qin Miaomiao

The casual expression instantly became tense.

For her, company A has her favorite anime and her favorite figurines. She

You can also participate in the dubbing of the anime, which is enough.

Let her leave the A club, it is more difficult than ascending to the sky

Fang Zheng looked at Liu Ying and Qin Miaomiao, nodded with a smile, and said, "You can work in company A with peace of mind.

I won't treat you badly.

PS: Thanks for the monthly ticket support of "Love Love Song へ0", thank you big guy!!!

Is there a big boss who will give away another monthly pass, four hundred and four chapters monthly pass, and look at the heart and soul

Straight Yan, cowardly, please bosses!!!




Chapter [-] What about the good music (for support)

"ake! Girls" and "Dontsay "lazy"" were cited on the Internet

There was a huge popularity, and many fans downloaded the song and repeated the cycle.

In just one day, these two songs quickly topped the major charts of the cool cat music platform

First, the surge in hits

Overnight, 'Cagayake! Girls' and 'Dontsay "lazy"' were hot

The whole network, especially the circle of young people, these two songs almost exploded the community

Forums and communication software, etc.

With 'Cagay ake! Girls' and 'Dontsay "lazy"' instant hits

, "Light Voice Girl" has gradually entered the audience's field of vision~

Exquisite painting style, enthusiastic campus, cute character design, plus a good hearing makes the

OP and ED songs with pregnant ears, 'Light Tone Girl' attracts with its unique charm

A large number of cute-new audiences who love music

Mingming? Why is the gap so big for the same students?

Dawei and the others drink tea and chat every day after school, but I have to deal with the endless work after school.

homework, why!!!

People's school's light music department, judo department, calligraphy department. Various clubs, but our school is

There is only one canteen~~”

Come on, Sao years, your life will become colorful when you enter the university!

Looking at the "Light Tone Girl", Dai Wei, Qiushan, Tianjing Zhonglu and Kotobuki Tsumugi

People live very leisurely every day. The so-called community activities are eating cakes and drinking tea.

Netizens expressed their envy, and they yearn for this kind of comfortable life.

Especially some students who are still struggling in high school, because of their busy schoolwork, do not

It is said that I eat cakes and drink tea every day, and I have to wait for a rest day to watch anime.

There is no harm without contrast. If there is no "Light Tone Girl", these students may

They don't feel how tired they are, but since watching "Light Tone Girl", they feel that they are

just lou

Wake up earlier than chickens and sleep later than dogs

Room, these student party fans have turned into lemons

Lemon fruit on the lemon tree, you and me under the lemon tree, watching the daily life of the light tone, a

Not sour.

However, the situation in China is like this. Everyone has come here and has survived the most difficult high school.

At this stage, even if you enter university, you are completely liberated.

With the popularity of "Light Music Girl", some domestic colleges and universities have established light music clubs.

The 'light sound department' with the prefixes of the names of various colleges and universities has sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain.

Facing the light music department established by their alma mater, some students who like music and have a skill

They signed up one after another, which also made the light music department of major colleges and universities become the most popular in the school.

prestigious society.

Even "Cagayake! Girls" and "Dontsay"lazy were released in Fangzheng

"After the free cover rights of the two songs, the 'light music clubs' of major colleges and universities began to practice one after another.

these two songs.

The courses in colleges and universities are not very heavy, so these Xinxin students have time to pursue their own

own hobbies.

This has also led to "Cagayake! Girls" and "Dont" in major colleges and universities.

y "azy"" quickly became popular.

Walking in the school, by the lake, in the boulevard, on the playground, you can see 'XX light

The members of the Sound Department are practicing these two songs.

Looking at those young, lively and enthusiastic students, the school is also very supportive

Their activities have even given financial support.

After all, this is a good thing, and it is very difficult to promote the popularity of the school and recruit students.

big benefit.

Walking on the street, it is easy to meet some young people getting together and discussing 'light tone'

topic of.

And at the entrance, exit, open-air plaza of the subway

The band is also a singer

The most popular "Cagayake! Girls" and "Dontsay "lazy"" attract audiences

bursts of applause.

Streets and alleys, such a transformation gives people an illusion of crossing dimensions, as if they are sleeping

In a single sleep, he entered another world.

However, with the popularity of "Light Tone Girl", some people who are familiar with Fangzheng's 'Pishen' character

Fans quickly realized something was wrong

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