The crowd also heard it clearly.

In this regard, fans in the live broadcast room have praised the conscience of company A.




Chapter [-] The hot magic capital (for support)

Orange is going around the station, I have to say, people who come to see the animation festival of company A today

The number is simply too many.

Not long after she arrived at the waiting area, a large black crowd gathered behind her.

And watch the staff holding a loudspeaker and keep telling them to walk forward.

Son, it is estimated that there are not a few people who are coming

Looking at the crowd of people in front of him, Qiaozi stuck out his tongue.

Old irons, why don't I go there by myself, there are too many people

Although Orange also thanked the conscience of company A, there were too many people on the scene.

Looking at the past, there is no head at all.

Moreover, she was really anxious in the bottom of her heart.

Because just now the live broadcast platform's supervisor in charge of her gave her news, because she was in the live broadcast room

With the increase in the number of people, she can be regarded as a rise in the army, and now she has been killed on the homepage of the live broadcast platform

Super tube let her interact with the audience more, strive to keep the audience, and follow-up push

The recommendation also depends on the increase of fans this time.

That's why Orange is so anxious, she can't let her fans follow her

Like, wait here slowly

After all, everyone came to see her livestreaming the Anime Festival, not her livestreaming crowd.

A dark back of the head.

As he said he did, Qiaozi squeezed out of the waiting area all the way, and walked towards the outside of the station by himself.

And along the way, it seems that there are not a few people who think the same as her.

Hello, may I ask if you are a guest at the Anime Festival of Company A?

Huh?" When approaching the exit of the station, Orange was stopped by the staff on the side.

Looking at the smiling face of the other party, she was stunned for a moment before saying: ""Yes, I'm here to participate in the anime

festival. "

"It's like this, I'm a staff member of company A, in order to let my fans arrive safely

Dazhuyuan A headquarters, we have set up a special waiting area there, where can you go?

Wait for the bus, there will be a special car to take you to the animation festival

Hearing the staff's words, Qiaozi gave a wry smile, she just came here.

Thanks for the reminder, I just came from there, but there are too many people, so

I'm going to take a taxi by myself."

Qiaozi knew that the staff in front of her thought she had just arrived.

I don't know, so I reminded her.

Tangerine smiled gratefully at the staff and expressed his gratitude

"That's right." Hearing Orange's words, the staff also smiled awkwardly.

They are always at the station gate, reminding fans of tourists

At this time, I was a little embarrassed when I heard Orange's sentence, "There are too many people inside"

We have been discussing with the transportation company to see if we can allocate some vehicles,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you~”

Orange was a little embarrassed to hear what the staff said. In her opinion, the staff

The staff was a little too polite.

It's okay, it's okay, I'll go there by myself, and I've been to the magic capital a few times.

Then the staff asked her some precautions out of good intentions.

After walking out of the station, Orange looked at the camera and said with a sigh of relief: "This staff

You're welcome, I'm a little uncomfortable.

Qiaozi complained a little, then walked slowly along the street, trying to find a taxi.

But she obviously underestimated the number of tourists visiting the festival today, she's gone half way

It's been hours and still no taxi.

Orange, why don't we go back to the waiting area, you can't do it like this.

Is this still an animation festival? It's almost the same as the Spring Festival travel~

It is predicted that the taxi drivers in Modu will be able to wait for the Chinese New Year after completing their shifts in the past few days.

That's for sure, Fang Da made the animation festival, and the taxi driver must make a lot of money

Qiaozi was also a little worried. She thought that after she came here, she would soon be able to

Arrived at the headquarters of company A, but obviously she was too naive.

And most importantly, she hasn't booked a hotel yet, so she won't be sleeping rough this evening

street bar

Qiao Ziqiang cheered up and decided to walk forward. If he still can't find a taxi,

She would honestly wait for the special bus at the station.

Suddenly, Orange saw a taxi parked at the intersection ahead, and there were two other

Young man is talking to the driver

Seeing this, Orange's eyes lit up, and immediately ran towards it.

"Excuse me

Zhu Yuan, A company animation festival, if you go, get on the bus, if you don't go, just wait~!"

Before Tang Zi could finish her sentence, the uncle of the driver in the driver's seat interrupted her with a smile.

It seems that this is not the first time this has happened.

Hearing this, Qiao Zi's eyes lit up and he nodded quickly.

When he got on the bus, Hashiko realized that there was more than one passenger on the bus.

Are you also going to the Anime Festival?"

Because the bridge is a girl's green, he sat in the co-pilot, and the back seat was crowded with three


Yes, Miss, are you too?

Qiaozi finally understands why the taxi driver asks such a question, the purpose of feeling everyone

Didu A's headquarters

"Let me tell you, I brought some specialties to Fang Da when I set out before, but

They were detained while going through security.

Hey, I took it too, but I didn't pass the security check~

I rely on, you two 513 will not be black fans!

Qiaozi sat in the co-pilot, listened to the conversation of the three boys behind, and tried to hold himself back.

Don't laugh out loud.

Fans most want to give Fang Da's special products, and they can think of what they are with their feet.

It's weird that that kind of thing gets through security.

And listening to the conversation of the other party, it seems that it is not a single person who holds this idea.

Hahaha, these old irons made me laugh to death~

If you let Fang Dada know that he has such fans, I don't know if he will be pissed off.

Stupid, if you can't get past the security check, can't you deliver it to Modu in advance?

They are all werewolves. This time, Fang Da is afraid that there is no real danger to their lives.

There is only so much space in the taxi. For the conversation of the three boys behind, the live broadcast room

The water friends naturally heard it clearly.

Listening to them coming to the animation festival and wanting to give Fang Dabao special products, many water friends said,

As expected of a fan of Fang Da, this ideological awareness is simply too high.

But what makes the water friends speechless is that the IQ of these buddies does not seem to be very high.

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