If you can't pass it, send it by courier.

If it doesn't work, you can buy it now when you go to the magic capital.

Money or not are small issues, the most important thing is to let someone know what their fans are

how deep is love




Chapter [-] Is this the Anime Festival? (For support)

Juzi felt the headquarter of Zhuyuan A Club all the way. As soon as he got off the car, he saw the huge

The square, and the huge statue in the center of the square.

Wow, what are you looking at?!

A drop of water several meters high suddenly sprayed around the huge statue in the distance, and it was reflected in the sunlight.

Under the colorful, really beautiful.

Under the reflection of the fountain, the statue is like a fairy in the sky in the dust, and the clothes are fluttering.

, Jade flute falling plum.

The beauty of the moment, people can't help but indulge in it, unable to extricate themselves.

Guigui, what a great handwriting from Company A~

Something is wrong, I have never seen this statue!

"This is not the role of any of the works of the A club, is it in Fang Da's new work?


Qiaozi, don't be stunned, hurry up and take a look

Under the urging of the water friends, Tangzi didn't have time to look at the various activities around him.

He ran straight towards the statue in the center of the square.

Passing through the crowd, Orange came to the bottom of the statue and looked at the huge statue ten meters high

The whole person was shocked.

Looking at it from a distance, you will only feel that the statue is matched with the fountain that spouts from time to time, and the scenery is amazing.


But when you walk in, you will find that the statue is more soft and beautiful, and the antique beauty list

The eyes are mysterious, and the ribbons tied around the waist seem to be fluttering in the wind, giving people a dreamlike feeling.

Fantastic feeling.

So beautiful, is this the beauty of our Xia Kingdom?

Orange na na muttered to himself, the shock in his heart could not be dissipated for a long time.

The shoulders are cut into pieces, the waist is as plain, the eyebrows are as emerald feathers, the muscles are as white as snow, and she is dressed in a plain brocade palace robe.

Clothed in aqua blue gauze, the breeze blows, the gauze flutters, and the whole person exudes a faint aura

Gray hair, green eyes, and plain fingers gently shove a jade flute of emerald green body, and gestures like

With the general graceful and graceful willow.

Where is this woman in the world, she is clearly a mysterious woman above the nine heavens.

beautiful, so beautiful

I have searched through all the knowledge of compulsory education, I can't find any adjectives to describe

Up to my mood at this time..

"You can only look at it from a distance and not play with it. It turns out that there really is such a woman in the world. The ancients sincerely did not

It can be deceived~”

I regret that I didn't work hard at school, and now I can't think of any modifiers except 'beautiful',

I can't help but shed tears of remorse~"

In the live broadcast room, a rocket soared into the sky, and the excited and uncontrollable water friends could only

Express your excitement in this way.

Looking at the requests of the water friends, the oranges circled around the fountain around the statue, but

Nothing was found to prove the woman's identity

And the oranges were also keenly discovered, the fountains around the statues can not only embellish the statues, but also

In addition to being elegant, it also prevents tourists from getting too close to the statue

come on

After all, some recent scenic spots

The handwriting of this tour is helpless, I'm afraid A

The design of the company also has this intention

Couldn't find the identity of the statue, Qiaozi obviously didn't want to give up, looked around for a while, very

A staff member of Company A in work clothes was soon found.

"Hello, are you a staff member of company A?

I am, have you encountered any difficulties?

Tangzi looked at the warm smile of the staff, and felt angry and warm in his heart.

Excuse me, what is the identity of this statue, and is it a character in Fang Da's works?

However, when the staff heard this, they smiled bitterly and their tone was a little helpless.

"You are the [-]rd person who asked me this question today.

"Sorry, I don't know the identity of this statue either, I know this is our Director Fang.

Personally ordered to build and a very important member of our company.

Hearing the staff's answer, Orange stuck out his tongue, and then sighed a little depressed.

"That's it

"But I heard that her identity will be revealed at the concert this afternoon, if you have

If you are lucky enough to attend the concert, you will surely get the answer you want.


Orange looked at the workman with some surprise, and was very excited.

There are so many people in the square, she is the lucky one, she has a concert in her hands


Saying goodbye to the staff, Orange also asked his fans not to worry too much, since A

It is said that the identity will be announced at the concert, so it will not be fake

It's just a matter of waiting a few hours.

Qiaozi has a cheerful personality, and quickly got rid of what he had just done, looking at the square

Those experience stores, without saying a word, walked past with their own live broadcast equipment.

Wow~~! This is just heaven!

Walking into the nearest store, Qiaozi looked at the dazzling array of displays in the display cabinet.

He did it by hand, covering his mouth tightly, for fear that he would cry out.

The ribbon on Yume Hoshino's hair actually flashes her throat, just like in the anime,

Is this powered on?

Hinata, my favorite Hinata!

This is... Esdes! I almost didn't recognize it in my swimsuit.

There are also many chariot figures in "Girls and the Panzer"

Obviously, Qiaozi has fully immersed himself in viewing, and did not go to an exhibition cabinet.

Qing will stare at the figure inside through the glass window, unable to look away for a long time.

And the water friends in her live broadcast room were uncomfortable.

Orange, can you hold your camera!

Stop shaking! Stop shaking! Dizzy!

It's over, the orange has completely forgotten to start the live broadcast again

Although the oranges made me dizzy, but I heard Esdes, still wearing

Estes in swimsuit!!

Because the orange was so excited that it was difficult to extricate itself, the water friends in the live broadcast room suffered one after another.

Many people said that they were very uncomfortable with the live broadcast screen that rotated back and forth.

Finally, after appreciating it in Qiaozi for a long time, I realized that I was still running the live broadcast.

The live broadcast screen stabilized again, and Orange's slightly flushed face appeared in the

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