in front of everyone

That.. I'm sorry, I'm so excited to see so many figures, please forgive me

The big (King's Zhao) family forgive me!

Talking about Tangerine to ease his excitement, he turned the camera and aimed at himself just now.

The dazzling array of hand-made models that I have seen.

"I just forgot that I was streaming because of these

camera on that

The exhibition cabinet, the figures inside are vivid, for the house

Clan is full of endless temptation.

I rely on!!!

"Jealousy Makes Me Invincible"

Going to work in Nima, I will buy the train ticket to the magic capital

Tangerine Tangerine, help me purchase the figure of the Qiushan blue and white bowl, I can go offline

Transfer money to you! No!

Looking at the dazzling figure, this time it was the turn of the water friends in the live broadcast room to be dumbfounded.

There are so many figures, and they are still limited editions that cannot be purchased on the official website of Company A

At this moment, countless water friends left tears of remorse.


Why didn't I go to the Anime Festival!




Chapter [-] A Different Restaurant (For Support)

Regarding the fans' request for her to purchase on behalf of her, Ju Zi thought about it and refused.

She is alone, with limited time and energy, it is impossible to help so many water friends to buy on behalf of her

Figures they like.

In this regard, Tangerine can only express that he is powerless.

After coming out of the hand-made store, Orange has successively opened many theme stores, and there are special stores selling A

There are record experience stores for animation songs under the company, and there are also large stores for purchasing Doujin’s peripherals.

As she walked by, Orange was overwhelmed, and she even regretted that she didn't

Bring a helper here.

Because of Lu Gu, which is still to be broadcast live, many of her favorite things can't be taken away, which makes

She is a little distressed

Before I knew it, the time was approaching noon, and the oranges also went around the square and found


I thought it was an ordinary restaurant, but when I walked in, I found something special.

Qiaozi watched the waiter in a maid's uniform shuttle back and forth, the whole person was a little sluggish, his eyes

Qing was even more open-minded, she wondered if she had crossed over.

Welcome home, ma'am~"

Just when Orange was in a daze, a maid approached her

Seeing the other party 433 put her hands together on her belly, give her a very standard bow

Female. Maid!!!

I go, it's real maid throat

Jealousy overwhelms me again!

Has the brother who bought the ticket to go to the magic capital left? If not, let’s stay with you

Husband also go!

Looking at the real maid in front of me, the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded without any introduction from Orange

The eyes of the old gentlemen glowed, everyone knew what they were thinking, after all, they were all L

you.. hello

Qiaozi's brain is a little stunned, she is no stranger to maid costumes, after all, it's just not finished.

In "Light Tone Girl", a few people in Dai Wei appeared in maid uniforms.

So oranges don't feel very unfamiliar.

However, standing in front of her at this time is a lively maid, which makes the bridge

The child can't react.

what is this?

Maid restaurant?

The other party just called her miss

Can the maid uniform still be used like this?

A series of greetings popped up in Orange's mind, and in a daze, she was asked by her just now.

The maid who greeted her was caught in the seat inside.

Miss, what are you going to have for lunch?"

Facing the maid's bright smiling face, Tangzi felt stunned and turned over the table unconsciously.

The menu looked up.

Miss, are you live? Do you need me to help you temporarily?

Hearing the other party's words, Orange also felt that he was holding the device in one hand and flipping through the dishes in the other.

Shan was a little uncomfortable, and nodded immediately.


Where, it is my honor to serve you!

Listening to the words of the maid girl next to her, Orange only felt comfortable.

Listen, it is an honor to serve me, at this moment, Qiaozi feels as if he really

She became the daughter of a daughter, and lived a life of worry-free clothing and food.

Qiaozi lowered his head to look at the menu, and the maid next to him carefully pointed the camera at him.

The menu in the orange hand, so that the water friends in the live broadcast room can see clearly.

Today, the same type of black tea in Darjeeling, this restaurant will not be opened by Fangda, right?

so skinny~"

Hahaha, I saw the pineapple bread and cloth that Meow Nei used to seduce Sakura

There are also the same cakes in the light sound department

"emmm~ Jealousy and let .. go to Nima again! I'm not jealous anymore, I'll do it

Book a ticket to the magic capital

Zi didn't know the situation of the water friends in the live broadcast room. At this time, she was staring at the menu.

As a loyal fan of Fang Dada, she has seen almost all (chca) anime works of company A

Now, looking at the pastries shown in the pictures on the menu, she is sure that these are the same as the ones in the anime

exactly the same

I don't know how it tastes yet, but it's really not bad.

And the most satisfying thing for Tangerine is that the food prices in the restaurant are very close to the people, not at all.

There's a feeling of being overpriced.

In this regard, Orange silently praised the A company.

From the moment she walked into this doujin restaurant, whether it was the maid girl serving as the waiter,

It is also the overall layout of the restaurant. It can be seen that company A has put a lot of thought into it.

If it is outside, the price of a restaurant of this size is definitely not affordable for ordinary people

After all, what people emphasize is style.

But here, Orange can proudly say that even a student party can


In the end, Tangzi ordered a set meal from the Qingyin Department, which is the black tea that Daiwei drinks every day.

and some pastries.

After taking the order, the maid returned the live broadcast device to her and walked backstage.

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