Build the project.

In general, except for the Spring Festival and holidays, this will never happen.

However, the scene where one ticket is hard to get is actually staged, which surprised many people.

Surprised he couldn't close his mouth.

Fang Zheng rubbed his temples with a headache when he heard Zhang Siyu's words.

He is both happy and worried about the enthusiasm of these fans.

There are so many people who like anime festivals and even travel thousands of miles to attend anime festivals, it's enough

Showing their success, their efforts were not in vain.

But while he was happy, he was also very worried

It is roughly estimated that more than [-] people visited the Zhuyuan area today. If it is true

If something went wrong, Fangzheng couldn't guarantee that there would be a life-threatening problem.

Once such a scandal really occurs, not to mention that the reputation of the Anime Festival has plummeted, even

Even their A club will suffer from Shulian.

"You get the tech department right away and get them ready to sell concert tickets again

Two, two on sale, until the end of the Anime Festival!

Fangzheng looked at Zhang Siyu with a serious look. In his plan, the animation festival will last for three days.

Originally, according to the original plan, the concert was only on the first night.

The next two days are some other projects.

For example, invite the audience to participate in some of the games they made, and announce what they will take over.

coming plans and works and the like.

But looking at the situation now, if two more concerts are not held, I am afraid that the audience will

Will not buy it!

OK, I'll make arrangements now!

After instructing Zhang Siyu, Fang Zheng picked up the coat on the hanger and walked straight towards the concert.

rush in the direction

It's not that he's narcissistic, if anyone else can appease these emotional audiences at this time

If so, then he is none other than him.

He's going to the concert, announcing something, and letting the fans get emotional


On the other hand, the atmosphere in the concert was still warm, and many audience members had some voices.

It was hoarse, but they didn't seem to feel it, and they still shouted wildly.

As if this is the only way to express their inner excitement

What do you think of our singing?

After the song was sung, Qin Miaomiao stood in the center of the stage, and the most beautiful voice came from the microphone beside her ear.

New message

Yang Li asked her to temporarily stabilize the audience at the scene and cool down the hot atmosphere.

Let the atmosphere calm down for a while.

Although I don't know what went wrong, since Yang Li said so, she did it


Qin Miaomiao I love you

One more song!

Hearing Qin Miaomiao's words, the audience under the stage shouted wildly.

The hearty detonation atmosphere made many people feel a little unfulfilled.

Hee, although I really want to sing another song for you, it's a pity that today

I'm not the protagonist of the station, so I'm sorry~"

After speaking, Qin Miaomiao, who was instructed by Yang Li, waved 4.8 hands at the audience, and then slowly

slow exit

Don't go away, this song will leave the stage?

What do you mean? If you sing so well, do you need to change people?"

Isn't the protagonist Qin Miaomiao?

What kind of rude operation is this in company A, I don't understand it a bit

Seeing Qin Miaomiao's exit, many viewers began to complain, and they experienced it.

Just as he was about to get excited with his fiery enthusiasm, Qin Miaomiao actually exited the stage.

This makes a lot of people a little puzzled, and this singing can't be just one song, right?

According to the conscience of company A, there should be no need for such abusive methods to deceive them.

Audiences who are familiar with the style of company A, although they have complaints in their hearts, they are still calm

Come down and wait for the concert to continue

They believed that Club A would definitely give them an explanation and would not let them down.




Chapter [-] is a hot man! (For support)

With the departure of Qin Miaomiao and other seiyuu lineup, Yang Li, who acts as the host of today's concert

walk slowly to the stage

good evening, dear viewers

Yang Li used to be the host of the Magic Capital TV station, and hosting the concert this time can be regarded as

Back to old business.

Are you dissatisfied with the departure of Qin Miaomiao and others?

Hearing Yang Li's words, the audience present shouted neatly.

Qin Miaomiao's singing has just started, they haven't heard it yet, you tell me to quit

This also caused some resentment in the tone of many viewers.

"Actually, I'm also indignant about Qin Miaomiao and the others' exit!" Yang Li heard the audience watching

The crowd answered, nodded with deep sympathy, and then said.

They sang so well, why did they leave the stage~”

Yang Li's words made the audience nod one after another, saying that their hearts were gone.

But everyone knows that including me and Qin Miaomiao are all working for that man

Yes, they are the boss, if they say they want to leave the stage, they will leave the stage. For my own job, I will

They can only give in

Hearing Yang Li's words, the audience was dumbfounded.

Everyone knew who the man Yang Li was referring to was.

If it is a hot man, then this is not surprising at all, after all, a hot man is

Notoriously skinny, always get some moths to line up with them.

The matter of leaving the concert halfway through, according to the man's character, really did it

Come, come, I know how can such a grand event as the Anime Festival lack a hot man

Skin Supreme God???

Fang Da, we will endure you when you are not, but you will be at the concert today.

All come to the skin, isn't this a bit too much!

Brothers, the headquarters of company A is just east of the concert venue, do you think we are

The audience below listened to Yang Li's words and talked a lot, but their emotions settled down by then.

Everyone jokes, jokes, jokes, although they really like Fang Dada very much

Skin, very cheap, but aside from the character 'deficiency' in this regard, it is very difficult for their fans to

really speechless

This is also the main reason for the fans to settle down.

Since it was Fang Da who asked Qin Miaomiao and others to leave the stage, it means that Fang Da must have his own way.

Due to their own arrangement, these fans calmed down out of Fang Zheng's trust.

Ahem, as soon as I came, I heard you guys complimenting me on how handsome I am!"

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