Human arrives, sound comes first.

Hearing this familiar voice, the audience at the scene was stunned, and then a pair of eyes danced.

Aiming everywhere on the stage.

You don't need to look at your face, it's just the tone of the skin and the level of narcissism, in addition to

Who else could the big Fang they speak of come from?

I'm not saying, as your idol, I have always taught you to be humble

Be respectful, did you see that I said I was handsome?

It's not all you brag when you meet people all day long, saying that my idols have sword eyes and star eyes

Heroic and valiant. Now everyone knows the fact that I am a handsome guy.

Hearing Fang Zheng's shameless remarks, the audience at the scene turned their backs on the man walking slowly onto the stage.

The figure compares his middle finger, and the boos permeated the entire venue in an instant.

"Okay, everyone is not an outsider, just applaud casually, don't be so polite!

Fang Zheng stood on the stage with a 'leather-like' smile, watching the audience's emotions gradually fade away.

Gradually calmed down, and my heart was also relieved.

At the same time, the microphone on the ear also heard Zhang Siyu's voice, telling him

The situation off the field has also eased with his debut.

The situation on and off the field has settled down, but Fang Zheng knows that this is only temporary.

The audience at this time seemed calm, but it was all because he was on stage.

If this problem cannot be solved satisfactorily, there will be problems sooner or later.

Be quiet everyone, I'm here to say hello to my lovely fans

There are still a few things to announce~"

Listening to Fang Zheng's words, the audience both inside and outside the arena consciously closed their eyes.

He opened his mouth, and the scene became quiet, please.

Such a drastic change before and after has surprised many people. For Fang Zheng's personal

Charisma, they can only be described as terrifying.

A word to quiet the scene, how much weight does this need?

First of all, on behalf of company A, I would like to apologize to everyone. I thought that the Zhuyuan area had not yet opened.

so there won't be too many fans who will come to the anime festival

Fang Zheng stood on the stage with a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth.

He really underestimated the enthusiasm of his fans. At first he thought that this animation festival

It would be nice to have [-] people, and most of them came for concerts.

But the reality is a wake-up call for him, his expectations are wrong, and the wrong is outrageous.

It was my dereliction of duty for the inattentive preparation, I apologize to everyone, and of course thank you

The family spares no effort to support the A company, thank you all!

Fang Zheng's voice fell, and there were warm applause both inside and outside the arena.

The situation mentioned by Fangzheng, these fans do know, from this animation festival

It can be seen from the time arrangement that the preparation of company A is not very sufficient.

It's more like catching a duck on the shelves and temporarily decided to hold an animation festival 667.

This is indeed the case. After Fang Zheng proposed the concert plan, オ decided to

The animation festival is held, so many details are not fully prepared.

Everyone can come from all over the country, it shows that everyone really likes the activities we hold.

Manjie, I really like this concert, since there are too many fans visiting, so I decided to

Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, we will continue to hold two additional concerts


As for Fang Zheng's words, it exploded in an instant outside the venue. Looking at the big screen, Fang Zheng was so handsome.

The face, many fans can't wait to stick it up and kiss it.

This is simply amazing!

Watching the lucky people inside enjoy the madness of the concert, how can they not eat

Well now, Fang Da decided to hold two extra games for them, which made people ecstatic.

In view of the venue restrictions, I hope that fans who have participated in the concert before will not

Go join in the fun and leave the opportunity to those new friends who haven't had time to experience the concert

For detailed information, you can log in to the official website of A company to view at the end of the concert.

Fang Zheng's remarks not only calmed the audience, but also brought those maintenance

The uniformed uncle of the police is also secretly relieved

Looking at the emotionally stable crowd, these uncles in uniform are relieved, and finally don't need to

Worried about something going wrong




Chapter [-] k-on!!! (for support)

Fang Da, you haven't explained why you let Qin Miaomiao and the others leave the stage?"

When is right, and the "Light Voice Girl" you posted earlier said, "How is the temporary end?"

what's the matter?

Fang Da thought clearly and answered, we are not far from you now!!

After listening to Fang Zheng's words, some audience members in the front row shouted at Fang Zheng.

The threat inside and outside the words is self-evident.

You used to be far away from us, and there was nothing we could do about you, but today is different.

Before wanting a skin, it's best to think about the consequences

Feeling the enthusiasm of these fans, Fang Zheng stood on the stage, the corners of his mouth twitching.

Not to mention, looking at the large black head under the stage, he suddenly felt that he was

Isn't Tian's rash appearance a bit ill-considered?

If these fans really love him, then he estimates that he has to book in advance

Bought an ICU package.

Ahem, don't worry, I will give you an explanation for today's problem!

People have to bow their heads under the eaves, when the animation festival is over, when you all go back

Some are time skins, not less than these two days.

About Qin Miaomiao and a few people leaving the stage.emm~ Everyone remember that I said I would give everyone

a surprise?


The audience under the stage shouted, Fangzheng said that he would give it to them at the concert.

big surprise

At first they thought it was Qin Miaomiao and several others performing on stage, but now it seems

That doesn't seem to be the case.

Could it be that Fang Da is holding back some big tricks?

How many audience members remember the name of today's concert

When Fang Zheng's words fell, many fans were stunned.

The name of the concert?

Isn't it a light concert, what's so special about it?

Relying on the concert of "Light Tone Girl", these audiences have long known that they do not

understand what Fangzheng means

Well, it looks like your IQ

Fans are always very sensitive when facing Fangzheng.

Fans' eyes have changed.

The moment before, he was as lazy as a cat, but the moment he heard Fang Zheng's words, his eyes changed.

sharp as a falcon

What do you want to express, Mr. Fang?"

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