"What? Have an opinion on our IQ?

Looking at the big fist of the old man's sandbag, I will give you another chance to reorganize the language!

Fang Zheng was halfway through speaking, and he quickly shut up when he saw the unkind eyes of the fans in the audience.

, Embarrassed coughing twice.

He swears that this is a professional habit, an instinct, and it has nothing to do with him!

Ahem, since everyone doesn't understand, then I won't sell it.

After speaking, Fangzheng walked towards the edge of the stage while revealing to the audience.

A mysterious smile.

Open your eyes, the next moment is to witness the miracle!

As soon as Fang Zheng finished speaking, all the lights at the scene suddenly went out, and the surroundings became extremely dark in an instant.

Incomparable, you can't see five fingers.

" Chattingnow is always rowdy, Neverending Girl' Stalk

Don't wait until the school bell rings!

Late arrival and early departure are inevitable Non!Non!Non!

Do your best in Study Afterschool!

The warm melody reverberated in their ears, and they heard the lyrics a thousand times and sang them again.

The few fans were stunned for a moment, their eyes widened, as if they were going to look through the darkness to see the standing dancers.

who is on stage

Of course, the lights above the stage began to diffuse, little by little, piece by piece, like sparks

It was like a prairie fire, and finally the whole stage became bright.

The audience who saw the stage once again grew their mouths and their eyes were full of disbelief

, the expression is even more astonished.

Time seemed to freeze, and the audience just stared at the scene on the stage in a daze.

Familiar stage, familiar sound and shadow, this is not the soft sound part in "Light Tone Girl"

The academy auditorium where you sing on stage?

Also, those figures

The one with short brown hair, facing the microphone and constantly playing the guitar in his hand, is DAI Wei

The black long straight that plays the bass is Chen

There is also the keyboard player Zhuang Zangju over there, the same guitarist A Zimiao, and the knocking frame afterward.

Zigu's law team?

My heart is beating, my brain is full

Hopes, desires and troubles, wrapped in gift belts

Bring a lot of Nete, hope Newtypeversion

Looking at the stage, where Wei Wei was singing to his heart's content, the audience were dumbfounded.

What's going on here?

Did they pass through or were they hallucinating?

Why is there such an incredible scene

Why do the characters in the anime appear on the real stage, and they are passionate

Play various instruments!

Blue upper body uniform, gray short skirt, can't go wrong, this is their school

The school uniform!

How is this possible?

Although they like to stay with only a few people very much, they like the soft sound very much, but they also know

That's all false

Dai Wei is in a different dimensional world with them, and it is impossible to have any intersection at all.

But the phenomenon in front of them has left the audience in self-doubt.

Is it really impossible for them to intersect?

Is the soft voice they yearn for really fake?

If it's all fake, what's the explanation for what they're seeing now?

Dian Wei sang loudly in front of his eyes, as did Zhen, Zhuang Chuang, Azimiao and Lu Team

Dedicated to the concert.

Is this all true?

Twist your thigh hard, it hurts

It's real, it's not a dream

The recovered audience clenched their mouths tightly, not letting themselves scream.

Death (King Nuo's) silence!

Looking at the familiar figure on the stage, they could feel that their speed was gradually accelerating.


Suddenly, the quiet scene was completely detonated by the ecstatic audience, as if six

The weather in the month was average, the sun was shining one moment before, and the next moment was gusty wind and rain.

Although they don't know what's going on, they don't know what's going on

But being able to see with their own eyes the light voice they yearn for and love, it really appears in their own

On the stage in front of him, everyone was bombed.




The audience got excited and boiled, everyone got up from their chairs, their bodies followed

The rhythm of the few people swayed, and the light sticks in their hands were wave after wave.

The originally dark concert scene instantly turned into a sea of ​​light




Chapter [-] A shocking concert (for support)

Jumping Now!

Always have fun with Neverending Girl' slife!

Playing every day, never ending!

Occasionally get up early and go to bed earlyNon!Non!Non

Listening to the soft voice of Duo Wei in my ear, watching the real soft voice on the stage

, At this moment, the audience threw themselves into it.

I forgot who I was, I didn't know where I was, and I didn't know what I was going to do.

They only know that there is an instinct in their hearts that drives them, waving their arms, letting go

Shouting loudly.


Listening to the singing of their familiar light voice department, looking at the figure that only exists on the screen

The audience shouted frantically and used all their strength to support the few people who stayed.

At this time, everyone knew what the big surprise in Fangzheng's mouth was.

Sure enough, for them, there is nothing more surprising and exciting than this concert.


Many viewers even looked at the figure they had longed for and dreamed about countless times.

Unconsciously left tears of excitement.

Once upon a time, they fantasized countless times that they would one day be able to play with their favorite soft tones.

Department has contact.

But reason tells them it's impossible, whether it's the light sound department or just a few people, this

These are all characters created by Fang Da, in other words, the light music they yearn for is all

Fake, virtual, non-existent, just the product of fantasy.

The two sides are not in the same 030-dimensional world at all. If you want to contact each other, it is absolutely impossible.


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