Fang Zheng looked at the audience under the stage and was full of pride.

Luo Tianyi, as a virtual singer, is also the future image ambassador and spokesperson of A Club.

On Luo Tianyi, Fang Zheng had invested a lot of resources.

The virtual imaging technology gave Luo Tianyi a movable body, and the preliminary artificial

Intelligence allows Luo Tianyi to handle some simple conversations and questions.

When Fangzheng bought artificial intelligence from the system, he thought it was the same

Just like in fantasy movies.

A little carelessness would threaten the survival of human beings, so he was also nervous for a long time.

But later, after systematic explanation, I realized that Luo Tianyi was only equipped with primary artificial

Intelligent, can only deal with some daily dialogue and communication problems, and will

The change in the scene and the corresponding mood swings.

In fact, it makes it clear that Luo Tianyi's artificial intelligence is essentially a program, but not

It is a bit more advanced than the current program.

It is still far from the stage where artificial intelligence can evolve itself.

After figuring out the difference, Fang Zheng was also a false alarm.

To be honest, a virtual imaging technology has already made him feel difficult, if it is in the

Pulling out an artificial intelligence, he estimates that he is really going to be placed under house arrest

Fortunately, Luo Tianyi has not yet reached the stage of artificial intelligence, and the handling of things is also



Hearing Fangzheng's words, Luo Tianyi turned his head with a deep surprise in his eyes

Luo Tianyi's appearance like this once again made the audience take a deep breath, and they all felt


However, there were also attentive viewers who discovered Luo Tianyi's violation.

That is to stand with Fangzheng, under the light of the light, Fangzheng has a shadow, and she

Don't Have

This also made many viewers relieved, no shadow means Luo Tianyi is virtual,

not real

All this is just the use of some kind of black technology.

Although Luo Tianyi is very beautiful and everyone likes her very much, but if Luo Tianyi really leaves

In the real world, many people still find it difficult to accept

The education that everyone has received since childhood is materialism.

When we explain something by the law, the first thing everyone feels is definitely not a surprise, but a fear!

Facing the unknown, the first feeling of human beings has always been fear.

It is precisely because of the existence of fear that human beings will continue to explore and keep trying

secret, to get rid of the fear in my heart.

clap! clap

Fang Zheng looked at the expressions of the audience under the stage and clapped his palm lightly.

Immediately, the audience saw Luo Tianyi standing on the stage waving to them, and then walking away.

The body slowly turned into little stars and disappeared.

"I believe everyone can see that Luo Tianyi is the same as Da Wei and others before.


Fang Zheng stood in the center of the stage, and he could clearly feel the complexity in the hearts of the audience.


"Whether it's the singing of the light music department before, or the Luo Tianyi just now.

The reason why they can appear on this stage is because of a technology called virtual imaging

So you don't have to panic, it's still within the range that science can explain!"

Fang Zheng's words made the audience heave a long sigh of relief.

The instinctive sense of fear hidden in the depths of the body disappeared.

If they learn to explain, it means that their three views are enough.

This also made most of the fans calm down.

The reason why Tianyi is different from the few people in the Qingyin Department is because Tianyi is in the

For a very advanced program, simple daily communication is not a problem

When the program runs, a program instruction is set in advance, and then the carrier of the program follows the instruction.

order action.

This is also a familiar mode of operation.

After hearing Fangzheng's explanation, the audience also reacted.

However, the shock in my heart did not decrease much, it was just transferred from Luo Tianyi

It came to Fangzheng and Company A.

"I always thought that Company A was an animation company, but I never thought that it was still a high-tech company.


Virtual imaging technology, the name is so tall when you hear it!

Are you so sure this thing isn't artificial intelligence?

Why do you tangle so much, Fang Da Niu will be done!

Fang Zheng had a strong smile on his face, listening to the discussions of many audience members in the audience.

Although Tianyi's debut may have brought so much to the hearts of these fans

Fear, but Fang Zheng believes that these are harmless.

As the image ambassador and virtual spokesperson of company A, Luo Tianyi's main role is to make

Everyone remembers her and promotes the popularity of Company A

As long as this goal is achieved, it is enough




Chapter [-] The popularity swept across the country (seeking support)

The animation festival created by Company A in Zhuyuan, the magic capital, is an unprecedented success.

The popularity of animation festivals and concerts on the Internet also increased instantly, becoming a temporary

One of the hot topics that everyone is paying attention to.

With the passage of time, the three-day animation festival has officially ended.

A very popular animation festival, which brought an unparalleled experience to fans who like the second dimension.

A stunning visual feast.

Fans who participated in this animation festival in person gave high praise and expressed that they are looking forward to it.

Waiting for the next anime festival.

With the end of the animation festival, the major media have conducted a

extensive report

Among them, Modu Daily is the most.

After all, the company headquarters of A is located in the magic city, and the location of the animation festival is also in the magic city.

In a few days, according to the official statistics of Magic City, the cumulative number of tourists from all over the country has been nearly

million people.

In this regard, the major hotels and catering industries in Magic City, and even the transportation industry and other related services

The business department is all smiles

Everyone earns a lot of money, and the favorability of the A company is skyrocketing!

Of course, the uniformed uncle and related departments who have experienced the horror atmosphere of the Anime Festival

But it is hard to say.

For company A, they have mixed feelings, but they are happy that they participated in the animation festival.

work, performance has become particularly prominent

The worry is that the fans at the Anime Festival are too scary, even if it is 710 now, many uniforms

When my uncle talked about what happened that day, he was still terrified.

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