However, for this animation festival, the Magic Capital Daily is determined to support Club A,

Support Fangzheng.

A report titled "Magic City Animation Festival, A Club Opens the Trend of Anime Culture"

Reposted in various forums

A few days ago, ACG Animation Culture Company, an excellent enterprise in our city, built a

The animation festival has achieved unprecedented success, and the official statistics have accumulated nearly one million visitors.

It is a rare and large-scale cultural feast, for which the magic capital officially gave

Full praise!

According to official reports, company A's virtual imaging technology, intelligent program technology, etc.

It has cooperated with relevant departments to contribute to the scientific and technological work of my country by Company A.

The government has given praise and material support

It is reported that the relevant departments of the magic capital have approved the relevant filing of 'big カ to promote the animation industry'

, the new cultural form of animation will embark on the fast lane of rapid development.

This article is full of reports, covering all the departments involved in this animation festival.

Go in

The success of the animation festival also made the general public feel the unique charm of animation culture

And the huge potential of the two-dimensional cultural circle.

In time, company A was retreated to the cusp of the storm, and the scenery was the same.

As the first demonstration of virtual imaging technology, "Light Music Concert" has also been widely discussed.

On the theory, especially the virtual characters that only exist in the second dimension, such as Dai Wei and Qiu Shan, are even more serious.

hot topic of discussion

It's like a dream when the light sound department collectively walks out of the big screen~"

Thank you Fang Da for everything you did for us, it was really amazing!"

Mingming~ The hard-pressed student party who watched the live broadcast said I was so sour

Nima, the animation festival is over, and Fang Da didn't tell us about "Light Tone Girl"?

what does it mean temporarily

For that shocking light-tone concert, it has been one of the hot topics these days.

The two-dimensional characters came to the three-dimensional reality to play songs, and the audience saw it for the first time

Such a unique concert

Sure enough, Company A is as chic as it is, never taking the usual route, even holding concerts

so amazing.

In addition to the unvoiced concert that left a deep impression on people, the latest avatar of company A

Spokesperson—Luo Tianyi also aroused widespread attention from the society

In particular, Luo Tianyi is more impactful than those who simply sang Dawei!

You know, after Luo Tianyi debuted at the Anime Festival that day and sang a song "Power to the World"

, and greeted the audience in person

That frown and smile seemed to be like a normal girl, and from her and Fang Zheng's relationship

From the dialogue, the intelligent program carried by Luo Tianyi is obviously very advanced.

She can clearly handle (chfa) some day-to-day communication problems.

In addition to lamenting the black technology of company A, people are brainwashing Luo Tianyi's magical song

I also like the "Power of the World" very much.

After the A company opened the free cover copyright, the major music platforms once again felt

To the horror of two-dimensional music

No matter what the cover version of the song "Power in the World" is, just include this word

Eyes, that heat is not ordinary high.

Looking at the major music platforms, the music songs under the A company directly top the major charts

It is completely a crushing posture, disdainful of the heroes.

In this regard, the major music platforms looked at the Kumao Music Network, which has been laughing and blooming, and it was called a

Jealousy envy hate ah

According to the gossip, those responsible persons who participated in the cooperation with the A company at the beginning, except for the cool

Cat's Kang Jiaming, the others seem to have been fired

Moreover, as the songs under the A company are all free and open to cover copyrights, this move

Won the favor of people in the music circle.

A few days ago, many companies and well-known singers have released Weibo updates, saying that Luo Tianyike

Feel free to sing their songs.

It is also a free cover, and there will be no charge.

Seeing these Weibo dynamics, netizens expressed that the company A is bullish.

Even with these companies and individual singers who have invested in company A with goodwill, their popularity has soared.

Word of mouth rose very quickly.

In short, in the past few days of anime Yudong, the wind direction on the Internet is obvious

want to be hot

Go to company A

The topics related to the A company are all hot topics, no matter what kind of parents are short, there are many

people to pay attention.

For those who have good intentions in the music world, no matter if they are popular singers, they are suitable for three

The fourth-tier little singers, A company sent a message to give thanks.

Although these songs may not be used by company A, the goodwill of others is always

can refuse

Coupled with Luo Tianyi's identity as a virtual singer, it can be considered well-prepared~

In addition to the popularity on the Internet, some real economy enterprises have also seen the second dimension

The terrifying prospect of the economy has sent people to the headquarters of the Magic City A company to actively develop with the A company.


This is the party that refuses to come

And this anime festival also gave him a wake-up call.

Although this animation festival is very popular, in Fangzheng's view, various activities are somewhat

It is single, there is almost no other activities except for concerts and fans around.


Therefore, Fangzheng is eager for some companies to participate, so that the activities of the animation festival can be more colorful.


Only in this way, the animation festival is worthy of the title of the prosperous world of two-dimensional culture

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!!




Chapter [-] Fans are urging updates (for support)

After the animation festival, Fangzheng was busy with various meetings every day.

Doubt life.

Mr. Fang, there is the company's regular financial report meeting at [-]:[-] in the morning, and there is corporate cooperation at [-]:[-].

The meeting requires you to sign the contract in person, and there is also a personal interview with you at eleven o'clock,

in the afternoon

On the commercial car, Fang Zheng wore a pair of dark circles under his eyes, watching him keep reporting today to him.

The secretary of the trip, with a wry smile

Since the end of the Anime Festival, his side has become more and more busy, and Zhang Siyu's side often

He couldn't get in touch with others, so he strongly urged him to recruit a personal assistant.

After many selections, Fangzheng finally chose this guy who had just graduated from college.

The beauty-girl-a Chen Xianting.

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