Hahaha~ Brother upstairs, what have you experienced? Why are you so experienced?

Sure enough, everything in the anime is a lie!

During this time, fans watched "Swaying Camping", and they were all fascinated by the various natural meanings in it.

attracted by the environment

And many fans also tried it out in person, just looking at their appearance, this

The first Luju experience seems to be very subtle.

Thinking of my hard work and high expectations, I thought I could follow the camping area.

Sesame Rin usually enjoys camping alone

But when you walk into the campsite, you realize it's already full of people~(chfb)

If that's the case, they won't complain, after all, most of the domestic situation

It's all like that, I'm used to it

Moreover, there are still many gentlemen among them, and everyone knows the thoughts of gentlemen.


However, the next scene left the gentlemen dumbfounded.

man! man

Looking around, it's all men

What about the girl who is camping alone?

What about the beautiful girl who got lost and fell asleep on the toilet bench?

What about beautiful luck?

Don't Have

None of them

Fang Da, you big liar!!

I went with high expectations and came back disappointed

I think Fang Da was fooling us from the beginning!

Alas~ After all, it was Fang Da who was superior, we lost, completely lost!

Fang Zheng's mouth twitched at the complaints of these fans on the Internet.

Seeing that many fans said he was a liar, he sneered disdainfully.

There is a gap between anime and reality, real girls have body odor, and girls in anime have

It was obviously his own LSP who had a heart attack, but he turned around and blamed him.

Such a good thing!

There is a saying that art comes from life above life.

He has always felt that animation is an art. Since it is art, it originates from reality.

But beyond reality.

It's like "Swaying Camping", who dares to say that there are no girls in camping

Can you guarantee that there is no girl who likes camping?

He's just exaggerating a little. In "Swaying Camping", all the beautiful girls are depicted

Camping, isn't this a source of life but higher than life?

There is also the one who is worried about his own spending, and Fang Zheng does not bear the blame.

He doesn't remember that he has taught this kind of strange knowledge, obviously it's your own

It's nothing to do with someone on my side

Looking at these remarks on the Internet, Fang Zheng's mouth slightly raised.

I don't know why, but seeing his fans deflated, he felt more comfortable in his heart.

Saying that, Fangzheng pulled the laptop aside, logged into his Weibo, and edited a post.


At this time, when will the skin not wait longer?

Click to send!

[I solemnly declare: "Swaying Camping" is only for popularizing camping knowledge, some

Fans who have the idea of ​​'gentleman' please face the wall consciously, and finally I want to give it to fans who want to camp

a piece of advice!

【Unless you have a girlfriend, you must be a blue boy who is camping with you!!!

Watching his edits, Fang Zheng sat contentedly on the chair and stretched out comfortably.

A lazy waist.

Really, I simply hold the attitude of teaching and educating people, and go to popular science for fans

With the knowledge of camping in the wild, why do some people always think about it?

Isn't camping fun enough for you to let yourselves go?

Why do you have to look forward to encountering a beautiful misunderstanding?

This year's fans are too unhealthy, they can avoid the heavy and light when they watch an anime.

Totally misunderstood his original intention.

The future is worrying

When Fangzheng's news was sent out, countless fans received the push

The scarred heart that had been deceived directly shattered to the ground and exploded directly on the spot

, the spiral ascended to heaven!

Nima, you are a real dog!

God's special hard-core popular science camping knowledge, do you dare to be a little shameless!

Routines! Full of routines!

Fang Da, is it not good for us to be more sincere between us?"

Fangzheng thief, hurry up and fencing with this old man!

Ning has forgotten the fear of being dominated by the blade before?

Below Fangzheng's dynamic, the fans with explosive mentality have a very bad tone, and they curse Fangzheng one by one.

It's not human!

In this big winter, they went camping with great anticipation, spending money and time

Is it easy?

As a result, in the end, not only did the girl not meet, but instead, she made herself fall into a situation of insecurity in the evening.


This is the case, Fang Zheng, the instigator, has learned to throw the blame.

The brain has been plucked cleanly, and it is so outrageous to say that this is a science

A drama that popularizes the knowledge of wild camping.

Do you have any idea about popular science anime?

PS: I beg everyone for your support~~ Flowers, comments, and comments are all fine, don’t do it

There's no movement, you make Pujie panic.

I beg for your support, please!!




Chapter [-] Tour Concert (For Support)

After being busy for more than half a month, Zhang Siyu ran through almost every major province and city in the country.

After successfully finishing his task, he returned to the company.

Fang Dong, everything about the concert tour has been handled properly, the rest is you

There is a problem with the equipment here.

Tianyi, as the avatar ambassador of company A, has always been very popular, whether it is

That ancient-style beautiful girl with immortal air is still the virtual imaging technology that can be called black technology.

These are the focus of discussion.

And at the beginning of the animation festival, Tianyi's song "The Power of the World" can be said to be shocking.

At the beginning, many people speculated that Tianyi had his own voice actor, but until A

After the agency announced the detailed information, everyone knew that Tianyi's voice was actually electronically synthesized.


This discovery is really unbelievable, and many people are very emotional about it.

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