Company A is not only an excellent animation company, but also a company with its own high-tech

powerful company.

After the animation festival, the audience thought that society A would make a big fuss with the help of this popularity.

However, Company A did not immediately launch Tianyi's series of works as everyone thought

Instead, the second season of "Light Tone Girl" and two works of "Swaying-Lu" were released one after another.

Once again set off a music frenzy, and even led to the development of winter tourism

And Tianyi seemed to have been forgotten, and Company A did not take the opportunity to launch any activities.

This made many people more curious about Tianyi's mysterious identity, and as time passed

Not only did everyone not forget the virtual singer who only sang a song, but more

Added curiosity.

Tianyi is like a comet in a moment, quickly passing through the hearts of all [-]D fans

The brilliance of that moment fascinated everyone.

Equipment is not the problem. "Fang Zheng frowned when he heard Zhang Siyu's words and asked:

In which cities are this tour held?

Since it is a tour concert, it must be held on a large scale nationwide.

Starting from the magic capital, according to the established route, perform all over the country, and finally return to the

Magic City.

This is also part of Founder's plan.

With the help of Tianyi's virtual identity, he made it popular in one fell swoop, and let the whole country know the shape of the A company.

Elephant Ambassador is a virtual singer, unique!

There are all major provinces and cities, and some popular cities will have two or three concerts!

Zhang Siyu remembered that he had been running around for half a month, and couldn't help feeling a little bit

Since it was going to hold a concert, the bigger the venue, the better. At first, she was related to

The contact between the departments is not very harmonious, mainly because the other party is not sure whether Tianyi has any

has so much appeal

You know, if a huge venue is prepared for Tianyi, there will be very few fans.

Not much, it is not only the face of company A that loses, but the relevant departments in various places will also have great damage.

Even some popular singers have to go through detailed consideration for their concerts, not to mention

It is said that Tianyi is a virtual idol that was launched for the first time.

However, with the report of CCTV News, this matter is naturally resolved smoothly, or else

She won't return to the magic capital so soon.

After listening to Zhang Siyu's words, Fang Zheng nodded.

For example, in big cities like Magic Capital and Kyoto, one concert obviously cannot satisfy all


Therefore, Zhang Siyu's arrangement is very reasonable, and Fang Zheng has no doubts.

Fang Dong, I also contacted some popular singers and they expressed their willingness to share the stage with Tianyi

sing, and also allowed Tianyi to cover their songs for free.

Zhang Siyu also told Fang Zheng about another arrangement of his own, arranging for the real world

The red singer and Tianyi are on the same stage, which is undoubtedly a very good gimmick.

Sure enough, Fang Zheng's eyes lit up when he heard Zhang Siyu's words.

He also had such a plan before, but he forgot it because he was too busy.


I didn't expect Zhang Siyu to think so in detail, and even thought about this kind of thing.

And thanks to the fact that he had previously opened the cover copyright of his animation music for free, this made no

People in the music circle have quite a favorable impression of Club A.

In return, many people in the music world have opened up free cover rights to Tianyi.

This can be said to be a tacit cooperation between the two parties.

Now that everything is arranged, let's start the promotion, the tour will strive to be in the Chinese New Year

ended before

Fang Zheng thought about it for a while, and immediately ordered to Zhang Siyu.

Although people always complain that the taste of Chinese New Year is getting weaker and weaker, but the Spring Festival is still summer

The most important festival in the heart of the people.

On this day, migrant workers scattered all over the country will return to their hometowns to eat a fragrant meal.

For dumplings, most industries will also take an annual leave.

Although Fangzheng is very confident in Tianyi, he has not blindly believed that Tianyi

Can replace the position of the Spring Festival in people's hearts

ask for flowers

Therefore, it is definitely the best arrangement for the tour to end before the Spring Festival.

OK, I'll make arrangements now!

After reporting his work to Fang Zheng, Zhang Siyu left the office.

It didn't take long for the news of Tianyi's concert tour to be announced on the official blog of A agency.

[Fans are coming for a surprise holiday, His Royal Highness Tianyi, the virtual image ambassador of Company A, will hold an event

National tour concert, will also sing on the same stage with popular singers, like His Royal Highness Tianyi

don't miss it~

If you want, please pay attention to the official website of Company A

Is His Highness Tianyi going to hold a concert? Will he come to Tianfu?"

Kyoto! Kyoto!

Ahem, hang Cheng's silently raise his paw!

The magic capital should be the first stop, right?

Seeing the news of the official blog, many fans left messages one after another.

With the publicity of fans, A company will hold a concert tour for Tianyi.

It was widely spread, and a dynamic of the official blog also quickly reached the top.

In this regard, Guan Bo Niang is really excited. Since the establishment of company A, this is their first time

Enjoy the treatment of official blog.

Finally, they have to get rid of the fate of the marketing account

Isn't this a marketing number?

The marketing account goes away, we only need Fang Da's official blog

Yes, let Fang Dada come out to prove it, otherwise you are a fake official blog!

233~ Is it really good for you to hate people's 'marketing account' like this?

However, without waiting for Guan Bo Niang to be happy for a moment, I saw the stay of some fans who were deeply influenced by Fangzheng.

Words, Guan Bo Niang's three views are completely destroyed.

Although I self-deprecated and said that I was a 'marketing account, it was just self-deception.

Besides, the detailed information announced on the official website is enough to prove their orthodox position


Sure enough, the fans of Pippi Shrimp can't be serious people, you will lose if you are serious!

PS: Thanks to "a145..16", "Xingshidao", "Ni is a big idiot", ""Mediator", "

The Autumn of Lonely Leaves", "Mo Qingwu", "Little Mengxin", "Imagination Cheng Zhen", "Flying Ants", "Nothing"

Words", "Ilyasviel von Einzbern", "12..6", "Death Dragon Brother"


Thanks to "GKXKIZ", "Autumn of Lonely Leaves", "Author of Daily Tasks to Urge Updates", "The Moon Under the Moon"

The reward for "Dance Music", thank you for your support!!!




Chapter [-] The last school celebration! (For support)

Time goes by slowly, although company A has been active recently, but what should we say about company A?

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