If the response of the two theatrical animations is good this time, he will fix the theater in the future.

Released to major theaters

"I rely on it, Fang Da is so arrogant.

"Two theatrical versions, ah~ I'm so happy!

666, Fang Da still remembers "The Girl and the Chariot", as a military mansion

Check it out, must see it!

Listening to Fang Zheng's introduction, many fans have already begun to look forward to it.

Counting the time, it seems that there is not much time before the release of the two anime theatrical versions.

In addition, there is a special chapter of "Girls and the Panzer", which is Anchiogao

China vs. Oarai Women's College, it will be released in the A club soon, everyone who likes it must not

miss wo

After speaking, Fang Zheng looked at the last work, his eyes changed, and the corners of his mouth were even more uncomfortable.

Feeling slightly up.

This last one (Zhao Liao Zhao) is the New Year's gift that I promised to give everyone

"Plastic Memory"!

Fang Zheng looked around, watching the audience staring at the big screen attentively, satisfied

"Plastic Memory" is my New Year gift to everyone, I hope you will see it

After the end, you can have a happy New Year, here I also wish you a good morning

In the new year, I hope everyone will laugh and be happy every day!"

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, there was continuous applause at the scene.

Although many fans knew about Fangzheng's plan before in the live broadcast room

Compared with the two, there are actually more theatrical editions and special editions of "Girls and Chariots"

But the fans are still very happy, for them, nothing compares

It's more fun to watch anime.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support




Chapter [-] Qingyin Department and Tianyi and Lue Qiusha (for support)

"Fang Da is really caring~"

Although the human skin is a little bit skinny, I will forgive you when you see that you are so good!

The name "Plastic Memory" sounds like a literary style!

Fang Da, I also wish you a good laugh, the more the A company, the better

Fang Zheng smiled strangely as he listened to the cheers from the fans in the audience.

But he didn't stop, everything was too much, if he was too busy on stage

For a long time, it will inevitably be seen that something is wrong

That way, the games in the future will not be fun, and this is not what he wants to see.

After chatting casually with the fans, Fang Zheng left the stage.

With Fangzheng's departure, the concert officially started

Watching the sunshade above the stage slowly rise, the audience knew that this time it was probably A again

The company is a virtual imaging technology like black technology

Sure enough, as the light in the venue dimmed, several audience members slowly walked out from the stage.

A familiar figure.

Ah! Tianyi, it's His Highness Tianyi

Stay only! Stay only!

"Qingyin will never graduate!!

Are your Highness Tianyi and the Qingyin Department going to sing together?

On the stage, several figures became clearer and clearer, and the cheers of the fans became louder and louder.

Tianyi stood with everyone in the Qingyin Department, and some still retained their last rational views.

Everyone can see the slightest difference in 513.

His Royal Highness Tianyi will be happy because of the cheers of the fans, and he will also wave his hands in response to the fans.


But in comparison, the few people in the light tone department didn't have such actions.

However, fans also expressed their understanding. After all, as the image ambassador of company A, His Royal Highness Tianyi,

Equipped with the latest intelligent programs, some simple communication is no longer a problem

And the few people in the Qingyin Department don't have this treatment.

It's not that Fangzheng doesn't want to do it, but that the damn thing is too expensive, so he bought it


Welcome everyone to watch Tianyi's concert, Tianyi knows that everyone is

The ending of "Girls" was very sad, so I specially invited Dai Wei, Tan, Zhuang Qiang, and the law team to return.

There is Azimiao, I hope everyone likes it!


For Tianyi's words, fans can only respond with neat shouts.

The atmosphere has heated up unconsciously, and in this frenetic atmosphere, any words will

It is so pale and powerless that only shouting can express their feelings.

"The first song "Meet the Angels" is for everyone!

Tianyi's words fell, and a few people from the Qingyin Department began to accompany (chba)

With the end of "Light Tone Girl", the song "Meet the Angel" is also an instant hit

Hot, swept the charts of all music platforms almost overnight.

Even some of the two-dimensional music that was popular in the past is difficult to reach the tenth of the popularity of this song.


While listening to "Meet the Angels", I recalled the feeling that "The Girl with the Light Voice" brought me

Move, how many people are attracted by "Meet the Angels", and the single cycle has been repeated countless times.

For this collaboration, Dian Wei from the Light Music Department was in charge of the accompaniment, while Tianyi sang.

Tianyi's unique electronic synthesizer sings this well-known song to the audience.

Don't be charming.

[If the fragments of memories are given a name to save~

That should be a treasure~

[Yes, spend every colorful day very fulfilling

Although His Royal Highness Tianyi's singing could not sing the emotion brought by the few people, but listening to this

Familiar lyrics, familiar accompaniment, many audiences are still caught in the memories.

Recalling that day, a few people held a solo concert for A Zimiao, recalling that

Azimiao cry like a poor helpless kitten

Qingyin never graduates

At this moment, almost all the audience thought of this sentence.

Yes, maybe "Light Voice Girl" is indeed over, and it's also a few people who stay together.

After graduating, maybe only A Zimiao is left to wait for this once full of laughter and laughter.

Light Voice.

But so what, for their fans who really like "Light Tone Girl"

Said, "Light Tone Girl" will never end

Qingyin never graduates

Looking at the smiling faces of the few people on the stage, that familiar face, the five angels once

Across dimensions to their eyes

Although in another world, the story belonging to the light sound department has ended, but in this

The world, they will always look forward to the figure of the light sound department

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