Melodious music, soothing tunes, Tianyi uses her unique voice to slowly sew

The scars in the heart of the audience

A little bit of smoothing, a little bit of comfort, until the tears in the eyes of the audience disappeared

Until the audience stood up and cheered for her!

"thank you all!!

At the end of the song, Tian Yi looked at the audience with a slight breath.

Although Tianyi's voice was synthesized, Fangzheng added this setting for her.

In a concert, the singer is very tired, adding the setting of asthma is also to make

Tianyi looks more realistic and more accessible to the audience

Thank you also to everyone in the Qingyin Department. Let’s send some angels away with applause, okay?

Although the theme of today's concert is that Qing Yin will never graduate, this concert is

The beginning of Tianyi's concert tour, so Tianyi is the protagonist of today.

At the end of the song, the audience sent the five angels from the soft voice department with warm applause.

I'm very sorry, but today's concert is not part of the light music department

Don't be disappointed everyone~ Tianyi also invited another one. A little tyrant, everyone

must be very interested

Tianyi's words fell, and many old fans knew who they were talking about when they heard the name 'little tyrant'.

Sure enough, with the change of lights on the stage, a small and exquisite figure appeared in the dance.

on stage

Who else is the Katyusha who brainwashed countless people with the song "Katyusha"?


For the truth!!

Really Katyusha~

Gaze from Nona!

Little tyrant? His Royal Highness Tianyi is afraid that he will be issued with Siberian dig beans and then be fined [-] times.

five rubles

Watching the short Katyusha with a small tiger tooth appear on the stage, the milk is fierce and the milk is fierce.

The look simply melted the hearts of the audience.

But obviously, Katyusha, like the previous Dawei, also lacks the wisdom of Tianyi.

able program.

Ula~! Just as pear blossoms are blooming all over the world

A soft veil floats on the river~

[Katyusha stands on the steep shore~

[Singing is like bright sunshine~

Listening to the chorus of Katyusha and His Highness Tianyi, some old fans seem to have gone back to the past to watch "

Girl and the Panzer time.

Think about the model of the chariot in your room, and think about the countless times you cycled through the

Qiu Sha", it all seems like it happened yesterday.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, company A has launched so many works, "Girls and Chariots"

It's an old show.

PS: I beg everyone for your support, please!!




Chapter [-] "Plastic Memory" released (seeking support)

The month is destined to be an extraordinary time

With the continuous activities of the A company, the fans who like the second dimension during this period are simply happy

Don't don't.

In this month, they participated in the cartoon festival carnival, and for the first time met the cross-dimensional

It was the first time that I came to the Light Voice Department and heard the singing of the Light Voice Department for the first time in the real world.

This month, the second season of "Light Tone Girl", which they have been thinking of, was released.

The wind, the familiar daily life, the light tone is still the same light tone.

Although the graduation of only a few people in the end really made many people cry

happy, but look

Zidawei and others walked all the way, drinking tea and chatting every day, it was a slow memory.

In addition, there is also the release of "Swaying Camping", which makes many people realize for the first time

The fun of outdoor activities.

Although some gentlemen hold the unreliable idea that 'all those who like camping are girls',

Excited to think that spring is here

But reality gave them a cruel slap

Wake up, this year has not yet passed, it is still winter, ~ spring is still early

No matter how the fans coaxed them to go camping about Fangzheng, "Swaying Camping"

This anime is really good

Not to mention that there will be follow-up "Light Tone Girl" theatrical version and "Girl and Chariot" drama

Field version of these two anime movies - movies.

This month, for their fans, is simply the happiest time.

Every day, you don't have to worry that you have nothing to do, because the animation of company A is enough to accompany him

they had a perfect vacation

And today, for the majority of fans, is also a special day, why?

Because today is Fangzheng's promise of their 'Happy New Year' series -- "Plasticity"

Memories of the day it aired.

Happy New Year's Eve, I wish you all smiles every day

Hey, as long as there are anime to watch, I'm happy!

Although Fang Da is a little skinny, the level of animation production is definitely the best

Fang Da said, "Plastic Memory" is a simple romantic comedy anime,

Hope to bring laughter and laughter to all of you during the Chinese New Year

Fang Da is really. Really good to us

For today, the majority of fans have been looking forward to it for a long time, especially "Plastic Memory"

"As a romantic comedy anime, it is expected by countless people.

Since the establishment of company A, they have seen many works of company A.

There is a tear-jerking "Dream of the Stars", a cruel "Crimson Red", and a tank that tricks you into driving

The series "Girls and Tanks" and "When Prison Meals Come to Me", which lied to you as a pervert.

Afterwards, Fangzheng launched the cute and daily "Light Tone Girl" and "Swaying Dew"

Camp" and other anime.

But they're the first anime to be billed as a romantic comedy like Plastic Memories.

The second time, this also makes many people curious

Comedy is one of the hottest movies in today's film and television, and its popularity has always been high.

They want to see what comedy looks like in anime

At the beginning of the anime, it is the encounter between the male protagonist and Ella.

Under the silent night sky, all kinds of neon lights in the city flicker, the hustle and bustle of the city and the heat

It is vividly portrayed at this moment.

However, in the bright and prosperous world, some people will be sad and sad after all.

When the male protagonist saw Ella for the first time in front of a floor-to-ceiling window, he was dressed in a white uniform.

A long white hair.

When Ella noticed that the male protagonist was looking at her and turned her head, she was as pure as a ruby.

Che's eyes appeared in front of the audience, and the tears in his eyes were inexplicably very touching.


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