"Ira is finally going to show her reliable side?!

Watch Ella find the escaped recovery object first, and watch Ella's face when she jumps

With an indifferent expression, the audience suddenly had a misunderstanding.

That's why the naturally funny Ella was in disguise!

Isn't this often played in martial arts dramas?

The more powerful people are, the more unusual they are, and they all have a strange aura.

When you really think it's just a weird old man with a mental disorder

It will shock your three views

Until this time everyone reacted, it turned out that the way they looked before was not a big deal.

What a strange temper, but to see through the performance of the red dust.

Looking at Ella at this time, countless audiences believe that Ella is just like the high-ranking hero in martial arts novels.


The natural funny ratio is just a disguise, just living a boring life that doesn't change and looking for it

get up with joy

Think about the before and after comparison, Ella is definitely a master

The reason why Gang オ behaves like a bronze must be cynicism

Pulling off the bronze coat, Ella must have a soul that belongs to the king!

Who said Ella is bronze, this action, this look, this momentum, it is clearly

Alright king!

"Fuck, this is clearly the routine of an expert outside the world~"

Ella is also a robot after all, isn't it a routine operation to fly over the walls?

Is Ella finally going to show her awesomeness?

The crowd stared wide-eyed at Ella's leap of faith without any hesitation.

When it comes to robots, many people will think of the battle scene of the Terminator series, which is so cool

The fighting scenes of the deadly bombing made many people's blood boil.

Could it be that Ella's seemingly weak exterior hides a violent heart?

The audience is not sure, just looking forward to Ella's next performance, want to see Ella

Can it be regarded as the terminator of the anime festival?

fall. fall. fall

Something doesn't seem right. Ella didn't fall down the stairs by mistake.


The audience soon realized that something was wrong

They watched Ella keep falling, and it was going to end soon.



The male protagonist looked at Ella who was falling and shouted desperately,

Kang dang

Watching Ella jump down from the top, that handsome figure draws a perfect arc


Then it fell heavily into the garbage heap downstairs, and the audience was best pumped.

Sure enough, handsome never lasts more than three seconds!

Pfft haha ​​I'm dying of laughter, this is what you call the king

What about the world-renowned experts? What about seeing through the world? What about being cynical?

The real hammer, Ella is bronze, but disguised like a king!

Seeing this, Newton finally smiled with relief, gravity still exists!

Seeing Ella's embarrassed appearance, the audience who thought Ella was a hidden master before

Don't know what to say.

The master template that was full a moment ago turned into a funny ratio the next moment.

This is comedy!

With the broadcast of "Plastic Memory", the audience in front of the screen is also mixed.

Watching Ella and Si recycle the terminal together, watching the interdependence between humans and robots

Relying on pure feelings, many people also lament the dependence that crosses racial boundaries.

Not 0.2 because of Ella's active performance, overall, the audience still watched it very well


For Fangzheng's previous statement that "Plastic Memory" is a romantic comedy, the audience

Is also convinced.

In addition to the admiration for the emotional expression of "Plastic Memory", many viewers

I wish I had a partner like Ella.

Although I often fall flat, although I often make mistakes, but that natural funny character

Also won the love of many people.

By the way, do you remember that Fang Da's previous "Dream of the Stars" was also the narrator

with the robot~

You upstairs shut up!

This is a romantic comedy, do you understand comedy?!

If you can't speak, just keep your mouth shut, no one will think you are dumb!

PS: I beg the big guys for your support!!




Chapter [-] "Light Sound Girl" theatrical version (for support)

With the popularity of "Plastic Memory", time is passing by slowly, and the year is about to end.

Also getting closer.

The taste of the New Year is getting stronger and stronger in various places, and every household is busy for the New Year.

And the major theaters seem to have negotiated well, and on this day opened the "Light Voice Girl"

Ticket pre-sale for theatrical version

As the first animation work on the big screen, the theatrical version of "Light Tone Girl" has always been

It is very much expected by the audience, especially those true fans of the second dimension, who can't wait for a long time

up to.

Watching your favorite anime walk into the cinema is like watching your child grow up

In general, that kind of mood is really very good.

However, because of the reason why the animation works were on the pod screen for the first time, the major theaters were not interested in "Light Sound".

The filming rate of "Female" is not very high

There is only [-]% of the film arrangement rate, which is still the opinion of the heads of major theater chains in the A company.

The monument and the reason for the popularity of "Light Tone Girl".

Otherwise, the actual film arrangement rate may be lower than 27

After all, this is the first time for an anime movie, and no one dares to take such a big wind.

The most intuitive phenomenon caused by the low filming rate is that it is difficult for audiences to buy tickets.

I'm sorry, the votes are too few.

Also, half of the stalls are in the middle of the night, what does this mean?"

I'm too late, the tickets for the next three days are all sold out

Upstairs, you are not alone!

Many audiences are full of joy and want to go to the cinema to watch the theatrical version of "Light Tone Girl"

On the one hand, they really like this anime, on the other hand, because they are A club

fans of , want to support company A

The theatrical version of "Light Tone Girl" is released on the big screen, in fact, everyone can see that this is the A company

a test of the water

If the box office sells well, there will definitely be more anime movies in the future.

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