If the box office is not ideal, it may be "The Girl and the Chariot" behind "Light Sound Girl"

It's the only two anime movies.

In this regard, the audience is not fools, they all want to watch the animation of company A become better and better

They all want to watch Company A grow bigger and bigger.

Plus they really like the work "Light Tone Girl", so fans

Still looking forward to this theatrical version.

But on the day of the incident, many expectant audiences watched the "Light Voice Girl"

The poor filming rate was a little unconvinced.

Why do those little fresh meat who want acting but have no acting skills and have no expressions, they act

Shit movies can have such a high rate!

It's been two or three days since the movie was released, and there is still this shit.

What a 32% filming rate, this is simply unbelievable

On the other hand, "Light Sound Girl", even if it has ended, its popularity is still

Not much weakened.

The streets and alleys are still filled with the singing of the light voice department, and those music platforms are still

"Meet the Angels" suppressed.

But it is such a popular "Light Voice Girl" that only [-]% of the filming rate is

This upset many people.

Is the head of the theater line full of shit?"

Are you serious about this film rate? You really can't even make money.

Top of the page, brothers, put "Light Tone Girl" on top!

Yes, since the filming rate is low, let the data speak!

Brothers who bought tickets, try to go as far as possible, try to give him a [-]% attendance rate

Brighten the eyes of those people!

On the Internet, social software, and even in major fan groups, there are a lot of two-dimensional true loves

Fans are appealing to each other, hoping to support the counterattack of "Light Tone Girl" with practical actions.

Since the theater chain is not optimistic, they will use data to slap their faces.

Looking at the rate of shit movies made by those rubbish little fresh meat, it actually exceeds the rate for them

The "Light Voice Girl" brought so much emotion, many people feel that their IQ has been affected


what do you mean?

Do you think those little fresh meat fans can hold up your entire box office?

Or do you think our two-dimensional fan circle is easy to bully?!

In time, the arrangement of the major theaters made many fans of the second dimension angry.


If it is the quality of the film itself, then they did not say that, after all, their own skills

No one can blame anyone.

But those movies that were released earlier and had a poorer reputation actually

It also occupied this ranking list, which made many people feel uncomfortable.

"Light Tone Girl" brought them too much moving, not to mention that the film arrangement rate is better than those

Junk movies are low, even if they are equal to those junk movies, they all think it's an insult

"Light Voice Girl"!

Magic Capital, the entrance of Qianda Cinema.

Fang Zheng was standing in the middle of the long line wearing sunglasses and a mask, next to his personal assistant.

Managed by Chen Xianting.

The theatrical version of "Light Tone Girl" is his first animation film to enter the big screen

He himself pays great attention to it.

So he decided to come to the cinema to experience it in person, to see the audience's reaction up close.

Yes, listen to the audience's comments on the theatrical version of "Light Tone Girl".

In Fangzheng's view, whether a movie is good or bad is not the producer's final decision, nor the director's decision.

The speech has the final say, not the theater line.

It's up to the audience to decide!

The audience thought it was good, it was really good that time, can a movie adapt to the market?

77. You can probably guess the ending by looking at the audience's reaction.

buddy, which game are you in?

The third, how about you?

I'm the second one~"

No, the first game hasn't started yet, why are you here so early?

Of course, it's to support the soft sound.

Among the teams, similar conversations came one after another, and many fans were obviously not the first.

Tickets, but came to line up early

This acted like a fool to others, but it moved Fang Zheng very much.

He knows why these fans are doing this, why they are doing such stupid' actions.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the reason is very simple, they don't want their favorite anime movies to be seen by others

Laugh at me, I don't want to be told 'Look at the theatrical version of "Light Tone Girl" if no one is lining up over there


For these 'silly cute' fans, Fangzheng's heart is full of emotion

Finally, the team in front began to slowly move forward, and Fang Zheng also moved forward with the flow of people.

Go, looking at the expectant faces of the fans in front of him, for some reason, he suddenly

I felt a burst of happiness and contentment.

PS: Thanks to "zhuz766" for the monthly pass, thank you big guy!

I beg the big guys for your support, please!!




Chapter [-] Moved as before (seeking support)

Fang Zheng followed the crowd into the cinema and sat down at his seat

Really looking forward to it~ I have been waiting for this day for a long time!

Hey, don't say it, after entering the cinema, the atmosphere is different

Do you feel that the style has become taller in an instant?"

"It goes without saying that Qingyin will definitely counterattack!

After being seated, many audience members chatted with each other before the film started.

For the theatrical version of "Light Tone Girl", they really looked forward to it for a long time

It's easy to hear this mood from their conversations

Listening to the muttering of the fans next to him, Fang Zheng smiled, not to mention these fans

Is he himself?

People's desires are inexhaustible, although he always felt that "Light Voice Girl" was in high school

The end of the article is the best choice, but reason is reason, and sensibility is sensibility.

I don't know how many people have been waiting for ten years in my previous life, during which time the "Light Voice Girl" was a big hit.

There are not a few people who study articles.

Unfortunately, he himself is one of them.

Therefore, he can still understand the feelings of these fans. After all, he was also

A loyal two-dimensional fan who is ardently chasing fans, and has also been a fan of many who he thinks is a masterpiece

crazy for anime

With the end of the audience's admission, the lights in the projection hall were completely darkened, and so did Fang Zheng.

Take off your eyes and mask

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