The big screen slowly lit up, and that flash of fluorescence completely attracted the attention of the audience.

The voices of the previous conversations disappeared completely.

The huge auditorium became audible for needles to fall.

Watching the LOG0 of company A flash by, Fang Zheng nodded with satisfaction.

As soon as the anime started, it was still the activity department that fans were very familiar with.

The few people in Dawei are still carefree, drinking tea, chatting and eating snacks together, many fans

involuntary smile

I don't know why, just looking at the daily life of the few people in this way makes them feel heartbroken.

It's warm inside.

Maybe there is no ups and downs in "Light Sound Girl", there is nothing thrilling, but

It is the plain sincerity that left many people with the purest touch.

Looking at the people in the Qingyin Department, I can't help but feel that this kind of life is really comfortable.

As time went by, the audience also reacted, and the story line of the theatrical version was

Before the second season of "Light Tone Girl", only a few people were still enjoying the joy of graduation trip

Thinking of this, the familiar feeling inside the audience returned.

Sure enough, this time it was the "Light Voice Girl" they liked, so it doesn't need to be so shocking

You don't need to cry too much.

That's it, drinking tea and chatting every day, and occasionally singing on stage is enough

When looking at the few people who came to Wudu, which is also the famous black tea capital, many people

both surprised and reasonable

Light music originated here, and it seems that only a few people came here to talk about the past.

Looking at the foggy streets depicted in the anime, the iconic buildings, the

With the distinctive local customs, the audience once again realized what is called the "detail maniac".

It can be said that Fangzheng spared no effort in depicting the foggy city, and restored it to a great extent.

The fog in people's impressions

Watching a few people walk into a restaurant by accident, playing in it, watching

Everyone closed their eyes involuntarily.

Every time they hear a few people singing, they are always subconsciously addicted to it, as if

This music has a strange magic, so they can't help but indulge.

No matter how many times you listen to it!

The theatrical version of "Light Tone Girl" is also in the song "Meet the Angels"


And seeing this, the audience finally understood

Come to "Meet the Angels" is a song written by only a few people in the fog, hiding from A Zimiao

, the purpose is to give Azimiao as a gift

I feel a little tearful every time I hear "Meet the Angels"

I have been looking forward to Fang Da's release of the third season of "Light Sound Girl", although I hope it is not very

How many people have graduated, "Light Sound Girl" is officially over, right?

Ji hope is really not big!

"The goal of the Light Sound Department Budokan has not been achieved yet, so how can we say it's over?

The theatrical version of "Light Tone Girl" ended, and the lights in the projection room turned on.

At the moment when the lights came on, Fang Zheng looked around and keenly noticed that many audience members

The corners of his eyes flickered with sparkle.

Fang. Fang Dong, I'm going to the bathroom!

Fangzheng put on his mask and sunglasses, but when he got up, he heard Chen beside him.

Xianting hesitated and said something, then walked towards the outside of the projection room.

Looking at Chen Xianting's slightly red eyes, Fang Zheng smiled.

How is the brother?

"Did the theatrical version reveal the news of the third season?

How many people in Dawei have a concert?

In the cinema lobby, two streams of people meet, watching the people who have watched the first scene walk away

Come out, those fans who are still waiting in line can't wait to ask them, watching the

how to test.

Get your tissues ready, this is your only advice!

""The melody never ends!

"Come on brother, it's up to you next, you must put the light tone on top

I don't want to spoil anything, but trust me, you won't be disappointed!"

I originally wanted to swipe for a second time, but when I thought that there were still many fans who didn't get tickets, forget it.


In the direction of the door, two streams of people, one facing outwards and one facing inwards, brushed shoulders with each other.

Wherever they went, whether they knew each other or not, everyone would talk to each other.

Fang Zheng stood behind the crowd, looking at the scene that looked like a handover ceremony for new recruits and veterans.

The corners of the mouth twitched.

Why don't you be so emotional, it makes me want to cry~"

Fangzheng murmured, as an old two-dimensional person, he has really seen a lot of works

I think I'm hard-hearted.

But looking at the actions of these fans, Fang Zheng suddenly felt that his eyes were inexplicable.

Some sour.

After coming out of the cinema, Fang Zheng and Chen Xianting didn't stop there, and went straight back by car.

company only.

At the same time, with the first broadcast of the theatrical version of "Light Sound Shao (Led Zhao) Girl"

At the end, a lot of discussion posts about the theatrical version of "Light Sound Girl" appeared on the Internet in an instant.

Those fans who haven't had time to watch or haven't grabbed tickets, look at these posts

Shout out to these people and beasts from the bottom of my heart.

This piece of analysis stickers kept dangling in front of their eyes, and they really wanted to click on it.

But reason tells them not to watch it, the best movie viewing experience is to feel it by yourself

Instead of looking at other people's evaluations.

What's more, these analysis posts will inevitably contain some spoilers, which

Can't even click in.

Seeing the heated discussions among fans who have seen it before, fans who have not seen it suffer in every possible way.

Out of desperation, I could only scold the person in charge of arranging the movie with the big theater in my heart.

As long as the theatrical version of "Light Sound Girl" has a little more film schedule, they don't have to sit on the TV

My head is so tortured

PS: I beg the big guys for more support




Chapter [-]: The terrifying attendance rate (seeking support)

The premiere of the theatrical version of "Light Tone Girl" has passed. Although the filming rate is not high,

It was the amazing attendance rate that made the major theaters drop their jaws

What did you say? 100% attendance? Are you sure you didn't count it wrong?

Qianda Cinema, Zhao Gancheng looked at his assistant, his face full of sluggishness and fear


[-]% attendance

how can that be

He has been in the cinema industry for most of his life, but this terrible attendance rate

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