It's the first time I've heard

You must know that the theater chain already has its own rules. Take a new film as an example.

Consider the popularity bonus of actors, directors, and producers.

The major theaters generally give three to five test water screenings, once the results explode,

That row rate will definitely increase, otherwise it will decrease.

As for a new film, the general attendance rate can reach more than [-]%.

It is excellent.

You must know that most of the new films have an attendance rate of around [-]%.

If the publicity is very successful, or if the actor or director has their own popularity, the attendance rate may reach

more than fifty percent.

But this [-]% attendance rate, Zhao Gancheng never thinks about it, because it is not at all.


But now, looking at the data handed over by the assistant, Zhao Gancheng feels that God has given him

a joke

What he thought was impossible happened, and it was unanimously chosen by the major theaters.

Choose to watch 327 anime movies.

Zhao Gancheng picked up the document on the table and looked at it carefully. He didn't know about other theaters.

He only knew that his own Qianda Cinema had an astonishing [-]% attendance rate.

what does that mean?

It means the premiere of the theatrical version of "Light Tone Girl", no matter what time period it is.

It's a full seat!

Quick! Immediately increase the filming rate for me, remove the garbage for me, and replace it with "Light"

"Sound Girl" go up!"

Although Zhao Qiancheng still can't believe it, the data will not be faked.

Chao Zhao Gancheng, who had reacted, immediately ordered to increase the filming rate of "Light Voice Girl".

Before, they only gave a [-]% film placement rate.

Is the popularity of the film industry still as strong as that of the A company?

But since the answer has been obtained, if we still arrange "

"Light Voice Girl", then he was really kicked by a donkey in the brain

Mr. Zhao, it is appropriate to increase the rate of this row

How much?" Zhao Gancheng thought for a moment after hearing the assistant's words, and said, "Give me up.

mention, the bigger the better

With just one sentence, Zhao Gancheng almost made up his mind to support "Light Sound Girl".

There are so many movies released every day, but there are only so many resources in the theater.

If the film rate is high, it will inevitably affect other film works.

But right now, Zhao Qiancheng can't take care of that much anymore.

This terrifying attendance rate is unheard of. If he is not moving, it is estimated that those

Angry viewers just sprayed

The adjustment of Qianda Cinema was soon discovered by fans who were always concerned about the matter.

Seeing the increase in the layout rate of the theatrical version of "Light Sound Girl", many fans are overjoyed


Looking at "Light Tone Girl", which is firmly occupying the top of the film rankings, and got rid of the second place ten

Street, fans nodded in succession

Is this worthy of the popularity and status of "Light Sound Girl"?

"666, brothers are awesome!!

Hahaha, this rate of film placement is in line with the worth of my Da Qingyin!

Ghost, [-]% of the filming rate, "Light Voice Girl" is taking off~

Heng Heng Xin, I announce that the theatrical version of "Light Tone Girl" has conquered half of the country!!

Fans beamed with joy when they saw the data of "Light Tone Girl" being raised in all aspects, and

Some bigwigs who are really familiar with the rules of the film and television industry, watching the unbelievable "Light Voice Girl"

With [-]% attendance, they all wiped their eyes.

Did the old era go too fast, or did the new era come too suddenly?

Why in the world could such a horrible thing happen?

At the same time, many film critics on the Internet also gave their own opinions at this time.

evaluation of.

Among them, the most popular among the fans of the second dimension is Ying Qianshi, who was the first to evaluate the animation works.

That is, the film critic who commented on "Dream of the Stars" at the beginning.

Ying Qianshi became a lot of fans because of the original review of "Dream of the Stars".

Joined [-]D fans

In the words of these fans, as long as you blow anime, then we are good brothers

So, maybe Ying Qianshi may not be best known as a film critic, but he

It is welcomed by fans of the last two-dimensional.

Why is the girl with a soft voice so loved by everyone, and why the attendance rate can reach terrifying

[-] percent?

It's actually very simple, because the story is simple, exciting, and seemingly funny everyday, but

Behind it is full of the fans' memories and emotions of their youth.

There is a kind of light that transcends time and attracts countless people around it;

There is a kind of youth, it is joyful with a hint of inspiration, and it seems to be touching the daily life of fishing.

countless people.

.But the words HT', K-ON became popular overnight in the whole two-dimensional circle

When the fans of the second dimension are discussing the 'tea time after school' band, when a song "D

on' tsaylazy" awakened the memory in our hearts, the era of light music has been

It's opened!

When Dai Wei, Zhen, A Zimiao, Lu Dui and Zhuang Zhuang Zhuang came together, they

I have already begun to interpret this piece of my own youth.

Although it seems to be fishing every day, the afternoon tea time after school is unstoppable

As the only soul activity of the light music department, the girls drink tea and eat snacks every day, but

They shouted "the great goal of holding a concert at the Budokan"!

Many people looked at Ying Qianshi's film review and sighed with emotion.

This film review is obviously not only for the theatrical version of "Light Tone Girl", it is about the whole

A "Light Tone Girl" series.

Recalling how Dao Wei was touched by a few people, many people silently shouted out in their hearts.

The sentence 'light tone never graduates'.

As Ying Qianshi said, when they first heard the song "Don'tsaylazy"

At that time, the era of "Light Tone Girl" has come

This movie review .. I always feel like I'm blackening my light tone department's fishing routine!

My favorite is but soft sound, and the most beautiful is but everyday~”

New to Qingyin: Strange that they don't have to practice? After a long time: Strange, she

Don't we all need tea?

"K-ON character introduction: the lightest single-core Ping Zeyu, the fairy multi-core Ping Zeyu;

Harmed Luo Mizhen and began to revive Zhu Luye; the easy-going and sturdy, the Qingyin group loves Azimiao

Tooth playing guitar, Xiao Zuohe, you are reliable and adults! Anime name: "May I ask you today

Want some afternoon tea?"

"Gan, you upstairs are really personal!!

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!!!!!!



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