Although the old fans will recommend them with bad intentions to watch "Dream of the Stars" and "The Red Slasher"

》This kind of depressing and heartbreaking anime, but everyone didn't take it to heart

Feeling the harmony and friendliness of the two-dimensional circle, many new recruits are satisfied

full of warmth

Sure enough, Fang Da is right, it's not a bad thing to like anime

PS: Thanks to "The Simplicity of Fire", "My Emperor", "Dark Night", "159..21", "Source"

Come to the future", "yueviven", "wsdpzlll" 31..28", "clear stream in the wind", "#"

The monthly ticket support, thank you guys!!!

Kneeling and begging the big guys for more support, please!!!




Chapter [-] May you reunite with the most important one one day (for support)

With the popularity of the theatrical version of "Light Tone Girl" and the theatrical version of "Girl and the Chariot" in theaters

The popularity of anime has once again climbed to a new high

And "Plastic Memory", which is the latest broadcast by Company A, naturally received a lot of attention.


As time goes by, the "Plastic Memory" that Fangzheng said before is a love story.

The lies of the love comedy are also ruthlessly exposed

Happy New Year's Eve? I believe in you

Fangzheng dog thief is very bad!!

"This is the worst work of company A, because you can't see the screen clearly through tears.

Sure enough, when it comes to people and robots, none of them are good, "Dream of the Stars"

I cried, now there is another "Plastic Memory"

Fang Da I hate you

New Year's Eve, seven o'clock in the evening.

Countless fans cried in company A, scolding "four five seven" Fangzheng is not a person

Originally, the Spring Festival, as the most anticipated festival for everyone, should have been happy.

But just because of some inappropriate Pippi shrimp, a "Plastic Memory" made them

I completely forgot how happy I felt, and when it was quiet at night, I remembered Ella's smile


I can't help but wash my face in tears

Many fans want to give up watching this extremely depressing anime during Chinese New Year, but

Thinking that I have cried so many times before, it seems that this time is not bad.

And tonight is the finale

Finale tonight, New Year's Eve tomorrow

Emm~ The fans at this time are [-]% sure, this is definitely arranged by Founder in advance

ok, otherwise it wouldn't be such a coincidence

Four or five days before the Chinese New Year, the plot of "Plastic Memory" suddenly became extremely depressing

It begins as fans know that Ella has more than two thousand hours left in her life.

The joyous atmosphere of the past is gone, the cheers when watching "Plastic Memory"

Laughter was also replaced by silence.

Coincidentally, today is the finale of the anime, according to Fang Zheng's urine and his bad character,

I guess they don't want to be happy tonight.

Why did the plot that was so happy before become like this?

"Some people laughed and cried, and I wish you more newbies who didn't see it here.

Let's laugh for a while~"

Silently a little distressed, can't I save Ella's memory?

"Dog thief, you have blown Company A into a world-class enterprise, why can't you let Ella forever


As soon as the anime started, some emotional audiences had a tendency to burst into tears.

That feeling of knowing that my end is coming, but I can't do anything about it, really makes people feel


In the last episode, the audience watched Ella and Si finally walk into the place where the dream started

involuntarily sighed

why not come sooner

Why do you have to come at the last hour?

Watching Ella and Si enjoying themselves in the amusement park, inexplicably many people have already

blurred vision

So sad!!

They were playing so happily, why did I cry?

I wish time could stop here~”

Ella! Don't stop!!

The audience watched Ella and Division experience a project in the amusement park, the happy smile

Behind it is endless bitterness and fear.

When Si looked at the elder whose shadow was being pulled, he suddenly realized that it was already evening.

At this moment, the audience finally couldn't help it

The night is not scary, what is scary is the evening waiting for the night to come.

The feeling of knowing that Ella will disappear after tonight really depressed the audience

To the point where I couldn't breathe.

The golden sun, the afterglow of the setting sun, how hopeful. How hopeful that time can last forever

Pause this moment for Ella.

But time won't stop because of anyone, night. Finally comes

In the end.

Everyone is laughing~

I heard you say Ella before, I like to watch the smiles of all kinds of people here~

In the park at night, Ella and Si stood side by side on the side of the road, watching the pedestrians on the street.

Bright smile.

The conversation between Ella and Si also stunned the audience in front of the screen.

The eyes blurred by tears can no longer see the specific content of the anime, but they are

I heard Ella

She likes to see people smile.

The dark and deep night falls, and the street lamps replace the sunlight, and everyone is trying to force their faces.

Laughter, even if the tears have blurred the eyes are still laughing.

On the occasion of parting, they still want to send Ella their smile, so that Ella can

Leave with peace of mind, even if their smiles at this time are really uglier than crying!

Even if Ella doesn't even know they exist

Under the silent night sky, Ella and Si sat on the motorcycle where Ella stared at for a long time.

Sky Wheel, under the pure shattered night, the beautiful Ferris wheel is also covered with a dreamy

color, beautiful

I am really. very happy~

【This dreamy time is coming to an end~

[I hope the last minute can end here.. before the Ferris wheel ends this circle

End everything. Okay?

Thank you. Cry for me and thank you~

"Grass, I can't stand it!!

Why? Why can't something special have a good ending? Why

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