Passed, met, and no longer wanted to leave!!

"Gan, are you going to let the dog thief change the script together, I can't stand it!!

God-killing dog thief, you are not human, you can replace me with Ella!!

At the top of the Ferris wheel, watching Sina burst into tears, the audience is not

in this way?

I wish you and the important person, one day, can meet again~

When Shi hugged Ella, he stepped off the Ferris wheel like a knight hugging his princess.

The audience exploded immediately.

I wish you and the important person, one day, can meet again~"

I wish you and the important person, one day, can meet again

I wish you and the important person, one day, can meet again

Except for this sentence, there are no words to express the mood of the fans at this time.

For Ella, who has lost her memory, perhaps this is the most sincere, valuable, and

wish to hear blessings

Si hugged Ella, just like hugging the whole world.

Now Ella closed her eyes in his arms and Si was crying like a child

When all fans saw Si's appearance, it was as if they saw themselves in front of the screen, and their tears stopped.

It keeps flowing down, no matter how you wipe it, you can't finish it

Sure enough, is the end of comedy really only tragedy?

PS: In order to code words, Pujie deliberately revisited this anime. After reading it

The waist is not sore, the legs are not sore, I feel really quite good

Not much to say, I hope the big guys will give more support because of the brave behavior of the street, bye

Take care!!




Chapter [-] Blessings of the first day of the first year (seeking support)

May you reunite with someone important one day!"

If the sky is in love, the sky is also old, I will continue for Ella for hundreds of millions of seconds!!

"It must be very sad to send your beloved away~"

"Memory is really the most precious treasure, without memory, the next time we foresee each other will be

would be strangers!"

"Plastic Memory" is over, and the audience is relieved.

Although they don't know if the last new partner of Si is Ella, but the audience

But rather to believe that it is Ella.

Everyone yearns for a better life, and many people can't accept Ella's ending

So many fans went to the official setting overnight to watch the last movie repeatedly


Hope to find clues about the figure they are familiar with.

Throughout the entire anime, when the male protagonist meets people, he always says 'for the first time, please take care

But I only met with my new partner, and I just said please take care of me', which shows that the two are not the first

met again.

The new partner stepped into the door with exactly the same action as Ella in the first episode, even the door and the orientation

all the same. "

"When introducing a new partner, everyone was smiling, and no one was because of Ai27

The sadness of La's departure shows that everyone is familiar with this new partner.

Finally, the new partner's shoes are the same as Ella's on the Ferris wheel! Plus

The last male protagonist went to train for nine months after Ella left. The results of these nine months of training are:


So I boldly speculate that the last new partner is Ella

After the end of "Plastic Memory", many people are depressed and uncomfortable, and a good year

Thirty's mind kept thinking about whether the last new partner who shook hands with Si was Ai.


Fans who are eager to know the answer continue to find clues, not to mention, this

I really found a lot of evidence to convince myself

666, this is the real boss

"After reading the big man's analysis, I feel a lot better!

There is no doubt that the landlord really loves fans, only if you really like it will you analyze it so seriously!

Regardless of whether the analysis is correct or not, for me, the last figure can only be Ella

The posts that are highly pinned to the top of the A Club forum are also the most popular.

Looking at the landlord's analysis, many people felt a little comfort in their hearts.

Although the official did not give the answer they wanted, it gave them an open

Sexual ending.

There are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people, and so is this ending.

As for whether the last new partner is Ella, or has lost her memory

Ella later, or another stranger altogether

Everyone must have their own thoughts on these.

Both "Plastic Memory" and "Dream of the Stars" are about the relationship between humans and robots.

Love problems, and they are both quite tear-jerking, it can be said that the two have a lot in common

"Dream of the Stars" Hoshino Yumei died in front of the audience, but if the drama is combined

From the scene version, the awakened nun robot gave the audience the last thought

The same is true for "Plastic Memory", although I know that the official did not give any new information in the end.

Whether the partner is Ella, but through various details, it has also given the audience's imagination


Tragedy is always memorable, "Plastic Memory" is deeply remembered

It also brings a touch of hope and a trace of thoughts to the audience.

From this point of view, Fangzheng still did not do anything.

However, although Fangzheng has left fans room for reverie, this does not mean that fans

will let him go

Fang Da, happy New Year's Eve, we like it very much~"

When the express delivery department starts work, I will send you some New Year's greetings, remember to receive them

"Blade ル Blade ル ~ Wholesale blade now

My eyes are red and swollen, how can I go to New Years like this~

Fangzheng thief, I am at odds with you!

On the first day of the new year, Fangzheng's Weibo is very lively, fans from all over the world

Blessing that it is colorful.

And Fang Zheng himself also felt the enthusiasm from the fans.

But looking at my newly moved villa, security doors, security windows, full of security!

I received so many New Year's greetings from fans early in the morning, I was really scared, for the sake of

To give back to everyone's love, I will redouble my efforts in the next year, Fight!!

As soon as Fangzheng's news was released, netizens immediately fryed the pot.

Nima, dog thief, you see clearly, are we blessing you?

It seems that the blade threat is not strong enough, try changing the personal attack package next time

The skin is still your skin, in terms of shameless kung fu, except for your skin and shrimp, I am all

Not taking it anymore!

"Going the extra mile? Trying to make us cry?

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