Fangda opens the door, and the community sends warmth!

Looking at the 'happy' messages from the fans below, Fang Zheng walked aside with a smile and gave himself to himself.

Have a cup of tea.

Walking to the balcony, enjoying the rising sun, I closed my eyes slightly.

He couldn't remember how long he hadn't had such a leisurely rest, this peaceful

Really good morning.

Because it is located in the 250 magic capital, coupled with official control, the sound of firecrackers in the morning is not

How noisy it is, although the smell of Chinese New Year is missing, but the air is indeed stronger than in previous years

Much better.

Ding Ding Ke

Fang Zheng took out his cell phone and connected.

Hello Fang Dong, happy new year

Hearing the words in the receiver of the mobile phone, Fang Zheng smiled, he knew that Zhang Siyu would be the first

A man who called him to send his blessings.

After half a year of getting along, he has a very good understanding of Zhang Siyu's character.

Let's have fun together, I'll send you a big red envelope later~

In the following time, Fangzheng received many calls one after another, Yang Li, Qin Miaomiao

, Chen Xianting and others called him to congratulate him

Fangzheng did not hold back, and one person sent a big red envelope of 888

Well, for the Chinese New Year, the people of the Xia country are in the heart of a good luck and an open door.

What's more, these employees are really good and have made great contributions to the development of Company A.

Contribution, so he is not stingy in the year-end bonuses given to employees.

In addition, the two animes "Light Tone Girl" and "Girl and Chariot" gave him the

Some box office income, he is also considered a small asset.

Naturally, like a black-hearted boss, he will not deduct the rewards that employees deserve.




Chapter [-] Crazy Plan (For Support)

During the Chinese New Year, other people's houses are lively and lively, but Fangzheng's side is deserted.

He was alone in the huge villa, which made him feel uncomfortable. Sure enough, he was still in the company.


Then, Fangzheng started to work on the fifth day of the first day.

Fang Dong, have you really thought about it?"

Zhuyuan area, the square outside the headquarters building of Company A

Zhang Siyu looked at Fang Zheng with a solemn expression.

Early this morning, Fangzheng called her to come to the company, saying that there was something important to discuss.

As a result, when he came to the company, Zhang Siyu was a little stunned after hearing Fangzheng's plan.

tongue feeling

Fangzheng actually wants to spend a lot of money to start the construction of the Zhuyuan area, and it's all in accordance with the animation

theme to build.

In other words, even the works of the A company, the worst will have their own logo.

Iconic building.

At present, Company A's works include "Dream of the Stars", "Slashing the Red", "When Prison Meals Come to Me"

next to me"

The Girl and the Chariot", "Light Voice Girl"

Swing Camping" and

"Plastic Memory", which was just completed a few years ago.

According to Fangzheng's plan, their company A will build seven large buildings one after another.

Among them, there is a planetarium with the theme of the earliest work "Dream of the Stars" by Company A.

The memorial hall with the theme of "Slaying the Red", with the theme of "When Prison Meals Come to Me"

children's playground.

There is also the chariot battle base represented by "Girls and Tanks", and the representative of "Light Tone Girl"

The 'Budokan' concert venue, the camping experience scenic spot represented by "Swaying Camping" and the "Can

Plastic Memory's theme amusement park!

Let's not talk about whether some of these buildings can be realized or not, the start-up capital alone will

is an astronomical number.

Although the profitability of company A is very strong, how can it be a huge project to support it?

Eyes, that is simply a fantasy.

Fang Dong, with all due respect, have you really thought about it?

Zhang Siyu looked at Fangzheng with some worry, she was worried that Fangzheng would make A company fall into

Financial Crisis.

Don't look at the current boom in the A company, the popularity of word of mouth is both explosive, but secretly

I hope that there are many people who have problems with Company A.

This can be seen from the constant people looking for her, hoping to raise funds to join the A company

And recently, there are also many people in the A company who advocate that the A company can be listed as soon as possible.

There are pros and cons to the listing of the company. The advantage is that it can quickly raise financing and instantly

The company's assets expand exponentially; the disadvantage is that the company's results, including the company itself, may also be

stolen by someone with ulterior motives.

But fortunately, Company A has so far been wholly owned by Founder, and all the shares are owned by Founder

Account with people.

And for those investment companies that want to raise funds, Zhang Siyu also refused one by one.

In the current situation, if Fangzheng makes such a big move, one bad move will cause the company to fail.

Falling into financial crisis, by that time, in addition to listing for cash or accepting venture capital,

No choice.

These two means of obtaining funds mean the participation of foreign capital. This is Zhang Si

Rain does not want to see.

That's why she hoped that Fang Zheng could think about it.

Fang Zheng also understands Zhang Siyu's worries, but he has his own plans.

Funding is not a problem, you have to believe in the profitability of company A

Fang Zheng looked at Zhang Siyu with a smile, and if it didn't help, he developed some two-dimensional games.

You can also quickly withdraw funds.

Especially the two-dimensional mobile game market, there is no market on the market now, think about the mobile game in the past life

In the case of krypton gold, Fang Zheng never felt that funds would hinder his development.

"Alright then, since Dong Fang has thought it through, I have no problem.

When Zhang Siyu heard Fangzheng's words, his frowning brows relaxed.

As the actual helm of the A company, Fangzheng said that if there is no problem, then there is no problem.

Fang Dong, planetarium, memorial hall, martial arts hall, children's playground and amusement park are all good

Say, but can you explain to me, this tank vs. base and camping experience

What does scenic area mean?

Zhang Siyu looked at Fangzheng, and his heart was full of doubts.

Can't really build a scenic spot, a resort, etc., or he really

want to get some tanks

Let's not talk about the question of whether the money is enough, that is, the above is allowed to pay two more words.

Besides, she didn't think Fangzheng had so much energy and connections.

The chariot battle base is the same as in the anime, but let's be a little taller and simpler, touch

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