Just start class.

In the boys' dormitory, Chen Gan was lying on the bed, holding his mobile phone in his hand, his eyes focused

Looking at the screen mindfully, the corner of his mouth also had a slightly perverted smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I said Lao Chen, what are you laughing at, my wife is out of breath?

Qi Yu and two other roommates went back to the dormitory and threw the basketball to the side.

in the frame.

There are four dormitories, except for Chen Qian, they all like to play basketball.

As for Chen Qian himself, because he has no feeling for basketball, he usually goes out for two laps in the morning.

Then eat dinner and go to the dormitory.

Qi Yu walked into the room and took off his coat, seeing Chen Gan ignoring him, he couldn't help but

Somewhat curious.

What is this guy doing so curious.

I am a returned child born in England, King Kong desu! Please advise!

[Yeah~! Admiral, you can touch it~ But pay attention to the time and occasion

Ah ~

Touch it, but also pay attention to the time and occasion??

Qi Yu's eyes widened, looking at Chen Qian who was lying on the bed in disbelief.

I rely on Lao Chen, you are looking at this kind of thing so early in the morning!" Qi Yu pointed at the

Fang, with a look of disgust on his face, said: "No, I'm going to change the bed, sleep with you.

I don't feel safe up there!

Saying that, when Qi Yu walked to his bed, he wanted to rip off his bed and change the place.

But when he walked to Chen Qian's side, Qi Yu peeked at Chen Qian's eyes.


Although he knew that Chen Qian was probably looking at something unhealthy, he also knew that he

An innocent young man should not touch these, but his eyes seem to be out of control.

When he got up, the 'Yah~!' he heard just now really stabbed him, and his whole body got goosebumps.

the kind of pimple

"Aren't you going to change the bed? Why haven't you done it yet?

Chen Gan noticed Qi Yu's gaze, rolled his eyes speechlessly, covered his phone, and didn't let him.

Qi Yu saw the content inside.

It's been in the same dormitory for more than a year, who doesn't know who, do you think you secretly

What I don't know?

This bed is a bunk, one piece, and it will shake, you know?

They are all foxes of dry years, what kind of Liao Zhai are you playing for me?

Cough, no change, no change. "Qi Yu smiled awkwardly, then rubbed his hands,

Looking at Chen Qian, he said, "Old Chen... No! Brother Chen, Brother Chen, give me a look, just one look!

Looking at Qi Yu's expectant eyes, Chen Gan smiled disdainfully.

Because the news of A's official blog was posted in the morning, and at that time, Qi Yu and several people were playing

Basketball and mobile phones are inconvenient, so they are all thrown in the dormitory.

He came back for the morning run earlier than Qi Yu and the others, so he knew the news of the A company in advance.

Naturally, as the only god-level fan who gave Fang Zheng a blade, he

Download it directly without any hesitation.

And he is logged in with the account of company A, and the official also gave him a free ten consecutive draws.

card chance.

And the voice that Qi Yu heard just now was the best card he had drawn.

However, Chen Qian didn't know it, but he knew through the special effects when drawing a card that this card was

is the legendary golden legend

Looking at the introduction, the newly drawn character is called King Kong, which is a battleship.

The words just now were precisely the new character King Kong greeting him, the Admiral.

Brother Chen, Brother Chen, just give me a look, just take a look!

Qi Yu looked at Chen Qian begging, he swore that he would only look at it once and never look at it much.

Go go go, play while you go, look at the phone by yourself, this is a mobile phone released by A company


Chen Qian also wants to continue to study other data of King Kong, how can he pay attention to Qi Yu

This bad friend immediately waved his phone at Qi Yu, and then waved his hand impatiently.

I wipe, game? Why can't you find a better excuse to perfunctory me?

Qi Yu stared at Chen Gan, who didn't know that Company A was an animation company, and where did it come from to do it?


believe it or not!

Chen Qian ignored Qi Yu. After a while, this guy will know the matter when he sees the phone.

After passing by, instead of wasting saliva with this guy, it is better to listen to the comfort from 'Admiral'.


ask for flowers 0

Emm~ I have to say, the dubbing of this game is really good, just listen to it and feel it

Seeing that Chen Gan was ignoring her, Qi Yu took herself out from under the bedside pillow suspiciously.


Damn, company A has really released a game!

Qi Yu looked at the news of special concern on the mobile phone, and read the latest news of the official blogger of A agency.

Everyone is messed up.

As most people think, if you, an animation company, don't do animation well, what will happen?

what game

But when he thought of the coquettishness that came from Chen Gan's phone just now, Qi Yu said nothing and went straight.

Then click download.

Fang Da, from now on I will worship you as God, the only true God

Qi Yu logged into the game, looked at the exquisite drawings in the game, and listened to the different sounds.

Lord Admiral with different tones, he feels that his life has reached the peak

Ah~ this world is so wonderful, why is there such a 'gentleman' game

Qi Yu was enjoying himself, and closed his eyes happily, enjoying himself.

Can you stop being such a disgusting person? You can log in with a company A account for ten times for free

Take it once and see what you can get

While Chen Gan came over and kicked Qi Yu, seeing the disgusting smile on the corner of the other's mouth, he

Resisted that he didn't give this guy a punch.

Nima, sleep on the bunk with you, I should be the one who feels unsafe, right?

Oh yes [-] draws!"

Qi Yu was woken up by Chen Gan and rubbed his hands excitedly, just when Chen Gan thought Qi Yu

When I was about to draw the card, I saw that this guy put away his mobile phone, and then passed the window from the side

He picked up the soap and went straight to the bathroom.

As for?

After a while, Qi Yu walked in.

Chen Gan looked at the other's rubbed and red hands, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

However, this is more than that. I don't know where this product came from. I don't know which one it is.

The portrait of the Bodhisattva, pasted on the wall, with three cigarettes lit at the end, with a sincere expression on his face

for a while

Come on, I'm Emperor Ou!!"

Ready for everything, Qi Yu clicked to draw the card.

Watching the card pool change, Qi Yu's face was flushed red, his eyes stared at the boss, and he was breathing.

some haste.

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