PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please~~~




Chapter [-] The essence of krypton gold (seeking support)

The popular launch of the "Fleet Collection" game has made many gentlemen addicted.

Especially the beautiful and eye-catching vertical paintings, as well as the unique explosion

The setting makes many fans worship Fangzheng as a god, the only true god.

Many maddened fans, in order to appreciate the explosive scene at that moment, unexpectedly

I want to let my ship girl send people's heads. In this regard, I have to say that you really have the mentality of the gentlemen.

I don't understand.

While the fans were feeling ecstatic, Fang Zheng was also smiling happily.

Games are always a lucrative industry, and they are still mobile games famous for krypton gold.

A big piece of cake is too fragrant for company A, which has a large funding gap in the future.

Looking at it in just a few days, he has made nearly [-] million income on his side, Fang Zheng

smile blossoms

What is a pot full of pot abundance, this is called pot full pot abundance.

Fang Dong, the Demon "June [-]" TV station would like to conduct an interview with you,

Do you want to promise them?

Company A headquarters, Founder's office.

Chen Xianting knocked on the door of the office and walked in.

TV station? Why interview again?

Fang Zheng frowned slightly, not because he didn't want to be interviewed, but because of

After the experience of his own emoji flying all over the sky, he has some respect for the profession of Internet celebrity.


Except for those who want to be popular in their dreams, who likes their emojis to be used in the whole network?

And does someone on the other side need this kind of low-level means to make himself famous?

This.. may be because our company A has been making too much noise recently, so the TV station

I want some scoops~

Chen Xianting was stunned when she heard Fang Zheng's words, but she thought about the phone call just now, the TV station

In the expectant tone of the person in charge over there, she said her guess.

The recent A company is really moving, the animation movies released by A company before the new year are very popular

Let's not mention the events of the time, that is, after the New Year, some actions of the A company have caused

attracted many people's attention

After all, in this empty and even desolate Zhuyuan area, only Company A

Enterprises are located here, giving people a wrong situation of taking the mountain as the king.

And with the launch of Founder's series of plans, a large number of construction vehicles are driven to the ground every day.

Zhu Yuan, the engineering teams rushed over in a hurry.

If the media does not pay attention to such a big news, then theirs is not worthy of being a network

online media.

However, because Zhang Siyu's proposition is that he refuses to publicize before the project is completed.

In order to prevent some ulterior motives from jumping out and making trouble, so many media know

Company A must have made a big move, but I don't know what happened.

For company A, besides knowing what large buildings they seem to be building, these media

Other than that, I don't know anything about it.

exclusive news?

Fang Zheng nodded silently when he heard Chen Xianting's words, he knew that these days

The media is very curious about the purpose of such a big move by Company A.

promise me

After thinking about it, Fang Zheng finally decided to agree.

It's not for anything else, that is, when he was still in the early days, Modu TV gave him an exclusive

Interview, this support alone is enough to keep him in mind

Being a man should know how to be grateful

Moreover, you can also take this opportunity to promote your game well,


The lifespan of mobile games does not occupy an absolute advantage compared to the end game, every month

There are countless mobile games on the shelves, including some masterpieces and junk works.

In this case, mobile game advertising is particularly important

Jiuxiang is also afraid of deep alleys, not to mention mobile games that need to be exposed.

He has his own popularity, and the A club is also very popular, but he can push his own flag

What's next, why not do it?

Good Director Fang, then I'll help you agree~"

After receiving Fang Zheng's answer, Chen Xianting left the office and agreed to accept Fang Zheng's interview.

The news was told to the person in charge of Modu TV.

In the warm gratitude of the other party, Chen Xianting hung up the phone.

From time to time, although the current company A cannot be said to be a giant company, it is more

It can't be said that it is strong, but at least it is a medium and large enterprise.

In addition, Company A is still a sole proprietorship, and it has never had any funds since its operation.


Therefore, the outside world has not had a detailed and accurate data on the company's assets of A company.

Only a rough estimate.

This is also the main reason why many VCs are eager to integrate into the A company.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the future of Company A is limitless, and so far, the root

There is no financial risk

This kind of guaranteed profit and loss has always been favored by venture capital capital.

Chen Xianting left the office, Fang Zheng sat alone in the chair, looking at the notebook.

On the "Fleet Collection" game forum, Fang Zheng squinted his eyes.

The game "Fleet Collection" has been well received so far.


Many fans know that this is a game launched by A company, and they are more or less supported by krypton gold

Next, there are more local tyrant players and fewer civilian players.

For company A, these fans really support from the heart, which is also the "Fleet col"

The main reason why "lection" has reached [-] million in a short period of time.

And because the game "Fleet Collection" echoes with the animation of the A company

The heat is also very high

A company started with animation, this game is "Fleet Collection" to put it bluntly

This is a fundamental difference from the previous game changing to anime.

Coupled with the unique setting and the first two-dimensional style of painting, it makes the audience feel

At the same time of novelty and surprise, it also firmly grasped the hearts of many fans, making them want to

Can't stop.

Of course, Fangzheng is still more conscientious, he doesn't have the pure krypton gold mobile games like those in the previous life.

In this way, if you don't charge money, you will always be a DD.

In the game "Fleet Collection", Fangzheng gave the audience a lot of benefits,

Even casual players can play comfortably

Of course, the premise is that you have a strong liver!

After all, this mobile game he launched is used to attract players to make money to make profits, such as

If everyone does leopard head zero charge on 5.8, then he can only drink the northwest wind.

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