Sure enough, Nabeth Bo did not take the necromancer in her eyes, and wrote on her expressionless face.

Full of indifference, as if in her eyes, the other party is not a necromancer at all, but

A stone on the side of the road

Watching Nabe fight with the necromancer's bone dragon, the audience finally knows the old bone

Why 'transfer' to melee

Emotions are all in the same vein.

Sure enough, those who play wizards are born with a heart for close combat!

In the next part, the audience also guessed it, watching Nabe get the order from Lao Gu

, restored his original appearance, and with a wave of his hand, he electrocuted the necromancer.

Not even scum left.

Electrotherapy Dafa!!

Wrong? What's wrong? Will you still play truancy and go online in the future?

Before playing naked with you, do you still think you can do it?

Am I the only one who thinks Nabe in a maid outfit is picturesque?

Is this a maid or a battle maid!!!

Viewing Nabe's return to her original appearance, the audience was excited.

In particular, Nabe is so handsome and free and easy to give electrotherapy to the necromancer who was still clamoring before.

Everyone shouted that they were heartbroken

Didn't you think you were a jerk before?

The ashes are all lifted up for you!!

Watching the necromancer die, the audience felt relieved.

The most important thing in being a human being is to recognize yourself and your own position.

Be honest with your tail tucked in, don't come out and fill a cup casually.

Otherwise, if you dress up, you will be beaten and called a fool.

Watching Nabe's battle, the audience only felt a trace of passing, but when they saw the old man

During the battle of the bones, オ suddenly launched the party, it turns out that the old bones are the hidden cup height


One hugged her sister to death, watching the funny sister being 'carried' to death by her old skeleton classmates, the audience was shocked


Bone King: Those who stab the few in the face will be rewarded!

What a miserable funny sister, you have already run away, you don't listen

Albedo and Shalltear expressed their envy~~~"

Could this be the long-lost ancient secret method—the profound meaning, true, and killing my sister in my arms!"

The audience was stunned. They thought about Lao Gu reaching out and crushing Sister Funny, and they also thought about hitting with cannonballs.

Mosquito-like superposition spell bombing, but I didn't expect Lao Gu to be so funny


Who said that Lao Gu can only passively fill cups?

This took the initiative to fill the cup, is there anything else?

PS: Thanks to "Sanriyuelan" and "Yanzhi" for their monthly ticket support, thank you big guy

Hope you guys can support me, please!!




Chapter [-] "Overlord" Official Novel (For Support)

rd" because of its unique character setting and fit with the current novels,

Recognized by many fans.

Especially Lao Gu's unique plot that is cowardly and loves to hold cups, which makes many audiences shout

Intrigued but also curious

The setting of this anime can be said to be very novel, first of all, the supporting roles of the undead, their

Characters are very clear

And unlike the otherworldly non-human races known to the audience, among Nazaricks

The undead don't have too many complicated feelings, and they don't have any humanoid behavior

Whether it's Albedo, Sebas, or Shalltear, Demiurge, etc.

Guardians, their personalities are very extreme, and their thinking patterns do not conform to human common sense.

But he is absolutely loyal to the old bones

This near-rigorous setting runs through the whole of "overlord", so as to maximize the process

To a certain extent, it is guaranteed that the supporting characters will not jump

In addition, Lao Gu himself, who is talked about by the audience, as the chairman of the trade union, also he

It may not be the most combative existence among the trade unions, but it is the most cautious existence.

Compared with other members of the union, Lao Gu may not be proficient in everything, but what

Will go up a little bit, and the interpersonal relationship is maintained quite well

Such a character is perfect for the position of the trade union president.

As the president of the trade union, Lao Gu has learned the good habit of thinking twice before acting, foresight,

Naturally, such a character will not be rash and reckless like novels on the market.

Lose, take one step at a time.

Lao Gu's rigorous thinking mode and code of conduct also run through.there has never been

An error occurred.

The most intuitive experience is that Lao Gu is always passively filled with cups, and is also ridiculed by the audience as following him.

The air fights wits and courage.

As everyone knows, the audience has the perspective of God, but the old bones do not.

Perhaps the audience feels that Lao Gu's opponent is insignificant, or even weak and pitiful.

But if you think about it from another perspective, the old bone is a game lover, with Nazarick

He traveled to another world and knew nothing about everything around him.

Who will go out and show off when the eyes are black?

Fighting wits with the air, in the eyes of the audience, this is the most attractive of this anime

It is also the cleverness of Lao Gu, and in this completely unfamiliar world, the most

Wise choice.

Of course, the genius of this anime lies not only in the rigorous setting, but also in the

That kind of refreshing cup after 'obviously it can be solved violently but choose to fight wits and courage'


This is also the biggest crude oil of the old bone passive cup that the audience often ridicules. This kind of plot

It won't make people feel boring, and it won't give people a very brainless feeling

It can be said that in addition to the setting and plot, the anime "overlord" brings the audience

The viewing experience is very good, even excellent.

However, as a novel, "overlord" has been changed into an anime, and it can be said that it is an anime.

It's a lot of cuts from the original story.

Moreover, due to the length of the anime, there is no original introduction to the character settings.


Therefore, when many viewers watch this anime, they always have all kinds of questions.

For example, the detailed information, levels, abilities and even the details of the guardians of all levels of Nazarick

The relationship between this and so on, such as the members of the battle maid group where the popular Nabe is located


Wait a minute, this is what the audience desperately wants to know, although without thinking about it and

It doesn't affect them watching anime, but I don't understand it, and I always have a little pimple in my heart.

In the forum of the A company, there are also many fans who quarrel every day, often for Nazarick

One of the supporting characters was arguing.

The father said that the public was reasonable, and the mother said that the mother was reasonable, and no one could convince anyone.

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