In this regard, Fangzheng's solution is also very simple.

Since "overlord" is a novel changed to an anime, its original work is a novel.

As a half otaku in his previous life, he was fortunate enough to read some novels of "overlord"

It is still relatively clear about some of the settings inside.

Therefore, Fang Zheng has already moved the "overlord" novel at the beginning of the production of this anime.

Come over, and even specially equipped with a set of settings.

Most of the set are illustrations, including the characters in the anime, with pictures

In the form of painting, the setting of the character is shown to the fans in more detail, so as to facilitate the understanding of the fans.

In addition to helping fans better understand anime, Fangzheng himself can earn more

Enter, why not do it?

And with the end of the first season of "overlord", Fangzheng also reduced the "overlord"

The story and setting set were handed over to Chen Xianting, who asked her to find a printing house to print, and then put it on the A social officer

Online fan zone for sale.

0... ask for flowers... 0

Fans have made up their minds, the "overlord" fanfiction and set have been published

The official website of the A company, fans who like textual research can buy it by themselves. In addition, there are

The first batch of "overlord" doujinshi collector's edition, the number is limited first come first served~

On the second day after the end of "overlord", the settings for each role in the forum, fans

The heat of the debate among the silks has not only not decreased, but has instead increased.

The root of it is that many fans with valid evidence have returned and watched it over and over again.

Anime, looking for the details inside.

Not to mention, I will go looking for it, and they have found a lot of first-time viewing relics.

leaking place.

So as these 'evidences' were unearthed, a new round of debate in the forum kicked off.

However, before fans could argue about it, the official Weibo of Company A suddenly posted a message

After reading the content, the red-faced fans of these arguments were dumbfounded.

The meaning of A's official blog is very simple, and it can be summed up in one sentence.

Stop arguing, come and see the official settings

Such a very timely dynamic has left many fans speechless.

Co-authoring, we have been arguing for a long time and it was a waste of time, and the official approval has long been given.

A set of settings is ready.

What's the point of their argument?

No matter how much and how detailed the 'evidence' they found in the anime, could it be better than the official design

Is it more reliable?

Wanting to understand this, many fans are twitching their mouths, and their faces are speechless.

I doubt that Fang Da did it on purpose, he definitely did it on purpose

"We have been arguing from the beginning of the anime to the present, and as a result, Fang Da backhandedly gave the set

Well, Pippi shrimp, I admit that you won again~

Don't say it, hurry up and buy the figure, the collector's edition~

Figures need to be grabbed, novels and set sets are also bought, obsessive-compulsive disorder patients say they don’t understand

It's hard to set up

PS: I hope the big guys can support me, please!




Chapter [-] Valentine's Day is coming (for support)

As soon as the official novel and set of "overlord" were released, fans were mad

madly sought after.

With the popularity of the anime itself, the sales of novels and set sets are very objective.

And the official novel is different from the anime, its length itself is very huge, for "over"

The world view, background and character settings of lord" are given a detailed introduction.

Not only Lao Gu and his party, but even some other supporting roles have also given details


For example, the labor union where Lao Gu is located was formerly a suicide squad.

Nine people, calling themselves 'nine' sowngoal!'

In the early days of this game, because some powerful occupations must PK a certain number of alien species

Players can only get it, so for a long time, players in a row are constantly being

Hunting, and even many players retreated because of this.

Also because of this bad "[-]" situation, many players who choose Alien species

All stay in three worlds in their favor—Niflheim, Khorheim, and Muhammad.


These alien players refuse to come out to explore other worlds, just these three worlds

Just enough for them to play.

But Takimi and other nine union members didn't want to play games so petty.

Resolutely ran to other worlds to adventure

After going through countless PKs and being killed many times, they also gained a lot of

of actual combat experience, and also obtained a very powerful career.

It was also during this period that Takimi accidentally rescued the old bones who were being hunted down.

Later, with the growth of 'nine' sowngoal', the number increased to twenty-seven,

Among them are the original members Takimi, Ershi Yanlei, and the warrior Jian Yulei.

Subsequent additions include Pero Rocino, Bubble Teapot, Black Naked Holo, and White Hair Accessories

Hot and sour soup and others.

With the growth of personnel, Takimi decided to dissolve the original group and formally set up a trade union.

He recommended Lao Gu as the president, and after discussion, the union was finally named 'Ainz'

Ur Christine.

Afterwards, the members of the guild made concerted efforts to attack the Great Tomb of Nazarick and occupy it

The union ranked ninth in the world in its heyday with 11 world-class props, and later

As the members of the guild left one after another, the union dropped to 48 at one point.

In the end, only the old man was left in the union to insist on daily login, and maintain union expenses and

Protection, waiting for the return of former comrades.

At the time of the server shutdown, the union run by Lao Gu ranked 29th in the world.

When he first saw the trade union ranking, Fang Zheng wondered if he had bought pirated novels.

After all, when he watched the anime, he felt that the Great Tomb of Nazarick was the strongest, and he started

Always thought so.

But knowing that he saw the detailed settings of the novel, he reacted.

Because the anime started from the game off the server, there is not much about the previous content

introduction, so the audience is a little puzzled by Lao Gu's so cautious approach.

But after seeing the original work, オ understood that Lao Gu's approach was not wrong, but it was ten


After all, in the original novel, there are eight more powerful ones than the old bone union in its heyday.

Not to mention that when the game was closed, his union was only ranked twenty-ninth.

So after seeing the decimals, Lao Gu's behavioral motives can be explained.

In addition to the trade union aspect, Lao Gu's own strength also prompted him to be cautious.

The main reason for caution.

In the guild, the strongest person is not Lao Gu, the chairman, but the early member Takimi,

Its race is a bug, the title of silver paladin, professional world champion.

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