Realizing the horror of Sihui Ye, the audience immediately put away their thoughts, because they

Knowing that Shinomiya Kaguya is already a master at the same level as Baiyin.

ask for flowers

Two evenly matched opponents, this love will definitely be a textbook showdown.

In the face of master tricks, what we have to do is to learn with an open mind and constantly understand the love between the two

The secret words between experts, even if it is a look or a gesture, they have to think carefully.

Maybe there is a final outcome behind this.

Details determine success or failure, never let go of any details.

In order not to be enslaved in falling in love in the future, and in order to be able to take the initiative in the future,

In order to be able to call out that you are the head of the family after marriage!

Learn the essence of the lineup of the two big guys, absolutely must understand

With this kind of thought in mind, many fans stared at the screen with wide eyes, watching Bai Yin and the others.

Gong Huiye's you come and go.

【Half a year has passed

Suddenly the narration appeared again

Nothing happened during this time

Hearing this narration, the audience was stunned for a while, not only did they not feel any strangeness, but

and take it for granted

Master tricks, don't be impatient!!

Love is a war, it is not surprising that it lasts for half a year!

Yes, the important thing is to calm down, stabilize yourself, and actively look for others


I've learned that you can't be impatient in love, you have to be calm!

The audience's reaction at this time is a bit abnormal. According to normal people, this time is not the right time.

Are you laughing?

Why can this group of single Wang fans realize the truth of falling in love?

The group of fans who have been stunned are devoted to it, they want to learn more

The laning skills so that they can win the love war of life in the future.

Love is war, they are already a big step behind those outside, if they themselves

If you don't work hard, you won't have a chance in the future.

No one doesn't want to fall in love, and no one doesn't want to take the initiative in the process of falling in love.

Since everyone doesn't want to give up and don't want to be a loser, then it's up to their own abilities, so

They must be determined to be strong, and work hard to learn the love routine of Si Gong and Bai Yin.

Only in this way, they have so little hope of deserved victory!!

For love! For victory! For freedom! Fight!!

PS: I hope the big guys can support me, please!




Chapter [-] The gap is too big to doubt life (seeking support)

Watching Kaguya fight against Baiyin's masters, the audience was mesmerized, each and every small

Books are filled with their own to watch new.

Although the narration said that nothing happened to the two of them for half a year, in other words,

It was the two who did not win or lose during this half-year period.

Sure enough, a master is a master, and this love battle looks like it will be a protracted struggle

long fierce battle.

Hayasaka Ai said that men are nothing but impulsive creatures, as long as they say it inadvertently

Reinforcement induced words, according to Freudian theory, men subconsciously receive

Access to certain information and association with frequently used vocabulary counties can promote

make each other.

Shinomiya Kaguya remembered the love theory that his maid told him, as long as he didn't go through

By uttering some inductive words on purpose, you can make the creature like a man go

think about that

Thinking of this, Shinomiya Kaguya's "May [-]" is busy with the work at hand, while ignoring

Intentionally speaking to President Bai Yin on the side.

Speaking of which, the apple part of the fountain statue in the courtyard today has a deep carving between the cherries.

There is a snail there. "

Hearing Kaguya Shinomiya's words, not to mention what Bai Yin thinks, the audience in front of Fangzheng's screen

It's already thinking crooked, and it's still the kind of imaginative

Red apple, cherry, emm~ These words are used very well, they are reminiscent of

Some unhealthy things, reverie.

After a while, the audience recovered from their fantasy and looked at the

's annotations, one by one is shivering

At this moment, the audience finally knew why Siguan Huiye said so, it seems

This is a topic that has nothing to do with love at all, but its deep meaning is intriguing.

women are horrible

Is this the battle of love?

If you don't pay attention, you will be induced by the opponent, and you don't know how to lose~~!

It's too insidious, to induce the enemy through individual words, this is the progress of the art of love

tier version?"

"I remember Florid's theory, and I will study it after watching the anime.

Watching Kaguya Shinomiya take out a high-level tactics lightly, many viewers are feeling

At the same time as being averse to the cold, he also concentrated on learning this advanced technique.

Learn and learn from time to time, and when they master this skill, they will be in the battle of love in the future.

The force will not fall into the opponent's trap, and it can even take the initiative to attack the opponent by surprise.

Not enough!

Watching Shinomiya Kaguya inadvertently reveal a little skill from his fingers can make himself

Benefited a lot, the audience had a clearer understanding of the horror of women as creatures.

Fortunately, I haven't been in love before, otherwise I won't be hanged and beaten by the other party.

The two sides are not on the same level at all. Applying the settings of "overlord", the female

People are like old bone classmates, full-level plus size plus kryptonite props, and they are those

Soldiers of the human kingdom.

Comparing the two, he is simply not enough to be seen by others.

There is a way of being ashamed and then courageous, knowing one's own shortcomings, and then trying to make up for it,

In the future, he will be a brave man

The audience saw that Miss Hui Ye made a move. It doesn't make sense to be on the same level as Hui Ye.

Will President Silver not notice?

My sister used to say it was too hot and went into the fountain and then caught a cold, really

Yes, being casual is not a good thing!

Listening to Bai Yin's words, the audience slowly became puzzled.

They suddenly feel that their IQ is not enough, why are these two right?

They sound awkward.

It's like the two people who are chatting are not in the same channel, you say yours and I say me

Yes, can you understand, whether the dialogue is meaningful or not is completely out of consideration

Is this the unique cross-channel chat between the big guys, understanding each other's meaning

It's all guesswork?

Also, Miss Kaguya has resorted to inducement tactics, so why don't you try for the sake of President Shirogane?

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