Could it be that he didn't notice the other party's sinister intentions?

Just when the audience sighed, the annotation appeared on the screen again.

Seeing that the animation is very thoughtful and giving comments, the audience is grateful and a little unhappy at the same time.


What does this mean?

Could it be that Fang Da had guessed long ago that with their IQs, they would definitely not be able to understand this conversation

, so the explanation was released.

Although you are kind, I feel you are humiliating me.

In order to make the other party deeply aware of the benefits of the complementary relationship between men and women, the dialogue should be deliberately strong

Focus on the lack of female spirit, focusing on the inconsistency of the way of thinking that gives priority to feelings

Rational and trapped, so it is necessary to speak out about the failure of women because of emotional behavior

things, and should be emphasized.

I rely on

That's what happened!

Seeing this annotation, the audience instantly understood, they finally knew that this seemed

What's the meaning of Niutou's dialogue with Mazui? 0

Shinomiya Kaguya used some very suggestive words to induce Shirogane, and Shirogane did not

It's as bad as the audience imagined.

When Kaguya spoke, Bai Yin already understood the other party's intention.

Knowing that the other party is inducing him to think in the wrong direction, Baiyin sees tricks

Since the other side mentioned the fountain, he fired back with the example with the fountain.

Since the other party implied that men are impulsive creatures, he countered that women were

They are creatures that tend to act on emotions.

Tell Kaguya about the example of her sister who was afraid of the heat and hid in the fountain and caught a cold.

It is unreasonable and flawed to think that women give priority to their feelings.

Seeing Shirogane's counterattack against Shinomiya Kaguya, the audience was confused.

At this moment, inexplicably many viewers have some thoughts of giving up.

It's not that they are not firm enough, nor that they are not strong enough, but that they and Kaguya and

The silver gap is really too big.

People often say that you are not a hero if you are not judged by heaven, and you are mediocre if you are not envied by others.

People who are not big may be jealous and envious, but when the gap between the two reaches

to a certain extent

This emotion of jealousy will be transformed into admiration, and the audience at this time is in this state of mind

Baiyin and Kaguya's trick, they even have to use the narration to understand, among them

The difference is not even a star and a half.

If we study so hard, can we really reach the level of 1.6?"

To be honest, I have some doubts about life

I don't think I can be compared with these two big guys, it's just the difference between clouds and mud~!

The bottom of my heart is full of despair. This kind of learning journey with no back is really let down.

I feel like giving up

Thanks to "Hai Bin", "Once Bondage", "Three Lives and Three Stones", "Flying Fat Man"

139..3", "Flowers are not flowers, fog is not fog? (??0??)", "Jie-kong", "heitai

176..84", "Wind of Eidolon" monthly ticket support!

Thanks to "Fantasy Starry Sky", "138..08", "139..60", "Once Bond", "q

z160" tip

Thank you for your support guys!!




Chapter [-] Pink hair is not easy (seeking support)

Watching Baiyin and Kaguya's rivalry, many viewers felt a sense of despair.

The knowledge reached is really too high, so high that they have a feeling of despair.

This kind of feeling is like an elementary school student suddenly going to study high school courses.

Makes people crazy.

No, I can't stand it anymore

Is this really a love trick?

Thank you Fang Da for your kindness, but the old man's IQ is in a hurry, I really can't understand it~"

I never thought falling in love would be so difficult, it's simply a battle of wits~

The audience watched the anime and sighed, for the unfathomable Kaguya and Baiyin.

Skill is full of admiration.

Although they can't learn, it doesn't mean they can't appreciate it.

Watching the confrontation between the two of them, the audience only felt that it was a love affair to keep up with the battlefield

It's so hearty, it's simply addicting

However, the audience finally breathed a sigh of relief when they watched the next plot.

It turned out that they were not the only ones who didn't notice the fierce confrontation between the two, there was also one in the anime

people don't notice

Looking at Fujiwara Kanka with pink hair sitting opposite Shirogane and Kaguya

Si Bo did not notice the secret confrontation, and the audience breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, their IQ is still online, at least at the level of the public.

This pink hair 04 girl is a level

Fujiwara dried flowers, secretary of the student union of Hideo Garden Academy, the logo is the pink show

Hair, giving people a feeling of innocence.

[I said, I won the double ticket of the movie in the lottery before, but my family stipulates that I am not allowed to

Just looking at these things, the two of you don't know if they are happy?

Chika Fujiwara took out two movie tickets and smiled at Shirogane Kazuya, who was sitting opposite.

[Speaking of this week, I have a rare free time~

Shirogane's family conditions are not very good, and it is entirely a matter of being able to come to Shuchien Academy to study.

Relying on his own achievements, he is a proper scholar.

For the matter of watching movies, he obviously does not have the material conditions on weekdays, so he looks

Somewhat interested

[The four palaces, we

Shirogane heard that Chika Fujiwara couldn't go to the movies because of the strict control of the family, but he didn't want to.

I wasted these two movie tickets, so I planned to call Shinomiya Kaguya together.

But don't wait for him to finish

The Fujiwara Chihua took over and said again.

[I heard that this movie has a curse that if both men and women watch it, they will be green.


Looking at Fujiwara Chika's innocent expression, the corner of Kaguya's mouth raised slightly.

If both men and women go to see it, they will become attached

So when Baiyin invited him just now, did it mean that the other party was confessing to her in disguise?

Thinking of this, Kaguya Shinomiya looked at Shirogane on the side with an inexplicable smile on her face.

Looking at each other with the coupon in hand.

[Oh, President, did you invite me just now?

When Bai Yin heard this, his face was instantly covered in cold sweat, and he kept thinking about countermeasures in his heart.

There is no reason why Shinomiya Kaguya can't think of things that he can understand.

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