Fangzheng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Zhang Siyu say that all the projects over there were formalized.

It's good to be on the right track, so that Zhang Siyu doesn't need to be stuck there all the time.

Good to take over his new arrangement.

So, Director Fang, do you have any big projects?"

Zhang Siyu looked at Fangzheng, she knew that things would not be so simple, and it was estimated that Fangzheng would

What kind of project has been built, or else she will not be allowed to come over in person.

Then Fang Zheng told Zhang Siyu about his plan.

He wants to use the opportunity of "Miss Hui Ye wants me to confess" to create a show in the magic capital

Zhiyuan College

Of course, unlike in the anime, this is not a college, but a training

Institutions that specialize in training technologies related to the animation industry

Of course, I will also train other most mainstream skills at the moment, but the focus is on training animation

Technicians in related industries.

After these personnel have completed their studies, A society conducts internal recruitment and internal digestion.

No matter how bad it is, these students will also engage in animation-related industries after they finish their studies.

Maybe you can't see anything, but in the long run, these people will definitely contribute to the development of the second dimension

make a significant contribution.

The development of the second dimension cannot be promoted by a single person or an enterprise.

Said that he could play a leading role, and really wanted to make the two-dimensional circle popular

, and more people are needed to get involved.

After all, the power of an individual is limited, for which he has long recognized,

If it weren't for the black technology of the system, he would not be able to persist.

Fang Dong, this requires the consent of the relevant departments in 1.8. "

After listening to Fangzheng's plan, Zhang Siyu thought about it and agreed.

For company A, it is beneficial and harmless.

It can not only generate income, but also lay the foundation for the company's talent pool.

To say, this is the creation of employment opportunities, for the current industrial economic difficulties and employment difficulties

of the current situation.

The creation of employment opportunities can be favored by the relevant departments.

Happy but not

Thanks to "Little Pressure", "This ID is cool??", "Domineering Fan~", "Yuyao Hunting"

Mom", "158.78", "A- cirno", "648 Keqing to bring home", "The past ~ the beginning

The monthly pass; thank you for the reward of "648 Keqing Bring Home", thank you for your support

Hope you guys can support me, please!




Chapter [-] For the Anime Carnival (for support)

Educational institutions are no better than others. This is the foundation of the country and must be approved by the relevant departments.

Hearing Zhang Siyu's words, Fang Zheng nodded, he had already considered this aspect.

I have already had a phone call with Secretary Zou, and he agreed with my plan.

The next thing is that you go to the relevant departments to hand over to determine the process.

Dealing with relevant departments and discussing this matter is a must, and at worst

Say hello to the other party and prepare a case, so as to avoid any subsequent troubles that everyone does not want to see


"Then Fang Dong, what about the location of the college?

Zhang Siyu looked at Fangzheng, and she was the only CEO who consulted with relevant departments.

Once the identity is said, the other party will not feel bad because the identity of the person who came is too low.

face, not respected

In addition, Zhang Siyu is most worried about the remaining two issues, one is the college

The issue of location, one is the issue of funding

The problem of location selection is second, after all, their A company plays a role in most of the Zhuyuan area, so

A large block is definitely enough.

Funding is what worries her the most

There are three main sources of income for company A, one of which is the most intuitive one brought by animation.

Income, one is the sales income of fans around the anime, and the last one is Fang

It is the income brought by the previously launched ship girl mobile game.

Because Fangzheng refused to place advertisements on the broadcast platform of Company A, Company A is in this regard

income is zero.

However, although they lost a part of the profit, they have gained praise from users.

Like the tide, give the audience the best viewing and use experience to the greatest extent, and the user viscosity is ten

high score

It is no exaggeration to say that the users of the A company platform are the video platforms with the highest viscosity on the entire network.

Zhang Siyu's concerns are well known to Fang Zheng.

Although Xiuzhiyuan Academy serves our A company, it still belongs to animation in essence.

The landmark building is no different from the previous planetarium, theme park, etc., so

It is best to build it together with other buildings to form a scale!

Fangzheng's own idea is very simple. Since he wants to build a two-dimensional kingdom, he must

Only in this way can a tourist attraction be formed, which can attract people from all over the world

A pilgrimage for two-dimensional lovers.

As for the specific location, where exactly is the right place, you should go to those team dealers

Measure it

Fangzheng is well aware of the truth that if you don't understand it, don't make a blind command. There are too many things involved.

Transportation convenience, population density, and whether there are supporting entertainment facilities and

Consumer places, etc., these need to be considered.

And these are not his own strengths. If he specializes in surgery, he should leave it to a professional team.

It is good for the team to measure the evidence.

On the question of funding, you have to estimate — roughly how much funding is needed, and then

I'll say hi to the finance department

After listening to Fangzheng's arrangement, Zhang Siyu nodded, then got up

Fang Dong, I will go to work first. "

After finishing speaking, Zhang Siyu left Fangzheng's office and was ready to readjust.

work plan

After sending Zhang Siyu away, Fang Zheng took a sip of tea and frowned slightly.

Although Company A uses most of the land in Zhuyuan, there are very few places for real development.

Only the areas where several projects he ordered have been developed, other

Large tracts of land are still deserted.

To be honest, Fangzheng wants to bid a little bit, so that more people can participate in Zhu Yuan.

area under construction.

Of course, these bidding companies or individuals, their buildings and facilities must be

It is necessary to bring two-dimensional elements, which is the most basic premise

However, Fangzheng is worried that the occupancy of these companies and individuals will compress the reserved space of company A

In case he wants to build something iconic and has no land, it will be embarrassing


Forget it, let's take a look

Fang Zheng shook his head and threw all these messy thoughts out.

It belongs to the future plan, and now it is considered a bit unfounded.

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