The most urgent task is to play steadily, constantly enrich the works of A Club, and gradually develop new activities.

Comic-related two-dimensional industry, and prepare for the animation carnival four months later


Although the last animation festival was very popular, in Fangzheng's heart it was not perfect.

Flawed, it can be said that the Anime Carnival is the first two-dimensional festival held by Founder.

But the anime carnival at that time was not so much a carnival, but a soft singing

would be more appropriate

The animation carnival in his mind is the prosperous world of the second dimension, not because of a certain animation

A small festival, this kind of fan event based on Mobu's animation can be held, but

Definitely no more than carnivals and carnivals, which he values ​​most.

Therefore, Fang Zheng believes that although the last anime carnival was a good start,

yes there are regrets

And this regret, Fangzheng wants to make up for this at this animation carnival, so he

Will do whatever it takes to build a theme park, a planetarium or even a landmark like Nazarick.

iconic building

Only when the supporting facilities hide, can he hold more attractive activities,

It can make this animation carnival not so monotonous.

In the last anime carnival, to put it bluntly, only 523 had a light music concert at

The facade is still very monotonous in nature.

But because it is the first time to hold such a grand two-dimensional event, fans are all

I was very curious and didn't complain about how tedious the activity was.

Coupled with the black technology of the virtual imaging system, the audience's attention was completely absorbed by the scene.

The cross-dimensional concert and Tianyi have been attracted away, so the animation carnival will be the first

Look, it was very successful.

But the animation carnival is bound to be dominated by animation, not black technology,

Their A company is also an animation company, not a high-tech company, so we can't put the cart before the horse.

Maybe no one will complain once, and no one will complain twice, but more often,

It's bound to make fans bored

At that time, the animation carnival or the animation carnival he created will be fine.

, Word of mouth is bound to show a downward trend.

It even gave a 'but so' that it wasn't what he wanted to see.

Therefore, he will be desperate to develop Zhu Yuan, creating a building that seems to have no

building of value.

All he has done has only one purpose, to make these cartoon carnivals a success


PS: I hope the big guys can support me, please!

Chapter [-] Dance King Competition? (For support)

With the hit of "Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess", fans reacted one after another

On the surface, this anime is two days オ fighting wits and courage in the love war, but in fact they are

It's a real dog food.

This also makes many people admire Fangzheng's enchanting creativity, a love story can make flowers

come on, it's so sweet

"Brothers, go and watch CCTV's "Dance King Contest" program, there are surprises!

"Dance Contest"?

Brother, you added the wrong group, here is the [-]D fan group!

The Nirmala votes are pulling us down here?

The largest fan group of the two-dimensional group is Qin Miaomiao's "Lick Dog" account.

In the fan group, such a message suddenly appeared.

As the largest two-dimensional fan group on the entire network, the people gathered here are really like the two

dimensional fans

Although they will have other hobbies besides anime, but they have to say their favorite

It's still two-dimensional.

As a dance program recently aired by CCTV, "Dance King Contest", with its public name

The transparent voting system has won the favor of many audiences.

"Dance King Contest" can be said to be the top three in the current domestic variety shows.

The heat has always been high.

This also makes many people feel that CCTV is still CCTV, and this shot directly crushes other comprehensive companies.

Art show Eight Streets.

Today, such a message suddenly appeared in the fan group, and many fans thought that this

It was because I entered the wrong group, and I was soliciting votes for a certain contestant who saw the "Dance King Contest".

"Fuck, I'm not a spy that the enemy penetrated into your interior, I'm really surprised.

If you don't believe me, just watch the replay of yesterday's qualifiers!

The fans who sent this message saw that they were misunderstood by everyone, and couldn't help but feel a little aggrieved.

He ran all the way back to announce the good news, but everyone didn't believe him, and thought he

Is a spy, is to help a contestant to vote.

so special

What a surprise.々?

What does this variety show have to do with us? Did Fang Da sign up for "Dance"

King Contest?

233~ The feeling of the picture came out, if Fang Da went to participate, I must support one vote,

No matter how irritating Fang Da's eyes are!

Fang Da dance? What? Pippi shrimp dance?"

Although many fans still do not believe it and are still complaining, there are also many fans who

I went to see yesterday's rebroadcast of "Dance King Contest".

In fact, it's no wonder that fans don't believe that a variety show will never be followed twice.

Yuan is close.

If it is true as the fans said, what activities Fangzheng participated in, with that Pippi shrimp love

With a showy character, Weibo has long been flying all over the sky.

But the current situation is that since the last time Fangzheng urged them to get married and have children as soon as possible

Never bubbling again.

Therefore, many fans expressed their disbelief.

But sometimes things just come so dramatic and shocking, those half-believers

Fans who hurried over to watch "Dance King Contest" came back soon.

Nima, let's go and see, it's really a surprise!"

I cracked so directly, "Dancing King Contest" actually has our two-dimensional figure

Hey, hey, don't blame me for not reminding you, Big Sister Licking Dog is here, and she's dancing

The dance is also very impactful!

what? licking the dog's head

Damn, that old man must go and see, not for anything else, just to support our eldest sister


Licking the dog's head is what fans call Qin Miaomiao.

Because in the earliest days, Qin Miaomiao used to use the account of 'Fang Da's number one licking dogs'

Participated in the live sweepstakes, so everyone remembered this maverick title.

At that time, Qin Miaomiao was just a singer who was not in the mainstream, although his own conditions were very good.

Show, but the water in the entertainment circle is too deep.

Therefore, Qin Miaomiao in that period was a veritable house girl who spent a lot of time

All wasted on the two-dimensional circle.

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