Fang Da came out and bubbling, and everyone rode on your neck and pulled Baba

Every time I see the remarks of those black fans on the Internet, they are really angry.

straight jumping feet

Especially seeing their favorite secretary dance being demoted to worthless,

ten in my heart


They admit that the secretary dance does not have any technical content, nor is it a large-scale dance.

The dance troupe performs together, but the preciousness of dance lies in its almost invincible brainwashing

and magic.

The audience's reaction to the replay before has been a good illustration of the infectiousness of this dance

However, trolls on the Internet seem to turn a blind eye to those so-called experts and judges

In general, the artistry of dance has always been emphasized.

This strong double-standard behavior really makes many fans feel sick.

So the most intuitive reaction is that many true fans from the second dimension are doing their best

I want to go directly to the scene to respond to Qin Miaomiao in the next game.

As for the remarks on the Internet, company A seems to be ignorant, and no one comes out.

Statement and clarification

Whether it is Founder's Weibo, or the official blog that is ridiculed by netizens as a marketing account

No relevant statement has been issued

This makes many fans anxious, they think that company A doesn't know about it


However, the fans wanted to go wrong. Fang Zheng not only knew, but also wanted to make a big move!

Said that the house dance is not worthy to stand on that stage?

Well, when the live audience is collectively brainwashed, I hope you so-called judges

Experts can say such things with such peace of mind.

If you still dare to speak like that, then someone on our side will respect you as a man

Fang Dong, is this song really rehearsed for me?

In Fangzheng's office, Qin Miaomiao took the sheet music that Fangzheng handed over, just a simple

With one glance, she knew how good this song was.

Although she has a very nerdy personality, she was also a genuine singer at the beginning.

The foundation is still there.

Whether a song is good or not, she can tell at a glance.

But just because she saw it, she felt a little weird.

You must know that although she is a seiyuu idol promoted by the A club, Fangzheng is very concerned about her day.

There are not many people who often arrange for inquiries, which indirectly shows that the focus of the work of company A is not her.

At least the current focus of work is not in the aspect of seiyuu idols

Although Qin Miaomiao liked this song very much, she gave such a good song to her.

Is it really suitable?

It may be better if this song is handed over to the company's avatar ambassador, His Royal Highness Tianyi.

More appropriate, after all, most of the company's resources have been tilted towards virtual characters.

Don't worry, you now represent company A, and you've been bullied to your doorstep,

There is no reason not to fight back!

Fang Zheng smiled when he saw Qin Miaomiao's expression.

To be honest, the house dance plan has long been in his plan, he originally planned to

The cartoon carnival in the summer vacation of the month showed

And this song is also prepared for Tianyi.

But since Qin Miaomiao himself noticed the existence of the house dance, and also went to participate in "Dance"

"Wang Contest", then there is nothing wrong with handing it over to Qin Miaomiao.

Fang Zheng was also a little angry at the remarks on the Internet, he was eager to hear (

Wang Li's)' slap in the face

Besides, the reality and the virtual character dancing house dance give people a completely different feeling

Even if Qin Miaomiao came up with this dance ahead of time, it doesn't matter.

Fangzheng believes that when Tianyi or other virtual characters perform again, they will still be shocked.

Shake everyone!

"That Fang Dong, you just said that dance and song are matched, what about dance?

Qin Miaomiao couldn't put it down with the sheet music in her hand, and looked at it with big eyes expectantly.

Fang Zheng, wanted to see what Fang Zheng said about the matching dance.

Take this U disk and see it for yourself. In addition, it is best to find a partner, three people

Takeoff is the best.

S: Thanks for the monthly support of "Haha, "Past ~ Beginning" and "fairyan", thank you

Resentment" and "Forming Asuna ゆ う き あ す な" as a reward, thank you for your support




Chapter [-] Is there a key? (For support)

There is a lot of noise on the Internet about Secretary Dance, but company A is uncharacteristically

no one bubbling out

A's non-statement has also contributed to the arrogance of keyboard warriors on the Internet, one by one in major discussions

The altar and the community are showing off their might, and that arrogant look is quite a bit of a dog-like attitude.

Puff, your masters don't come out to express their position, what are you barking?

It is estimated that he was stabbed in the sore spot, or else he would have jumped out and refuted

Refuting? What did he refute? Didn't Secretary Wu just twist her waist twice?

A nest of snakes and rats, what kind of idols have what kind of fans, bah! A group of rubbish

The scolding war on the Internet has continued to escalate, and the 'criticism of the secretary dance' from the very beginning has been slow

Slowly it turned into a personal attack.

It can be said that this is the foreshadowing of the previous online scolding of A company, Qin Miaomiao appeared on the stage "

"Dance King Contest" is just an introduction.

These trolls have long disliked Club A, and this 'Secretary Dance Incident' is for them

It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

I'm really sorry that they haven't been on the Internet for so many years.

the identity of the adversary

However, these trolls seem to have forgotten the oath they once made, one by one on the Internet

The one who called 923 was very cheerful, and the one who scolded was a hearty one.

When "overlord" was released, Fangzheng's 'explicit' hype can be said to be the

The child's face was directly swollen.

Since then, many trolls have said that they will not do anything related to Company A in the future.

I don't participate anymore. After all, several incidents have proved that I was unlucky at the end of the fight with the A club.

it's him

But not long after, these trolls seem to have forgotten their previous lessons, typical

Okay, the scars are forgotten about the pain

One jumped out again.

This kind of person who wants to be slapped in the face is really weird!

Fang Zheng looked at the lively situation on the Internet and shook his head speechlessly.

The most important thing in being a human being is to learn to have a long memory. The ancients said that eating one cut can grow one's wisdom.

It is a valuable experience left by the ancestors to the future generations

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