However, these things don't seem to work for the weird creatures like Internet trolls, no matter what

Slapped in the face several times, they still seem to take it as a

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng didn't bother to say anything to these trolls, so he directly logged in to his Weibo account.

Blog account, and then posted a message, and then stopped caring about it.

For this (aef) secretary dance incident, Fang Zheng didn't take it to heart at all.

Anything new comes along, for better or worse, there's always that — a handful of people who go

mindless resistance

It is normal for the secretary dance to take the stage for the first time as a house dance and to be boycotted by people.

However, Fang Zheng believes that these people will soon realize what zhai dance is.

No one can resist the brainwashing of house dance

So this matter has been doomed from the beginning that these trolls will be slapped in the face again

Whether they like it or not, they lose in the first place.

As soon as Fangzheng's news was released, it immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Because the secretary dance incident was fired up, and as a relationship with secretary dance and Qin Miaomiao

The old club, many people on the Internet are closely watching the every move of the A company.

Does it come with a key?

Seeing Fangzheng's dynamic, many people are confused by slow foreheads, just four words can

Explain what?

"Do you have any big bosses to analyze, what does Fang Da mean?

It's not that Fangda's business is too broad, he started doing animation, and then changed his career to creating.

Song, is now still part-time with the key?!!

"emm~ The old man pinched his fingers and counted, there must be deep meaning in this!

"Don't point your fingers upstairs, those who are familiar with Fang Dada all know that this has deep meaning!

Fangzheng, the man known as Pippi Shrimp, for Fangzheng's bad character, these

Fans have known it very well.

So looking at Fang Zheng's seemingly ordinary dynamic, it seems that there is some hidden meaning behind it.

After all, an animation company in the A company is in a good relationship with a small pusher on the side of the road.

It doesn't matter, there is no reason why Fangzheng would issue such an irrelevant dynamic.

Brothers, I just went to consult the old man at the door, I have to say

Fang Da is really a person, he doesn't swear with dirty words, he's just like me

Model. Ahahaha I can't do it, you can see for yourself~

Me: Uncle, do you have a key?

Match~ How many do you match?

I deserve it. No, how can you scold people?

I didn't scold you, boy, I was asking you, how much do you deserve~!

Fans who have seen this dynamic burst into laughter, can Nima play like this?

The dialogue with the key can actually derive so many meanings, it can only be said that they are Xia Guo

The language is so broad and profound that ordinary people cannot comprehend it.

Fans who understood the meaning of it all laughed and their stomachs hurt, and they all felt sorry for Fangzheng in their hearts.

Full of admiration, it is simply a five-body cast

And this message under Fangzheng's dynamic was quickly sent to Ding Shan by fans who joined in the fun

The first position is very eye-catching.

Gan! It's so full of routines!

"Wonderful, really wonderful!

Hahaha, Fang Da is still so skinny

Otherwise, how could Fang Da become a young entrepreneur at such a young age?

Art is extraordinary"

"emm~ trolls, do you have keys?

233~ I feel that those trolls seem to have been broken by Fang Da's words

Fans who understand it are overjoyed. For Fang Zheng's magical brain hole,


Language is an important tool to communicate with each other, but speaking is a very profound knowledge.

For example, on what occasions what should be said and what should not be said, this directly reflects a person's feelings

Business level.

Fangzheng seems to be very proficient in this art, just like now, facing trolls all over the Internet

Brainless spray, a sentence of 'do you have a key' will make those sprays completely speechless, how many people can

do it?

This dynamic of Fangzheng is not only seen by fans who follow him, but also those trolls.

I saw it.

At first, they thought that Fangzheng had confessed to Fangzheng's news and wanted to turn around.

The topic and popularity have been shifted, so their messages under Founder Dynamics are very inflated.

But now the dynamic of 'with keys?' is interpreted by people, and they suddenly feel

Like a clown jumping up and down.

People scolded themselves for being arrogant and arrogant

Finally, these trolls remembered how their IQ was rubbed on the ground by Fang Zheng.


PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!




Chapter [-] The second round of the "Dance King Contest" qualifiers (seeking support)

Although the Internet is about taking advantage of this secretary dance incident, for company A and the second dimension

The circle is very loud, but CCTV's variety show "Dance King Contest" is still held as scheduled.

"This is the live broadcast of the "Dance King Competition", welcome to watch the scene and in front of the screen


As soon as the show started, the host stepped onto the stage and greeted the audience warmly.

In an inconspicuous position in the center of the auditorium, Fang Zheng and Chen Xianting sat quietly.

There, especially Fangzheng, dressed up can be said to be armed to the teeth, not afraid at all

recognized himself

You know, he came here today at the risk of his life, and those true fans were on the Internet before

He knew about the online ticket rush, so he came to the scene today to support Qin Miaomiao.

Fans are definitely not in the minority

If he is caught in this situation, think about what he did before

Love, he felt that he might even lie down and go out is an extravagant hope.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng carefully raised his mask, and then sneaked

looked around.

So many people came?!

I didn't know this, but I was startled when I saw it, Fang Zheng looked around and found it first.

Just a few young people sitting beside him.

You don't need to guess too much, just from the clothes that the other party wears, you know that these are old


What's more, the other party was holding a cheering sign and staring straight at the direction of the stage.

"What's the matter, Fang Dong

Hearing Chen Titing's words, Fang Zheng hurriedly made a gesture to the other party, motioning her not to say anything.


The current situation is not that the walls have ears, but that they are facing each other directly.

If this is heard by the fans on the side, wouldn't his identity be exposed?

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