like laughter.

Great, your bonus is gone!

Fang Zheng rolled his eyes and said speechlessly, for having such a group of fans for himself,

He felt like a failure.

Fans send idols like flowers, his fans are good, he misses every day

Remember to send him souvenirs!

Fangzheng felt that it was necessary to talk to the blade manufacturer about cooperation issues, and took the opportunity to come

Wave price increases, this is also a way to make money~

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!!




Chapter [-] "The Purity of Bliss" is on fire (seeking support)

After the second issue of "Dance King Contest" was broadcast, a "Dancing King Contest" was launched in the Xia Kingdom.

The frenzy of The Bliss.

At the beginning, with the broadcast of "Dance King Contest", the audience watching the show was fascinated by magic.

Sexual brainwashing of "The Pure Land of Bliss", watching it over and over again, and getting caught up in it.

extricate themselves.

Later, some viewers edited the video and forwarded it to major video platforms.

The Pure Man of Elysium further spread, and the clicks exploded in an instant, almost crushing everything in the same period

video works.

This hot phenomenon has attracted a large number of editors.

These people are like sitting on a rocket in their hands, the heat is rising, and they can't stop at all.

Come down.

With the popularity of "The Pure Land of Elysium", the group of young people was completely overwhelmed by this magical song

He was captured by the dance studio, and they were brainwashed one by one, and they couldn't stop "[-]" at all.

"The Pure Land of Bliss" has such a kind of magic, it's fine if you don't touch it, once you touch it

It can make you unable to extricate yourself.

For the first time, "The Bliss" also brought the majority of young people into contact with the house dance.


It is no exaggeration to say that there are hardly any young people who have not heard of "The Pure Land of Bliss"

, and even many people have specially downloaded videos on their mobile phones and played them over and over again.


After the popularity of "The Pure Land of Bliss", what followed was to follow the trend and recreate it. Many people

They all learned the dance performed by Qin Sunmiao in the "Dance King Contest".

Ben's "Pure Land of Bliss" poured out one after another, giving people the illusion of being overwhelmed.

Whoops, this shit just can't stop

Really, who will rescue me from the sea of ​​misery?

save you

It's over, I'm addicted, go to work, fish, eat, go to the toilet, even late

I'm still watching while sleeping, why are you so brainwashed?

Really never tire of listening, never know what boredom is!

"The Pure Land of Bliss is really harmful. I was the only one who watched it at first, but later

My wife and children are watching, and now my wife is still pulling me to study, I am so speechless

233~The big gentlemen dance "The Purity of Bliss", it's very exciting to think about~"

On the Internet, the popularity of "The Pure Man of Elysium" remains high, and almost every major forum has it.


Such popular songs and dances were imitated by young people at first, and later some entertainment circles were imitating them.

Big coffee can't help but get involved

The addition of stars in the entertainment industry has made "Pure Land of Bliss" even more heated and directly crushed

Any type of video in the same period, ranking first in the search list!

And with the east wind of "The Pure Man of Bliss", house dance is accepted by more and more people

Especially some young and beautiful women, eager to imitate

Not everyone has the conditions to receive professional dance training, and many people are not

have this ability.

The house dance has relatively less stringent requirements, and it is truly a place where the whole people can participate.

This is why "The Pure Land of Bliss" has become popular all over the country in such a short period of time.

The main reason

In addition to the very brainwashing of "The Bliss", the wide range of people it has attracted also

is an important reason.

Various versions of "The Pure Man of Bliss" emerge in an endless stream on the Internet, almost as long as the

"Pure Land" is listed above, then the number of views of this video will not be too bad.

That's right, "The Pure Man of Bliss" is so domineering, so unreasonable

It's okay if you didn't see it, don't think about leaving if you see it

"Brainwashing Divine Comedy", this is the most pertinent evaluation of the majority of fans for "The Pure Land of Bliss"

It is also a name that people love and hate.

Love is because "The Pure Land of Bliss" is really excellent, whether it's music or dance,

It really gives a feeling of being unable to stop.

Hate nature is also because of its brainwashing properties, once I come into contact with "The Pure Land of Bliss"

, no matter what I do, I recall the melody with a strong sense of rhythm in my mind.

What flashed was also Qin Miaomiao's neat but graceful dance.

Can't stop, can't stop at all!

The majority of the audience can be said to be deeply affected, one by one expressing that they were poisoned too deeply, and they would not be able to do it for a day.

It hurts to see

There are many versions of "The Pure Man of Elysium" on the Internet, but the audience compares them

But I found that no one can dance better than Qin Miaomiao

Qin Miaomiao, as the first seiyuu idol to participate in the competition with house dance, was performing "Bliss".

When the "Pure Land", a frown and a smile can be said to be a perfect interpretation of the feminine beauty

Thanks to the blessing of "The Pure Land of Bliss", Qin Miaomiao's net worth has also skyrocketed, and many entertainment

The music company all called to ask Qin Miaomiao if she had the will to return to the music scene

If so, they are willing to pay liquidated damages for Qin Miaomiao and promise to give all their resources.

Source to package and promote her.

Qin Miaomiao rejected all the good intentions of these entertainment companies without exception. She knew that

I can have today because of whom.

At the most difficult and darkest time of her career, if Fangzheng hadn't reached out

She gave her a hand, and I am afraid she will not be today, and compared to being a singer, she feels

I have to be a seiyuu idol right now.

She can still pursue her dream of the stage, and she doesn't have to worry about those unspoken rules.

I am also relatively free, without so many star baggage and restrictions.

And there is A company as a backer, so you don't have to worry about your own popularity

The most important thing is that as an otaku, what is more important than working in a company

nice things?

For Qin Miaomiao, let alone Fangzheng treat her very well, even if Fangzheng treats her very well

I'm asking her to repay her salary, she's willing

Qin Miaomiao's net worth has skyrocketed, and the song "Blissful Purity" has its unique charm

It also quickly occupied the top of the major music charts.

After "Light Tone Girl" 0.3, the popularity of [-]D music has just calmed down

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