After a long time, it suddenly emerged again and became the most popular area of ​​Kumao Music Network.

In today's magic capital, as long as you walk on the street, as long as it is a place frequented by young people,

Whether it is a bar or a KTV, or a major university

No matter where you go, you can hear the singing of "The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss" in your ears.

In just a few days, many people suddenly have a kind of "Bliss Pure Land" that dominates the whole world.

At the same time of brainwashing, my heart is also full of astonishment.

Why "The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss" is popular, everyone can't tell, but they only know a little

That's why this thing is really magical, people can't stop at all

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please

Chapter [-] Who said Tanya is a reporter? (For support)

"The Pure Land of Elysium" is extremely popular, but Club A, as the main creator, is very low-key,

Even the release of the latest work has been unusually flat.

Except for Fang Zheng and the official blog, they did not do any publicity.

This also led to the release of the latest work of the A company very abruptly, and many fans did not


"Tanya War", how is this name familiar?

"Damn it, this isn't a flash in the previous "Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess"

's name?

Easter eggs? Surprise? Or is this a foreshadowing laid by Fang Da?

666. The big guys in the forum have analyzed it very thoroughly, and this is really generous

Great new work!

Kekerong will spoil the next wave of pretending to be a cup, this anime is about a man named Tanya

The war correspondent, the bloody story of going deep into the front line of the battle for lofty ideals!

Upstairs, the forum boss has already analyzed it, and finally, do you know that the spoiler is dead?

Whole family

Although the current online world is dominated by "The Pure Land of Elysium", the most important thing for Company A is

The newly released works, many fans still received the news in 04 at the first time.

No, before the seven o'clock agreed by everyone, many fans have already spontaneously

Gathered on the platform of A company, waiting for the launch of "Tanya War".

Time passed slowly, in the forum, among the fans chatting with each other, time finally

It's the all-seeing seven o'clock

"Come, come, Fang Da's latest work

Let me, Kang Kangfang, how to prepare skin this time

The single dog expressed that he has a shadow in his heart. I hope that Fang Da will not deceive us this time.

come to kill

233 ~ Miss Kaguya's warning

Don't worry, the name "The Story of Tanya War" doesn't have anything to do with dog food!

That's right, with Fang Da's urination, the same routine will not be reused twice.

As soon as seven o'clock arrived, fans left the A's forum and went to the homepage of the official website, where

You can watch the latest work of the A company - "Tanya War"!

[In the world cursed by war, there is a country called 'Empire', the empire is

A symbol of victory, with a strong national and military power to dominate one side!

[Has a large number of wizards and excellent generals, but the surrounding countries all regard them as

For the imaginary enemy country, in the face of the invasion of various countries, the empire has set its own 315 strategy.

After the war situation on the border, use mobile troops to break them one by one.

The beginning of the anime is a narration, which roughly introduces the world to the audience.

Worldview, help the audience to better understand the plot and enhance the audience's sense of substitution

I rub it, this painting style is completely different from Fang Da's previous painting style.

enmm~ There is a feeling of being biased towards the dark department!

Gan, is this Tanya? That bastard said she was a war correspondent?!

Such a small one, is there really no problem in the battlefield?

This style of painting, this expression, the old man concluded that this woman is not simple

In the barrage, looking at this reverse style of painting, the audience sent barrages one after another, especially the

Tanya's appearance made the audience even more puzzled.

It's not like they haven't seen Loli before, in the previous "When the Cell Came to Me" they

I understand what kind of feeling 'moe is'.

But Tan Ya is also a loli like Xiao Hin Xiang, but her style of painting is similar to Xiao Hin Xiang's cute style.

Instead of occupying the borders, it highlights a very special style of painting.

For Tan Ya's style of painting, many people don't know what to say.

In fact, when Fangzheng made this anime, in addition to changing some settings

Besides, he also wanted to change his style of painting, but he finally gave up the idea

The anime "Tanya Wars" is absolutely in line with its style of painting, and Fang Zheng himself also tried it.

Some changes have been made, but the style of painting after the change has completely lost the character of Tanya.


In the previous life, "Tanya War" is also a very classic anime

Some people say that if they want to cure their lolicon, they go to see Tanya, and some people say that they see Tanya

After that, not only was his condition not cured, but it got worse.

Others don't know, anyway, Fangzheng himself belongs to the second situation.

In all fairness, does Tanya's character have the cuteness of Lolita?


Is there any obedience and well-behaved it should have?


Tanya's character has nothing to do with Loli's physique, but Tanya makes her very uncomfortable.

Many people have seen a strong contrast that belongs to Lolita

Tanya, the monster in the skin of a young girl, the devil of the Rhine, the devil with silver wings, the gods

The shiverer, she has absolutely no Lolita elements that everyone is familiar with, except for her appearance

But Tanya left a deep impression on many people.

Tanya is like a monster, she is extremely rational and extremely arrogant, she can

While releasing your unique aura, use your calm to perverted mind to get


War needs Tanya, Tanya changes war!

This is the charm of Tanya, the appearance of Loli, the extreme heart, which strongly opposes

The difference resonates in the soul of the audience and is enough to leave an indelible impression.

While making this 973 manga, Fangzheng once wanted to change Tanya Lolita.

Facts about Uncle's Soul

After all, in his previous life, when he thought that Tan Ya was actually a stingy uncle, he felt a sense of suffocation in his heart.

How serious Qubei is, he even wondered if this was deliberately used by the production team to be disgusting


But when I think that I have been disgusted, other people don't experience this kind of 'want to love'

I don't dare to fall in love again. The conflicting mood is somewhat unreasonable, so Fangzheng decided to move this setting.

come over

He believes that audiences in this world will be very 'thankful' to him.

At this time, in front of the screen, the audience watched Tan Ya's performance on the battlefield, except for the appearance of Loli.

Compared with the brutal war, there are some contrasts, but everything else is very normal.

Especially Tan Ya's heroic appearance in military uniform has directly infected many old people in front of the screen.

Gentleman, this kind of feeling is like being beaten in the heart by someone, it feels really good

difficult to articulate

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