Obviously Tanya is the representative of Yan Yi, neither cute nor coquettish, but what she brings to the audience is

a strange beauty

Such a change also made many viewers in front of the screen a little unbelievable, and they touched themselves one by one.

own chest, na na muttering to himself.

Am I really a pervert?

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please

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Chapter [-] The devil bathed in golden light (seeking support)

The anime's dark style depicts the cruelty of the battlefield and the fragility of life

Vivid, whenever the audience sees the messy battlefield full of gunpowder smoke, they can't bear it.

Live with tension, as if I was in that battlefield.

The army is an organization, and the organization needs discipline, our army does not need to violate

Soldiers ordered by superiors, understand?

[Since you are wearing military uniforms, you should contribute to the empire, the empire has no ability to support

Incompetent soldier!

Sergeant aside, Corporal Serebryakov has reached his limit, I can

I don't want to be an incompetent superior who kills Bu Xia and allies instead of being rescued.

With the advancement of the anime plot, Tanya's few words left a deep impression on the audience

, The audience's sense of Tanya is also quietly changed.

This is not a loli, but a real soldier

Over the battlefield, the Mage Corps led by Tanya received an order to support the friendly forces, but

By the time she felt the battlefield, the friendly army was almost wiped out

And confronting them is the enemy country's Magi

Engage in a team.

As the team leader, Ya rushed directly to the front, and both sides came and went.

Had a great time playing.

Looking at the appearance of the little girl Tanya, the magician of the enemy country did not take it to heart at all

A simple Tanya is here to die

However, in just one round, Tanya defeated several of their mages.

Tan Ya's performance also made the other party completely give up the idea of ​​contempt, and her face changed.


Especially Tan Ya's advancing speed is very fast, they can't fight against Tan Ya at all.

Catching Tanya's whereabouts, it's very elusive

[Warning! You have violated the territory of the empire, this is our blue sky, our

Your homeland, if you dare to trample on the empire, you will surely expel it softly. This is our envoy.


Tanya was standing high in the sky wearing magician equipment, looking down at the enemy in front of her.

[Please answer! Why do you invade the empire and invade our homeland?

Tanya questioned the enemy's Sorcerer Corps on the battlefield, and her words spread throughout the

On the battlefield, almost everyone looked up at the figure in the sky.

When he heard Tanya's words, his adjutant Serebryakov looked into the distance with admiration.

The figure at the place, constantly sighing Tanya's patriotic feelings

Not only Serebryakov, but also the audience in front of the screen were overwhelmed by Tanya's words

Infected, full of enthusiasm, eager to fight on the battlefield.

Damn! I'll give you a lead toy if you don't have enough!

However, Tanya's words were exchanged for bullets from the opponent, and the enemy's captain of the magician.

Not to mention, he shot directly at where Tanya was.

The audience held their breath, disdainful of the actions of the enemy wizard captain,

In the eyes of the audience, this is no different from a sneak attack.

Although there is no need to say any rules on the battlefield, the winner is king, from a rational point of view

Look, there is nothing wrong with what the other party does.

However, the audience is disdainful and disgusted by this practice.

The bullet flew straight towards Tanya's location, but Tanya didn't seem to notice.

Like, still standing motionless in the same place, this scene made the audience in front of the screen anxious for a while.

dodge ∥

Liao, what kind of skill is a sneak attack~"

Come face to face if you have the ability!"

Tanya won't really be shot down, will she?

The audience was worried and anxious, but Tan Ya remained motionless, watching with a cold expression on his face.

The enemy below, his eyes fluctuated without meaning, as if he didn't see the other party's sneak attack at all

Normal action.

The bullet penetrated Tanya's body, but to everyone's surprise, the bullet was passing through

In Tan Ya's moment, there was no such thing as the bloody scene that everyone thought about.

Instead, Tanya's body appeared as if the calm water was broken by stones.

After a few ripples, Tan Ya's figure slowly dissipated in the air.

Phantom?! It's a bait, everyone be careful!

The strange scene in front of him made the scalp of the other party's wizard captain numb, and he didn't have time to think.

Directly ordered the members to disperse.

bait, then Tanya's attack follows!

The enemy stayed in the air at a loss, his eyes constantly observing the four with a little panic.


But I can't see anything but the thick clouds around, let alone

Speaking of Tanya's figure.

Hearing the captain's words, the enemy mage army wanted to disperse in a hurry, but everything seemed

It's almost too late.

Above the sky, Tanya stared coldly at the bottom, just like ants on a hot pan.

The fleeing wizard had a crazy smile on his lips, but his eyes were extremely cold.

Ah~ there's no room for negotiation?] Tanya looked at the other party's reaction.

I know the answer of the other party, but this is also in her calculation, otherwise she will not let it go

A phantom was on the side as bait.

Space coordinate positioning.. Calculate all targets and then avoid the trajectory. Magic filling is normal

Tanya's eyes swept over all the enemies on the battlefield, not a single one was missed.

Warning! All friendly forces, prepare for impact!

After reminding the allies, the magician equipment on Tanya's chest emits a fiery golden light

Even Tanya's eyes turned golden.

The golden pupils are full of heat and wildness, but the icy coldness revealed in the eyes

The killing intent is like falling into an ice cave.

At this time, Tanya feels like a combination of ice and fire, and her fiery appearance is open to the world.

People tell of her terrifying power, and the cold killing intent makes people feel this terrifying power.

The absolute force represented by quantity!

【Ah~ Lord, the baseless enemy without faith is encroaching on my country, please grant

I destroy the power of the enemy!

At the end of the long journey, we will reach the promised place!

With Tanya's devout (Lee Lee Ho) sincere prayers, her whole body is boiling with magic, her golden hair

, with golden pupils, at this moment Tanya is looking down at the world like a wild lion

A burst of strong magic reaction centered on Tan Ya, spreading frantically around, Tan Ya spread out wildly.

Ya pulled the trigger expressionlessly.

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