The bullet that has been blessed by magic is like an artificial sun, with a fiery light

Fly straight towards the enemy to attack.

[Is she a devil?

The enemy's sorceress captain looked at the sun that was getting closer and closer, and at the end of his life

There was a murmur of despair.

The violent explosion sounded, and the dazzling fire made everyone unconsciously close their eyes.

The fierce and fiery hurricane swept all around, ruthlessly raging.

Thanks to "~Oops Hero" for the reward, and thanks to the monthly pass of "Great White Shark Frozen Qianqiu"

Thank you guys for your support

Kneeling and begging the big guys for your support, please!!!




Chapter [-] Do you call this thing cute? (For support)

The aftermath of the explosion came, and the mages led by Tanya's adjutant Serebryakov

Holding up the magic shield, it still flew several meters away with the terrifying aftermath.

Diffusion magic explosion, even if you dodge the attack, you can't dodge the terror caused by the explosion

Terrorist killing methods such as high temperature and hypoxia.

The flames of the explosion dissipated, and the place where the enemy Mage Legion was originally located in the sky was gone.

There is nothing left, instead there are several black coke-like things coming from the sky

come down

Everyone knows exactly what the scorched object on his face is.

Ghost, what is this gun?

You say it's a rail gun, I believe it!

Whatever he is, I just know that Tan Ya is so handsome just now

When did Loli become so cruel?

I feel like a demon is the perfect way to describe Tanya, she is the enemy of Tanya

It's like being watched by the demons of the abyss

Looking at Tan Ya's outstanding combat effectiveness, the audience was a little bit tongue-tied.

Obviously such a small loli, but she is so strong, this strong

The sharp contrast made many people feel a strong sense of shock.

Tanya's strength is not only reflected in her performance just now, but also in every aspect


Tanya on the battlefield feels like a cold and ruthless machine.

There are any complex feelings of 303, and some are just the rationality and mind that go deep into the bone marrow.

Tanya, an emotionless killing machine, the demon of the Rhine

[The outcome has been decided, if you choose to surrender, you will be protected as prisoners of war in accordance with the land war treaty

s right.

The war ended temporarily with the victory of the empire due to the arrival of Tanya, and the anime also slowed down.

slow to the end

Audiences don't know how to describe Tanya

Say she's patriotic, but all she's doing is getting promoted fast and being transferred

Go to the rear to enjoy the happiness; say she is ruthless, but she has great respect for her subordinates

In short, Tanya feels very contradictory, it is simply a collection of contradictions


In Tanya, the light and darkness of human nature are vividly displayed, just as the Imperial

Colonel Von Rerugen's evaluation of Tanya is average

Tanya.. is a devil in the skin of a young girl

Ahem, after watching Tan Ya, do you still think that he is a gentleman raising his paw?

Shouldn't loli be very cute (aeff? Give people a cute feeling?

Why do you call this thing cute?"

emm~ I seem to have awakened to something strange after reading it

I feel the same way, my condition is getting worse, what should I do?

You are all warriors, so aren't you afraid that Tanya will screw your heads off?

After the anime ended, fans had mixed feelings about Tanya, their

I don't know how I feel

Murder? Opportunity? Or the devil on the battlefield?

In just one episode of anime, Tan Ya's image has left a very deep impression on the audience.

impression, indelible

Tanya, Bo is no doubt a complete egoist, but they are really

Hate Tanya?

The answer is no. On the contrary, many people feel that Tanya's actions are quite right. See

With Tanya's performance, there is a hearty feeling

There are too many rules and regulations in the real society, and the repressed people are burdened with too many shackles.

However, the egoistic Tanya and the battlefield that does not need rules, the two together create

A place for the audience to vent.

So watching "Tanya Wars", many people will feel the blood boil, and the viewing experience ten


In fact, everyone has been forced to wear a false mask, but in the world of smashing animation

The audience looked down and took off their masks, vented and showed their other selves.

Do you think Tanya is an obedient, cute, cute little loli

Wrong, it was a demon who was killed from a sea of ​​corpses and blood

The animation of "Tanya War" is also a clear stream in the entire industry, and its style of painting

It is very biased towards the madhouse style, and its producer is also from madhouse.

This group of people pursues 'the art of animation itself rather than excessive commercialization', so "Tanya

Compared with other mainstream anime, "Senki" seems a little out of place.

But this doesn't mean "Tanya War" is not a good anime, the tense sense of rhythm

And the explosive battle scenes one after another made the fans who watched it hooked.

And "Tanya Wars" also has a very in-depth portrayal of the battle formation. After watching this animation

Man, although the audience will feel the blood boil, but it is undeniable that everyone will

A sense of awe for war was born.

What is war?

Are you wrong? No! Am I wrong? No! Well, this is war!

In war, there is no right or wrong. Before the end of the war, neither side can fight the other.

There is a hint of compassion.

And "The Battle of Tanya" makes the audience hooked and at the same time, it also portrays Tanya very well.

Rational and crazy, this setting fits the public's view of war corners very well almost from the beginning


Tanya has no pity, naked egoism, this kind of personality will stand on the side of many people.

To criticize at the commanding heights of morality, think it is selfish.

But I believe that no one wants to die. Although many people don't talk about Tan Ya's practice, but

But it is very realistic.

No one likes war, but born in war years, for the sake of stability and survival, let oneself

Victory is the fastest way to end a war, and in anime, Tanya has always been like this

Thought, did the same.

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