Generally speaking, people are sympathetic to this kind of person whose relatives died in battle and their children set foot on the battlefield for revenge.

It should be repaired, but in Mary Sue, the audience only saw that hair in the bones

madness in.

It's like a madman manipulated and brainwashed by God, Mary Sue doesn't care at all

Anything, only Tanya in his eyes!

Such a Mary Sue made the audience feel terrified and truly horrified.

Even many viewers looked at Mary Sue's crazy expression and thought she was an 'existence X' special

Arranged to deal with Tanya's people.

And the showdown between Tanya and Mary Sue in the church made the audience more sure of this.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!! Again.

time | voice | also

Chapter [-]: The End of the Empire (For Support)

In the case of Mary Sue being shot several times, but still not dead, the audience has already

Be sure of your guesses

No one can survive being shot several times and still in Tan Ya

under the muzzle.

But Mary Sue survived, which means 'Existence X' must have stepped in!

The theatrical version of "Tanya War" depicts the direction of the war is very exciting

Intuitively show the audience the development of war and subtle changes

And Mary Sue, who left suspense to the audience before, did not give her revenge because of the concept of revenge.

Audience is too impressed

What is important on the battlefield is life and death. There is no pity in war.

If Tanya killed so many people, how could she remember everyone she killed?

In war, either you die or I die, the "Seven Sanqi" to the enemy's Rei Si is to the enemy

His own cruelty is the unchanging law of Dougu on the battlefield.

And this is why the audience is not so disgusted with Tanya.

On the other hand, Mary Sue, as the war progressed, was directly angry after seeing Tanya again.

She smashed her head and ran rampant without caring about her comrades.

The feeling of Mary Sue has changed from Weng Baitian at the beginning to being brainwashed by hatred and hated.

The husband who is dominated by anger has evolved into a fanatic

Is Mary Su poor?


His father was killed on the battlefield, a victim of the war, the happiness she was in

Jia Nuo also joined the army at Shisu Jiaran for revenge, and chose a plan.

But poor people must have something to hate. Strength on the battlefield is the last word.

If you are killed, you can only blame yourself for not being good at learning.

But Mary Sue seems to not understand these things, blindly taking revenge, even ignoring

The change of form on the battlefield is completely a chess piece dominated by existence X.

That's what the audience hates the most

Because of Mary Sue's madness, Tanya always restrained herself on the battlefield and kept herself

People who are absolutely rational have also gradually changed.

The battlefield is a meat grinder. In that cruel environment, even with Qi Ya.

Always keep your mind clear.

During the battle with Mary Sue, Tanya saw her expression through the puddle on the ground.

The reaction shows that Tanya is also aware of her own problem.

Tanya's impression to the audience has always been that of an extremely rational and self-serving character, she only

It took only a few years to climb from the very beginning recruits all the way to the position of lieutenant colonel.

The speed of migration is almost unparalleled.

But at this point in the war, Tan Yana's so-called desire to go to the rear to enjoy the happiness

Completely lost.

The empire went on war for several years, during which time even the empire was strong

She has exhausted her blood, so an elite general like Tan Ya will never be sent to the rear.


The theatrical version has a very profound portrayal of war. The war at this time is no longer an empire.

Small-scale conflicts with neighboring countries have turned into full-scale wars.

The result of this evolution is that both sides will eventually be destroyed by blood and hatred, no

At all costs, even if the country is reduced to hell, we must fight to the end.

When the war reaches this level, where does victory come from?

Although, the empire has been regarded as an imaginary enemy by neighboring countries from the very beginning, and was forced to participate.

war, but with the expansion of the scale of the war, the whole of the empire has been completely

crazy with the war.

Bloody and cruel!

From the top to the bottom of the empire, Fei Qiao is the most rational and able to see the direction of the war.

Ya is none other than Tanya, but Tanya cannot decide the layout of the war.

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