As the war progressed, the high-level officials of the empire were also corrupted by blood.

At the beginning, the generals of the staff were still calm-thinking pragmatists, with superb

tactics against the enemy.

But as the war continued, these high-level ideas gradually changed.

Especially in the bloody war, after the empire has won one victory after another,

The thinking at the top has completely changed.

Instead of thinking about so-called tactical issues, they began to believe in force, which would absolutely

The only condition for victory is absolute force suppression.

Empires that have fallen completely into the "trap of victory" have been reduced to violent war machines.

Before the last blood is shed, the imperial war will never stop.

From the beginning to the end, Tanya took all of this into consideration, because she was compared with the senior staff of the staff.

When she got up, she was not mistaken by the victory, and she always maintained her own sanity. . . .

Tanya also sees clearly the future of the empire. The empire begins with war and must end.

end in war.

As she has always emphasized, people are emotional and are very easy to be affected by emotions.

In this respect, human beings are definitely a kind of

Very stupid creature.

The empire has indeed achieved great victories in local wars before, and it has fully demonstrated to the world that

Understand his powerful force.

But after the war, the empire did not digest the fruits of victory well.

Rather, it was all immersed in the fleeting pride of victory.

From top to bottom, everyone sings wildly, drinks like crazy, nothing at all

Think about how to use the results to expand the empire's dominance.

Even the elites of the staff who have always been known for their reason, insight and foresight are the same.

So, no one can get away with this.

So, Tanya knew that the empire would end in war.

And with the victory of the empire, the enemies of the empire will only grow

Under the crazy leadership of the high-level, the empire will eventually be destroyed by the fire of revenge all over the world

, Empire Trail, the peace she was looking for will never come!

So Tanya decided that the final result of the empire must be destruction, the former strong empire

In the end, it will become the dust of history.

War, this is the war between the empire and other countries

The X' battle.

This war can be said to be a chessboard for Tanya and 'Existence X', and all of them

They're all just pawns, including Mary Sue, who fell into madness because of revenge.

In this way, she is nothing but a tool used by 'Existence X' to deal with Tanya.

However, from the very beginning, Ya was constantly calculated by 'existence X' and kept falling into crisis.

, and then constantly pray to use the power given by 'Existence X'.

From that time on, Tanya's failure may have been doomed for a long time.

PS: Thanks for the monthly passes of "Little Five Days, "Friends Walk For Life", "175....75", thank you"

The reward for the waning moon at sea", thank you for your support!!!

I beg the big guys for more support, and please!! .

Chapter [-] April is your lie (for support)

Walking out of the theater, the fans watching the movie are a bit nurturing.

Human beings are very emotional creatures, and absolute rationality does not exist at all.

So this anime is doomed from the beginning to this elegant ending.

And the release of "The Story of Tanya" has also attracted the attention of many people.

I'm very curious, is the anime movie the same as the previous "Light Tone Girl" and "Girlfriend"

As strong as Chariot

"The Battle of the Teeth" did not disappoint, it swept the village of more than [-] people on the first day

room, ranking first in the single-day box office list.

The more than [-] million box office may not be enough for those village houses that hold billions of dollars.

, but you must know that this is the village house income on the first day of "Tongya Wars".

And it's still when most fans haven't grabbed tickets.

Looking at the box office revenue of "Yongshou War" is still so strong, many directors and producers

People lamented their conscious decision.

Fortunately, it was not released in 04 with "Qiya War", otherwise they would really fall

For the background board and the unit of measurement, I am afraid that there will be some ridicule and Lu laugh at that time.

Think back to when "The Girl with a Light Voice" and "The Girl and the Chariot" were released, the same batch of

Among the directors and producers who were released at the time of the show, there were several who were ridiculed by others with guilt in their hearts.


They don't want to take the old road of lessons learned, they can't afford it, then I can always afford it~

Three hundred and sixty-five days a year, your company A can't come across big anime movies every day, right?

There will always be times when you can't be busy~

Seeing that he has successfully entered the founder's ambition, many directors and producers are also playing the crown.

Xiangqing, although his film and television works have been out of breath for a few days at night, he successfully avoided the "Articles"

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