Women are often the ones who know women best, and her good friend Yang Li also likes Fangzheng.

A little bit has been noticed since she came to join the A company.

Yang Li used to be the host of Modu TV, the first sister of the family, but because of Fang

Positive solicitation, took the initiative to eat the work of the excellent.

You must know that Fangzheng's animation industry has just started, and there is no guarantee that it will be piled up in the future.


The idea is good, but there are too many cases of halfway, and no one can guarantee Fangzheng's animation

The Empire will always be smooth sailing.

But under that circumstance, Yang Liyi resigned and squeezed her iron job.

, decided to come to the A club and became the first employee of Fangzheng Maxia to join!

If it weren't for the fact that the other party had a good impression, Yang Li would have made a pie for Fangzheng's casual painting.

Just resign?

And what bothers Zhang Siyu the most is that Yang Li knew Fang Zheng before her, even

Her entry into the A club was also introduced by Yang Li.

Although the two are very good friends, in Zhang Siyu's heart, he can have today

, Yang Li's recommendation at the time was due to her, and she was also very grateful to Yang Li.

Later, after getting along for a period of time, she was gradually attracted to Fangzheng, waiting for her to react.

When it came time, it was too late.

During that time, she worked frantically, working late every day, hoping to use this method

to anesthetize yourself.

Because she didn't want to interfere between Yang Li and Fang Zheng.

Yes, but as time went on, the feelings she suppressed in her heart became more and more unbearable.


Zhang Siyu was very distressed. From the day she discovered her feelings, she was very tired of it.

She hates herself like this, she feels that she is an out-and-out bad woman.

Zhang Siyu felt that he was a third party, a stumbling block between Wen Jin Yang Li and Fang Zheng.

This feeling has been haunting her for a long time, so that every time she sees Yang Li,

A subconscious feeling to avoid.

Yang Li asked her to eat and go shopping several times, but she was also blocked by her for various reasons (aeaj)

Go, because she really didn't know how to face Yang Li.

She felt like a traitor who had betrayed her friends, and she looked different!

However, feelings can't be suppressed. The more you suppress, the rebound afterward.

the more intense.

Looking at Fang Zheng under the Ferris wheel today, Zhang Siyu finally couldn't control the rush in his heart

Move, and invite Fang Zheng.

The two were alone. On the Ferris wheel with extremely strong symbolic meaning, Zhang Siyu retreated.


She still couldn't get past the hurdle in her heart.

"If only Fang Dong came to me and confessed, I wouldn't have to worry so much... Wood


Zhang Siyu looked at Fang Zheng's depressed expression, but felt a little inexplicably wronged in his heart!

According to her own observation, there are Yang Gong, Chen Xianting and herself who like Fangzheng.

, Chen Xianting has nothing to do with her, she can compete openly.

But Yang Li is different...  

"Okay, I don't need to look at this thing~

Saying that, Fangzheng returned the document to Zhang Siyu and asked her to put it away. As for Zhang Siyu, he

Still very trustworthy.

At least Zhang Siyu has been in office for so long.

No mistakes, that's enough.

Zhang Siyu took the document and didn't say much, and suddenly fell into silence in Liangji.

There was only the sound of the wind blowing slightly.

The atmosphere of the basketball crowd permeated between the two, but the expressions of the two were surprising.

Similar, they are all looking at the scenery outside in a daze.

Fang is waiting for Zhang Siyu to confess, and wants to experience a passive sense of refreshment.

And Zhang Siyu is waiting for Fangzheng's active choice, whether to choose her or Yang Li

, or Chen Xianting, no matter who she chooses, she can be regarded as getting an answer herself.

Whether or not the answer was what she expected.

The two people who were pregnant with each other were so silent until the Ferris wheel slowly turned around,

The two still did not speak.

A real-life version of a love-mind war is being staged here. …

The pavilion came to the bottom, and Fang Zheng and Zhang Siyu walked down from the top.

"Sister Li, why are you here?"

Zhang Siyu came out of the gazebo and saw Yang Li who was chatting with Chen Xianting.

His eyes could not help but dodge a little.

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