"It's not that crazy girl Fan Foil, who brought everyone under me to visit the playground.

Now, I'm not afraid that they are going crazy, come and call~

Yang Li said with a smile, looking at Fang Zheng walking side by side with Zhang Siyu, her eyes crossed for a moment.

wipe the pain.

But she hid it very well, and it was fleeting, even Zhang Siyu didn't notice it.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!! .

| voice | also

After Chapter [-], send wolfberry to Fang Da (for support)

Yang Li looked at Zhang Siyu and Fang Zheng, and her heart was full of bitterness.

After all, she was a step too late... She suddenly hated herself for avoiding weakness.

"Siyu congratulations~

However, in the face of her friends, Yang Li still sent her ~ blessings.

"Congratulations?" Fang Zheng heard Yang Li's words, and looked suspiciously at the slightly red face beside him.

Zhang Siyu, said: "Congratulations on what? -

"Of course, congratulations to you... um~"

Without waiting for Yang Li to finish speaking, Zhang Siyu stepped forward and slapped Yang Li's mouth, watching awkwardly.

Fang Zheng on the side said, "Sister Li, congratulations on the perfect completion of the amusement park."


The first sentence of Zhang Siyu was said by the other party, and the last sentence was said to Yang Li.

While talking, the madness winked.

Looking at Zhang Siyu's expression, Yang Li avoided it.

"Congratulations on the completion of the amusement park, so that the carnival will be even more lively~!"

Yang Li reacted and said with a smile, the huge boulder in her heart suddenly disappeared.

Dispersed, the whole person is much more relaxed.

Just now, she watched Fang Zheng and Yang Li get off the Ferris wheel together. To be honest, she felt in her heart at that moment.

Like a needle stick, I can't wait to escape from here immediately.

But looking at Zhang Siyu's expression at this time, it seems that the two have no meaning in that regard at all.

In other words, do you still have a chance?

Thinking of this, Yang Li breathed a sigh of relief, although Zhang Siyu was very sorry for thinking so,

But feelings are not something she can control.

If she can control her emotions, then she is not a normal person.

"That's a must, and you don't even look at who came up with this plan?!"

As soon as Yang Li's voice fell, Fangzheng took it in a very arrogant manner, as if he was too much.

It doesn't seem like it.

Suddenly he didn't know that in the eyes of the three women in front of him at this time, he was a fool, dumb, and wood!

People like you are too embarrassed to say that you are a master of love, but also embarrassed to teach your fans

How does silk get out of singleness?

In other words, only a person like Fang Zheng who responded late can create "The Size of Kaguya"

Sister Wants Me to Confess" is a plot that is both sand sculpture and anxious.

After a long time, it's not that Kaguya and Baiyin don't want to be together, it's all this guy himself

Add drama to the brain, crazy walk show skills.

A thing that can be solved with a flat A, Bishengsheng was supplemented by Fangzheng to make the audience's blood pressure

All skyrocketed.

Is love a war?

I think you yourself treat love as a war!

Still love master~ I spit, you are an out-and-out elm lump!

However, Fangzheng had no idea of ​​his image in Yang Li's mind at this time.

ee said: "Today, the chairman of the board is very happy, I invite you to a feast,


Saying that, Fangzheng took the lead and walked out of the amusement park without noticing what was behind him.

He He and Quan Kai collapsed, and followed up like an appointment.

"By the way, Xianting gave me my phone."

Fang Zheng took the phone, took a photo of the Ferris wheel behind him, and edited it.

A message was posted.

Afterwards, Fang Zheng, who was very generous and generous, said that he would invite the three girls to have a big meal.

The service car came all the way......the staff canteen of the headquarters building of company A.

"Today I am a treat, you can order whatever you want, what you want to eat 1"

The three girls looked at Fangzheng's shameless expression, and all of them squinted.

"Fang Dong, is this the feast you were talking about?"

Seeing the dangerous expressions of the three girls, Fang Zhengzhen argued: "My cafeteria is used for storage.

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