Fans ridicule Guan Bo Niang, but the daily ridicule is over, and everyone is most concerned

It is still the new work that Fangzheng is about to release.

For their two-dimensional fans, there is nothing more fun than chasing shirts, female

Not even friends! ! !

And for the news announced on the official blog, fans noticed two key words.

Reincarnation and Slime.

Fans will know after a little thought, this is probably another world theme, and

Unsurprisingly, the protagonist has a high probability of reincarnating as a slime.

"I have to say, the protagonist of Fang Da's different world theme is getting lower and lower~

"That's right, the first old skeleton classmate hangs up the sky, although he is outwitted by the air, but

I can't stand Fluorine~"

"Also Tanya, although she is always forced to do so, but people are also hanging up~"

"I really don't know what's so powerful about slime. Does Fang Da want skin again?"

"Farewell, my patience with that Pippi shrimp has reached the limit recently.

If the fruit is in the skin, I will really kill the magic capital!"

Fans are very impressed with Fangzheng's choice of slime as the reincarnation carrier of the protagonist.

Must be very confused.

Let's not talk about Laogu's kind of fluorine tycoon, you are reincarnated as a lion and tiger metaphor, which one doesn't

Stronger than slimes, why is there a weak primary monster hanging there?

The deepest impression of everyone on Slime is that the primary crusade quest in the game novice village

, One sword and one, and a critical strike can kill two with one sword.

With this kind of battle against the Five Tides, are you sure the protagonist can survive in another world? ?

But no matter how the fans complain, there is no expectation for this work at all.

weakened, even to see how Fangzheng described such a weak slime, everyone's expectations were reversed.

And some soar.

The consequence of the high expectations is that the majority of fans feel that time is passing very slowly.

Look at the watch, how come it took ten minutes to pass, and then look at the watch, why did it take half an hour to pass


Life is like a year, and it is appropriate to use this word to describe the mood of the majority of fans at this time.

Well, they'd rather fast-forward time if they could.

Finally, in the midst of the fans' endless calls, in the expectant little eyes of the audience

, everyone ushered in the premiere of the latest work of the A company.

0.…for flowers…

"Come on, come on, it's so terrifying!"

"Who says it's not, I'm not in the mood to fish at work today."

"Slime, sticky, emm~ I suddenly thought of something colorful!"

"On the way, you are so wrong!"

"233~ You are an old gentleman as soon as you speak, let's talk, I usually think about it~"

Amid the audience's teasing, "About My Reincarnation as a Slime" officially

It's on air.

As soon as the anime begins, it is a familiar world full of different world styles.

But at this time, what appeared in front of the audience was a sea of ​​fire.

Watching people flee in the fire, watching the ruthless flames devour a house

House, the beginning of the anime makes people feel a little dignified.

Especially watching a little human girl being devoured by fire, the audience is very excited about this other world.

The dangers of the world have a clearer understanding.

However, it is precisely because they know that this other world is dangerous, the audience is curious.

Facing this different world full of danger, slime is definitely a creature from the bottom.

Can such an ant-like existence really survive?

"What the hell, Fang Da, shouldn't come up, let the protagonist get the lunch, and then the anime will end~"

"There's no anime that ends in one episode~"

"Upstairs, just that Pippi shrimp, if you tell me it's over in a minute, I believe it!"

"Those things that Fang Da did... It seems that there is such a possibility!"

"Brothers, if that dog thief Fangzheng really wants us, what should I say this time?

Also go to the magic capital to teach him a lesson!"

Friend 1 hit!"

Fans are not optimistic about slimes, after all, the impression this thing gives everyone is that

They can trample to death several of them while walking, and they are so weak and pitiful.

People really don't know how to make slimes stronger

And this is still a very dangerous world, if the protagonist has his own thoughts,

I'm afraid I'll scold my mother when I see myself transmigrating into a slime.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please 1 ! 1 !! Knife.

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