Chapter [-] Did you see it, I can't marry a mother in a company at work! (Seeking support


Just when the audience felt happy for the protagonist who was about to be reincarnated as a slime and had never met

At the time, the animation camera turned and came to the modern city that the audience is very familiar with.

Kyoto, now!

Several large characters indicate the time and place of the anime at this time.

Then a tall middle-aged man with black broken hair appeared in front of everyone.

He was wearing a grey shirt with a white scarf around his neck.

This is Satoru, the main character of this anime!

Walking aimlessly and leisurely on the streets of a modern metropolis, looking at the street

Pedestrians come and go, watching the vehicles on the road constantly shuttle, everything seems to be that way.

so peaceful.

【It's so peaceful~】

Satoru looked at everything around him and said something full of emotion.

Indeed, there is nothing incompatible with the surrounding scene, be it pedestrians or

Regardless of the atmosphere of a modern city, everything "five three seven" gives a very peaceful feeling.

This is also the pride of every Xia people. Compared with foreign countries, their own family is really peaceful.

Come on, you don't have to worry about any man-made accidents when you walk on the street.

“I am proud to be a Kyoto native!”

"Some vomit, although the metropolis is indeed very prosperous, but as a wandering fighter

A family of workers, the world is so big that they have no home. "

"Why do I always feel that the male protagonist seems to have set up a very serious Flag! "

"You are so wise upstairs, even the blind can see it!"

"Fangzheng: How could there be an accident without the flag, and how can I be reincarnated without an accident? Is there any?

Have a brain!"

"Upstairs, there is an internal taste. If you can talk, just say a few more 1"

Fans complained when they heard Wu's 'It's really peaceful', although they admitted that domestic

It's really safe, but after reading the name of this anime, Satoru seems to have established a

Very serious Flag.

After all, the name of the anime is written with the real word 'reincarnation', so at this time

Although Satoru is feeling the peace of the city, his destiny has long been arranged clearly.


[Mediocre, ordinary life, graduating from college, and entering a fairly large ACG company

Si, a little accomplished, with a very good salary, a happy 37-year-old. 】

Listening to the male protagonist's self-report, the audience was speechless, and the corners of their mouths were twitching.

For Fangzheng's shamelessness to a higher level.

"I never imagined that this can be advertised?!"

"Tell me a joke: A pretty big ACG company."

"I can go to you, although the benefits of company A are indeed very good, but there is no need

Blow yourself up like that~"

"Put gold on your face?

"Fang Da, you are really skinny!"

Watching Fangzheng mention his company in the anime again, and it's still a special A

CG all spells, this has clearly told you that this company is talking about A company.

The audience felt helpless and amused at Fang Zheng's shameless move.

The welfare of company A is notoriously good. Many people work in company A for reasons, but

It is precisely because there are too many applicants that the recruitment of company A is extraordinarily strict.

If you have the ability to advertise, then you are really expanding the scale of recruitment. Look at the old man.

Are you going to apply for a job?

[If there is something missing, it means that I don’t have a girlfriend yet~ Having said that

, I've been single for 37 years, I don't have a girlfriend anyway, and it's not a problem...]]

Come, come, the audience in front of the screen listened to Wu saying that his mother has been soloing so far, and he is single 3

For 7 years, everyone sighed.

They knew that the topic of love and single dogs was inescapable.

Sooner or later, he may be late, but he is never absent!

"What's wrong with me... I can be critically hit by watching an alien fan??"

"Fang Da, you can be a person, I wonder if the single dog doesn't eat your rice~"

"Someone grows dim sum, cherish the current single dog fans, who will come to see if they have a wife

Your anime, aren't you afraid of going bankrupt?"

"You think too much upstairs, Fang Da has already started to make ideas for your next generation, you

Do you think Fang Da will go bankrupt?"

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