The successful people above, but put themselves and Ding Muyu on an equal footing.

PS: Thanks for the monthly passes of "[Game Life! ", "Heartache* Two Even", thanks to "183.…7

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I beg for the support of Dahua, please!! 1 !!

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Chapter [-] Unique corporate culture (seeking support)

Moreover, Ding Muyu worked for Fang Zheng all his life to really repay the high cost of treatment


Working for a lifetime is just a gift, Fang Zheng didn't want Ding Muyu to feel that he was

Giving alms, I don't want Ding Muyu to have any psychological burden.

And let Ding Muyu work in company A, it is better to say that it is to let the other party work to pay off

All-in-one and full-fledged work from Yu Fang.Let Ding Muyu support the follow-up recuperation


After all, Fangzheng can help her for a while, but not for the rest of her life.

"I used to dream of eating that Pippi shrimp, but now I doubt that I really

I saw Fang Da, can I still give it a go~

"Upstairs, Ding Muyu is just joking, you wouldn't think she really

Let me help you locate Fang Da~”

"233~ If you are looking for big trouble then, I am afraid that the first one will not agree.


"For Ding Muyu, Fang Da is her savior, what are you thinking?"

"An honest person is an honest person, like me, I never expect too much, after all, Fang Da's sexuality

Greg, do you think you can beat him?"

"I'm worried, old irons, can't I just imagine it?

04 Ding Muyu and Shen Anping are both fans of the two-dimensional circle, and they are also old fans.

There are even big bosses who broke the news that Ding Muyu's A club account has the 'unswerving'/

The title, this time fans are even more excited.

"Until death" is the highest symbol of iron fans. Back then, fans of Club A were alone on the Internet.

The legend of Chengjun has been talked about until now.

It is precisely because of this that fans have a clearer understanding of the phrase 'people can't look good'.

clear cognition.

It seems that a little girl who is gentle and gentle, did not expect that her fighting power in private would actually be able to

So powerful, even many bigwigs who consider themselves guardians of Zaun feel ashamed.

For people in their own circles, fans have sent their most sincere wishes,

As long as you like the second dimension, we are half-brothers and sisters.

For Ding Muyu's recovery, everyone felt happy from the bottom of their hearts.

As the creator of this miracle, Fang Zheng was immersed in his work at this time.

Reports and remarks on the Internet are completely ignorant.

where to take


The door of the office was pushed open, and Chen Woting walked in with a box in her hand.

"Fang Dong, this is a pennant sent by Ding Yingyu's parents in person.

Hearing Chen Ruxun's words, Fang Zheng raised his head and looked at the things in Yi and the other's hands, and then

asked curiously

"What about the other party?

Since they heard that Fang Li was writing, they said they were embarrassed to interrupt, and they got to know each other. I lost the needle and didn't believe it.


Chen Ruxun looked at Fangzheng. The security department of the headquarters called just now, saying that someone wanted to

After seeing Fangzheng, Chen Ruting went down and found out that it was Ding Muyu's parents

Chen Ruxun accompanied Fangzheng to Hangzhou that day. She handled many things in the hospital.

, Chen Xianting and Ding Quyu's parents are naturally no strangers.

Chen Ruting originally wanted to invite the two of them to the living room to rest, but after all, she had come all the way from Hangzhou.

The city is here, and you must be tired on the way.

But I heard that Fang was busy, the two old people asked Chen Ruting to express their gratitude, and then

He declined Chen Ruxun's invitation and left.

No matter how long the collision was, Yin He could only arrange for the company's driver to deliver the two elderly people to the

three horses

Fang Zheng avoided it, then shook his head with a wry smile.

For Ding Moyu's parents to leave, he somewhat understands some reasons

For Ding Yu as a parent, he is the chairman of a large company, not to mention

The situation is still the existence of such a behemoth in the eyes of ordinary people.

It is estimated that the two of them came here, and they were a little cautious because they were unfamiliar with each other.

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