Fangzheng understands this. In his previous life, when he went to some luxuriously decorated stores, he would feel

The details, not to mention those large enterprises, for ordinary people, that is completely

two worlds.

The company is big and has its own headquarters, which is naturally a good thing for the company

Love, but on the one hand, a little carelessness will give people a feeling of being arrogant and store boss

The feeling of cheating.

This is also why Fangzheng has always fought with fans from the time he founded the company to the present.

The main reason for becoming a piece.

He likes skin on the one hand, and on the other hand, he does his best to eliminate it.

This kind of separation makes the fans and A club form a whole, and the gap is not so obvious.

In Fangzheng's view, no matter how strong an enterprise is, as long as it is separated from the masses, it will

It must not go long.

Don't say who you are, what you are, and don't say you can't see it

From ordinary people, they think everyone is poor.

To put it badly, these ordinary people are the food and clothing parents who support the enterprise.

The first thing people do is to examine each other's xinxing and

If this person is too arrogant, too arrogant, sorry, even if you have

Talent I will not hire you.

Although Fangzheng is very lenient in the management of employees, but in terms of hospitality

Extremely strict.

In the communication between enterprises, you can be arrogant and treat them tactically, because

Doing so can put pressure on the other party, and it can also show your own


But for the general public, keep your high work for me!

It is impossible for a company's image to be maintained by him alone.

The problem of corrupting the image of Company A that he has worked so hard to build up because of a 213 employee.

And this concept of treating people with ease is also what Fangzheng has always emphasized. It is every member of A member

Workers keep it in mind.

This is also the maverick corporate culture that Company A is forming.

"Fang Dong, this pennant...?"

Fangzheng looked at the pennant in Chen Xianting's hand. To be honest, this was the first time he had ever seen each other.

to this thing.

But Fangzheng doesn't like high profile, some people like to hang pennants in their offices

, but he didn't want to.

How a person's inner and self-cultivation is, cannot be made up by a few pennants.

"Put it away and put it in the cupboard over there."

In the end, Fangzheng still did not hang up the pennant, he helped Ding Muyu only because

The other's love is not because of the other's return and gratitude.

As the carrier of the other party's gratitude, the pennant accepted it.

But let him use this as a show of capital, he really can't do it.

It's not that Fang Zheng is hypocritical and pretentious, but he really doesn't like it.

It is only after you die once that you realize that in your life, in addition to fighting for your own ideals,

Running around for the sake of life, and the rest is the kingly way.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please! ! ! .

| voice | also

Chapter [-] Feeling that slime has reached the peak of cancer (seeking support)

"About My Reincarnation as Slay's Mom" ​​continues to hit the air, and the audience is also Slay's mom

Attracted by that unique skill.

And today, the most unexpected thing happened to the audience, many gentlemen shouted to themselves

From now on become Slam.

It is said that after Sister Shi Cai left Dongshan, when she succeeded, she lost her first batch of friends from another world.

Friends - Goblins.

Goblins seem to be weak in the audience's impression, for fans who often play games

, the goblin is just a hemp that is slightly stronger than Sly Canlu.

Should we say this is the so-called League of the Underdogs?

If you don't consider Slime's bug-level 'predator' skill.

However, Slam strengthened the Goblin through his own abilities, and he was in the Goblin Village.

He has established his own base, and he can be regarded as a big leader.

And today, slime came to the kingdom of dwarves.

When it comes to the race of lovers, the biggest impression on people is that they are short and tall.

Prepared heroically.

In addition to these, the most memorable thing is their natural silver craftsmanship


The purpose of the slime coming here is naturally to build their own weapons for the goblin tribe.

In this way, the fighting power of the Goblin tribe will be further enhanced, and the maximum amount of time will be ensured.

brother's safety.

Dwarves are also worthy of the best craftsmanship in the world. According to Smom's wishes, they were made.

A Majing long sword.

Because of the use of magic ore, this sword can conduct the user's hemp well.

Powerful, its shape even a layman can see that the craftsmanship is great.

Because of helping the dwarf craftsman's work, the slime was pulled by the dwarves to celebrate together.

【Celebration? Don't be so polite. ]

[There are many beautiful elf sisters Ken~]

Elf? ! !

Hearing this, Slime felt a sigh of relief, and the expression on He He's face changed a little.

If the dwarves are famous for their silver, then the elves rely on being close to nature.

Beauty is famous all over the world.

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