As a sole proprietorship of Founder, Company A can only adjust its financial power with the consent of Founder.

Use, some small capital flows Zhang Siyu can call the shots, but like the previous projects

Project funds, such a huge amount of funds can only be allocated with the consent of Fang Zheng himself.


Looking at Zhang Siyu's expression that he didn't seem to be lying to himself, Fang Zheng could only accept this helplessly.


"Fang Dong, now it's less than a month away from June,

Do you think we should also warm up for the animation carnival?"

Zhang Siyu looked at Fangzheng and frowned slightly.

According to common sense, many companies will publicize such large-scale festivals in advance, such as

It was the first time that Fang Zheng was in no hurry at all.


Aren't you afraid of falling into the embarrassing situation of no one patronizing the anime carnival? ?

"Preheating? Didn't it start early?"

Fang Zheng quickly browsed the documents in his hand and replied without looking back.

already started?

Zhang Siyu slows down the question mark, has it started? Why doesn't she know?

After thinking for a while, Zhang Siyu looked at Fangzheng with some remarks, and said cautiously.

"Fang Dong, wouldn't you say that the news you and Qin Dongsu posted before was a warm-up

National treasure

"if not?""


Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Zhang Siyu slapped himself on the forehead.

She knew that she shouldn't have any expectations that the other party was holding, this person

Already lazy to a certain point!

"Fang Dong, at least there is a lot of speculation on the Internet, and some conspicuous posts should be posted on the street.

The altitude, the worst, those billboards have to put on some advertisements~”

Can the advertising company of the eight immortals and the prosperous Mei Na go to the Northwest

Is it windy?

Hearing Zhang Sishi's words, Fangzheng raised the corner of his mouth slightly and looked at the other party with a smirk.

"Since you have such an idea, then this matter is left to you, and I will let all departments

The door suits you, go get ready~"

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Zhang Siyu stared at him dumbfounded.

Why does it always feel like something is not right?

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!! Long time.

meet | do | also

Chapter [-] Unique publicity plan (seeking support)

Fangzheng had a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, and the corner teacher saw Zhang Siyu, a rare habitual expression.

Love, a sense of accomplishment arises spontaneously in my heart.

As the CEO of company A, Zhang Sishi has always been a strong woman, handling affairs.

The love is also very indifferent and orderly. It is the first time Fang Zheng has seen such an expression today.

It turns out that Zhang Siyu also has the side of a little woman~

This discovery makes Fang Zheng feel proud, and he is still too handsome~


Zhang Sishi reacted and watched Fang Zheng working seriously beside the office bundle.

look, both angry and funny.

She didn't believe that Fangzheng would not have a warm-up plan for animation Xiang Nianhua, others did not

Yes, but she has done so much work for Fangzheng, but she knows Fangzheng's

How fancy is the anime carnival.

If it is said that "One Seven Seven" Fangzheng doesn't care about this animation carnival, it is definitely a lie!

Zhang Siyu can make a deal, and Fangzheng may steal his jaw from other jobs and do a

Throwing away the shopkeeper, but for the anime carnival, he will never be lazy

Fangzheng began to prepare for this almost a year ago, and until now, light

From this, it can be seen that Fangzheng is definitely serious.

Not to mention, Company A invested almost [-]% of its income in this animation.

among the years.

Of course, it can't be said that this animation carnival can make A company return to its original price. This is impossible.

Yes, just know that the money spent on building those anime-themed buildings

is an astronomical number.

Even if this animation carnival is successful, it is impossible to recover the cost in a short time.

, who knows this.

But those buildings aren't disposable either, after the anime carnival is over.

, they still exist and can still provide continuous income for Company A

In the long run, this transaction will be profitable, unless the company A goes bankrupt one day


"So, Director Fang, do you really have no plans?"

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