Fangzheng looked up and looked at Zhang Siyu's calm expression, his eyes were very calm, imitating

The Buddha has already eaten him

At this time, Zhang Sishi gave people the feeling that he was extremely intelligent, as if he had seen through it a long time ago.

Cut like.


Seeing Zhang Siyu returning to a normal state, Fang Zheng felt a little lost for no reason.

"There are plans, but you need to implement them."

Fang Zheng put down the document in his hand, and he felt dizzy just after reading one.

, so many documents, after reading he can drive to the west.

Sure enough, I may not really be suitable to be a boss, at least in terms of work.

He is ineligible.

When Zhang Siyu heard Fangzheng's words, he spit out a word in Tongdi.

There was a time when I wasn't running errands, she had expected that.

"Siyu, if it were you, what would you choose?"

Zhang Siyu frowned slightly, the warm-up of the animation carnival, no matter how good the packaging was,

In fact, its essence is propaganda.

Propaganda is advertising, so Zhang Siyu still prefers traditional advertising methods


"My words may choose a combination of media, the Internet, and reality."

Needless to say, the media is a very familiar carrier for pushing advertisements.

Whether it is a mobile phone, a TV or a computer, even the display screen in the elevator and the moving car can be used.


As a daily life mainly used by young people for entertainment and communication, the Internet is also very important.

An important propaganda link cannot be ignored, and its effect is even greater than that of the media.

So what she values ​​most is the Internet.

The second is reality, posters, flyers, and even cooperation with major travel agencies.

All are within the scope of Zhang Siyu's consideration.

"Mainly online propaganda, assisting the media, reality, and even if possible, I think we

Complete works of birthday and birthday people, let them take the initiative to introduce our animation carnival to tourists

Zhang Si Shi organized his own language, looked at Fang Zheng, and said calmly.

"Even if I can, I think it's necessary to pay for some media to hype,

Raise the heat, the higher the better. "

Hype, although the name is very ugly, and even has the suspicion of deceiving the general public, but

As an advertisement, as a means of publicity, it was undoubtedly very successful.

People like to eat melons, so the hype undoubtedly caters to this mentality of the public, so

A lot of the hype will come to fruition, and at very little cost.

Of course, hype also has a degree of problem, this degree needs to be controlled well, and the intensity is lighter

The effect of propaganda cannot be achieved, the intensity is heavy, let alone propaganda, Li is afraid that it will also cause popular

The disgust of the common people, the disgust of people, and thus have the opposite effect.  …

After listening to Zhang Si Shi's words, Fang Zheng nodded slightly.

Zhang Siyu's propaganda plan is quite satisfactory, which is also the main propaganda used by many people at the moment.

Transmission methods, such as new products launched by some companies, or a certain traffic star.

If you look at it as an outsider, whether it is a new product or a star

, their propaganda methods are nothing more than these methods.

Hype is easier, find a conflicting, sharp topic and go crazy

Self-directed and self-acted, and finally induced the general public to participate, so no matter the topic

True or not, their purpose has been achieved.

"Fang Dong, do you have any good plans?"

Zhang Siyu looked at Fangzheng, seeing that Fangzheng just nodded but had no other expression, and immediately

I knew that Fang Zhengli was afraid that it had already been planned.

Although she often complains about Fang Zheng throwing her hands at the boss, she likes to be lazy, and she is even steel

Straight man, but he still admires Founder's unrestrained creativity and brains that day.

For the time being, Fang Zheng's achievements in the field of animation are unparalleled, that is, Fang Zheng before.

The launch of figures, soft music concerts, and even the creation of animation exclusive festivals, who can

Want to get it?

Maybe Founder mentioned that you think 4.4 is nothing, but why can't you think of it?

This is the problem of creativity, and Fangzheng is undoubtedly a very innovative


She is too familiar with Fangzheng.

It was because of her familiarity that she had expectations for some of Fangzheng's plans.

, and now.

PS: Thank you for "heartache* two," one with our lost youth", "151.......79"

, "You're wrong, young man", "You're the one behind", "Akira Cangzhi," the monthly ticket for "Abandoning Therapy",

Thank you "Heartache * Liang Shi, "qq57....48", *Xixing Temple Yuanyouyouzi", "180...26"

, "134....31" reward, thank you for your support!!!

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