Chen Gan and Qi Yu looked at each other, and both of them had a strong sense of disbelief in their eyes.


Although the influence of the two-dimensional circle is gradually expanding, it is far from reaching the

The extent to which this affects reality, let alone the transit system.

But at this time, these things were really defeated in front of them, and he couldn't help it.

They don't believe it.

"Old Chen, do you think this is due to Fang Da's restraint?"

"Sure, besides Fang Da, who else has such great energy and cards, and moves

Isn't the carnival coming soon, I guess Fang Da is promoting it~"

While speaking, the screen above the bus corridor lights up, playing the morning news.

[Today, the Modu Traffic Administration issued regulations that do not affect safe driving and vehicles

Under the responsibility of the established shape, private cars are allowed to be refitted. At present, in the magic city

The chain stores of the itching car modification have been fully rolled out, respectively in… 】

Listening to the broadcast in the news, Chen Qian and Qi Yu were full of poetry.

Painful car?

What is this?

The two of them couldn't understand as the old two-dimensional, let alone the other passengers in the car.

In this regard, everyone is talking about it, and everyone has a lot of opinions about this sudden news.

Some things are cloudy and foggy.

[Itachi was first proposed by Fang Zheng, Chairman of ACG Animation Culture Company, aiming at the wide

Big two-dimensional fans, cleverly combining two-dimensional elements with vehicles such as cars...  


[Itachi modification is also called itage because it is similar to a human tattoo.

The city's public transportation system and taxi system have been fully refitted, and A society has cooperated with each other.

The general department and other related departments are in the process of refitting the manual car group.

The city will usher in an earth-shaking cultural change. ]]

[In addition, the animation carnival held by Company A will open on June [-] for ten days

, the majority of two-dimensional friends and friends who like to travel should not miss it. ]

With the news broadcast on the LCD screen, everyone gradually understood what was going on.


As a native of Modu, everyone is very concerned about Club A, which has been in the limelight recently in Modu.

I've never heard of it. After all, this company will make a big move when there is something wrong, so that it has become a

A frequent visitor to online media and news.

"~~Living model, Fang Da, this is really a big deal~"

Qi Yu sighed in shock, the excitement in his heart was indescribable.


"Old Chen, you (Zhao Dehao) look! Look!"

At this moment, Chen Gan excitedly pulled Qi Yu's socks and motioned him to look out the window.

I saw another bus approaching from the window, Chang Ran and the bus they were riding in.

The pattern of the delivery sticker is different, but Qi Yu can still see it at a glance.

That's Dai Wei and others from the work "Light Sound Girl)" by A Club.

"The tea party after school has come out, lying down, there are taxis over there.

Is it my promotional poster for "Camp according to the skin"? 3

"And that one, I have a private car that I have printed on Queen Esdes, this is

Rente must be a choice MI

"It's getting old, are these beasts moving so fast? The news that was just released this morning, now

It’s just finished, and it’s even at the foot of Tianyi Mountain, damn it! Beast!”

Chen Hua just kept going, like a country boy when he first came to the city.

PS: Lu asks the big guys for a lot of support, until 1 1 1 1

Country | Voice | Three

Chapter [-] The streets are full of painful cars (for support)

Chen Gan and Qi Yu looked at each other with deep envy in their eyes.

Meimo, those beasts with cars, envy those beasts who have painstakingly modified cars!

At this moment, the two of them turned into lemon essence, sour and sour, so much so that they both forgot

My destination, I sat and stood.

When he got off the bus, Chen Qian thought he had been shocked enough today.

But he didn't know himself until a couple on a bicycle walked past him.

Wrong, outrageously wrong.

Looking at the publicity sea of ​​"Miss Kaguya wants me to confess" on the rim of the opponent's bicycle

According to the newspaper, Chen Gan and Qi Yu, the two elders, were inexplicably fed in the early morning.

Very nosey dog ​​food.

"Scared! Why don't you push the bike around, what are you showing off?"

Qi Yu complained in a rather sour tone, and his face was full of ignorance, but although the words were as

Taro, his eyes have been moving with other people's bicycles, and he can't move away.


"Old Chen, are you still shopping?"

"No more shopping, how about you?"

"Wait around and go back and push the bike~!"

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