I want the two of them to be surprisingly unanimous.

Although they don't have cars, they have bicycles.

It's cool to modify the bike~

Today's magic capital seems to be extraordinarily novel. This international metropolis seems to be overnight.

It has entered a two-dimensional era in general.

You can see Mercedes-Benz's pain cars in the streets and alleys, and the pain cars with unique styles suck

attracted the attention of many people.

The billboards on both sides of the street are also covered with posters of the animation carnival.

On the big screen of , there are fans who say Tian Yiqin promotes the animation carnival in person.

Many people came together in the morning, looking at the completely changed Magic City, one by one they shouted


Many people even wondered if they had crossed over, or if they had slept halfway.

a world?

Otherwise, how did the magic capital change so much in one night?!

Almost every corner of the magic capital is filled with two-dimensional elements.

The impact of the two-dimensional cultural atmosphere has inspired many two-dimensional fans.

They came home one by one, put on their favorite fan costumes, and walked swaggeringly.

On the street, he doesn't care about the eyes of others.

There is no doubt that today's demons belong to the second dimension. As a second dimension fan, this

When is not a carnival?

Many media are scrambling to report on the jaw-dropping change in the magic capital.

All of a sudden, the reports about the second element of the magic city spread rapidly, and it became popular almost in the morning.

all over the country.

"I contact, the old man is sour~"

"I came from a small fourth-tier city and left tears of envy~

"Nima, Guangdu is about to take off~"

"Fang Da is popular! The second dimension is popular!"

"I control, this is the pain car that the Internet says, too Nima Indica!"

Looking at the reports on the Internet about the Modu area, fans in many other provinces and cities are sour

Now, one by one, they are shouting that the city where they are located will also popularize the pain car.

But obviously this is unlikely, at least the actions of company A can't be so fast,

And not all places are as tolerant as the magic capital.

On the Internet, many people have come to show their pain car modification on major platforms and forums


Looking at the vehicles full of two-dimensional style, the fans cheered and jumped.

While bus and taxi systems are unlikely to be widespread, private car retrofits are unlikely to be widespread.

It is possible, after all, the Demon Capital has already started a pilot test.

Once there are no leaks, it will not be far off to allow the modification of pain cars nationwide.

Thinking of this, many fans with cars are all beaming with joy, and they are all excited.

Just waiting for the traffic department to issue a notice.

And those fans (aead) who don't have a private car, take the second place and put their own small electric

It is also possible to modify donkeys and bicycles, and the cost is relatively small.

Many people were surprised by the move of Company A.

As for Fang Zheng's genius idea, almost everyone was dumbfounded.

What can it be like?

Let the masses advertise you for free, and it's all voluntary!

"Who said Fang Da wanted pigeons before, come out and be beaten!"

"If you don't move, you're done. The movement is amazing. It's really worthy of Fang Da, this is really too big~"

"I never dreamed that I could do this. Fang Da is a genius!"

Village "Let's not talk about it, the old lady is in the magic capital, and she will drive her car to the chain store after get off work for a while to change it.

"Envy the old man upstairs from the Demon City~"

On the Internet, the discussion about the pain car remains high, and correspondingly, the A company

The animation carnival held has naturally attracted a lot of attention.

It can be said that this is only the first day, and Fangzheng's idea of ​​advertising through the pain car has been realized.

In addition, for the modification of pain car, company A, as the authorizing party, can also get a lot of money

Income is simply a matter of one stone.

"Fang Dong, there is a lot of voices on the Internet about the pain car, our plan has been successful! "

Guangdu, Zhu Yuan, Office of the Chairman of Company A.

Zhang Siyu's tired face couldn't hide his excitement.

Husband, it really made her too busy to know the time.

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