Fortunately, her efforts were not in vain. Seeing that the Itachi plan went so smoothly, she even took

The results have exceeded her expectations, and she feels that all her efforts are worth it.

And this is the first day of the Itachi plan to start~

“As expected, don’t make a fuss!”

Fang Zhengkuo looked at Zhang Siyu in order to fill the cup, and sat calmly on his boss chair.

To be honest, Fangzheng never thought that the promotion of Itachi would be so smooth at first.

I thought there would be some trouble.

Three after all, the impression he had in his previous life was really too deep, and he was inevitably affected.

But fortunately, from the very beginning, he paid great attention to improving the image of otaku culture, and even

In today's public's tolerance for the second dimension is much better than in the previous life.

Chang Ran will still be pointed at when he drives into the street in pain, but in young people

Among the groups, there is already a trend of this kind of pain car.

"Continue to increase publicity efforts, these cartoon carnivals I want to make a good start!"

Fang Zhengzhi looked at Zhang Siyu with satisfaction. He had prepared for the animation carnival for half a year.

Many plans are also his long-term dreams, and it is also an important part of his two-dimensional holy land.

Ring, absolutely nothing can go wrong!

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!! 1 !!

Division | Bar | Three

Chapter [-] Want to learn to dance (for support)

"Okay Fang Dong, I will continue to promote the promotion of Anime Love!

After Zhang Siyu finished speaking, he discussed some details with Fang Zheng, and then left the office.

After sending Zhang Siyu away, Fang Zheng sat on the chair for a moment, and then seemed to think

something, and then got up and walked out of the office.

Company A headquarters, voice actor department

(Fang Donghao

(Hello Fang Dong!

Along the way, the staff department that Shan arrived at greeted Fangzheng until Fangzheng came to Sheng~you


(Fang Dong, why are you here 3"

Fang Zheng just walked into the training room of the seiyuu department when Yang Li saw him and immediately walked up-

greet him before

"I'm here to find Qin Banglin, where's that little girl? There will be no one who steals his jaw and goes to watch anime

al- huh?"

Fang Zheng greeted Yang Gong with a smile, and then looked at the training room for a moment, but he didn't.

I saw the figure of the girl Feng Gonglin.

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, the smile on Yang Li's face was a little stiff, but she was quickly hidden by her.


"Thai Zhehua may be in the short-circuit rehearsal room, and the Bikuang Carnival has her program."

After speaking, Yang Li looked at Fang Zheng curiously and asked after a while, "I don't know Fang Dong.

Do you have anything to do with Lin Hua?"

"Hahaha, no, it's just a little private matter, you can do your own thing, I'll take care of it myself

Just go.

Fang Zheng faced Yang He's inquiry and casually called haha.

Of course he has something to do with Tai Huimo, otherwise he is also a chairman, although

He is a hands-off shopkeeper, but he is also very trustworthy.

'That. Okay Jade

Yang Li's voice was a little low, but Fang Zheng didn't notice the change in Yang Li's mood.

Female Yang Gong said goodbye, and Fang Zheng walked directly to the Wulu rehearsal room without seeing any

Behind him, Yang Li's expression was very stiff, and her face was even paler.


The joy of decentralization at the beginning faded, replaced by a full belly

When Fangzheng arrived, she thought Fangzheng was here to find her, but she turned out to be affectionate

And looking at Fangzheng's appearance, he seems to be interested in Qin Subo...

Yang Li looked at Fang Zheng's back, hit her foot, and then turned around and entered her office.

On the other hand, Fang Zheng had no idea that he had hurt someone unintentionally.

I came to the dance rehearsal room like a thief, and saw the dance rehearsal in the room.

At the end of Qin foil.

"Fang Dong, why are you here?"

When Liu Ying saw Fangzheng coming in, she hurriedly stepped forward to say hello.

Very different.

You know, since the company A moved its headquarters, Fangzheng has rarely come to the seiyuu department, let alone

Speaking of dance rehearsal rooms.

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